This can happen to you, too [READ]


New member
I received this text from a fellow called Frank Sottile, in Austin. I know him from another gun forum. The text is rather disjointed - he doesn't write all too well - but basically the man was accused of violating a stupid gun law, won the lawsuit, but lost everything he had – house, job, wife – in the process.

He can be contacted at [email removed] if you want to confirm the truth of this sad tale.

I hope this makes you angry. You should be.

Saturday, 18th December 2004

Cecil Akisson Motors 512- 392- 4300
2701 South IH 35
San Marcos, Texas 78666

Gabriel Vega, Service Advisor, Ext.222

Texas DPS Web Site
LS-16 Concealed Handgun Statutes & Related Weapons Laws
CR-1 Sign Posting
Texas Administrative Code, Title 37, Part 1, Chapter 6, Subchapter D. - NO LONGER EXITEST.$ext.ViewTAC?tac_view=4&ti=37&pt=1&ch=6

When I got to the door I notices this non-compliant sign on the door, I told Gab that was why I could not come inside the shop. I remember pointing to were the sign is located as I held the door open. Gab came out with his clip board, looked at the sign and remarked that he never noticed it. We than walked to the driver’s side of my truck.

After I had told Gab I was carrying, I shown him my CHL, which was in my left hip pocket. He then asked me if I would leave the pistol in the truck, I told him I could not, as both the Glove Box and Center Console do not have locks.

I than told Gab that I was leaving and I walked off of the Dealership. I remember walking around a bit, walking across the street and noticing that no one was doing anything with my truck when Sam drove in.

Seeing me standing there by the service drive, Sam waved at me. I returned the wave, he said something but I could not hear him. He came over to see what was going on. I asked him if he was a manager or could get one for me. He asked why and I explained what had happen. I recall that is about when the S.M.P.D. showed up.
the S.M.P.D. showed up. I was arrested and taken to the Hays County Jail.

The Charges:
The first, "Unlawful carrying of a handgun by a license holder."

The second, "Trespass by the holder of a Concealed Handgun License."

It would be over two years before my day in Court would come. In those two
years I would lose everything I had ever worked for. Indeed a very high
price to be forced to pay.

The Outcome;
The first, "Unlawful carrying of a handgun by a license holder."
--> NOT Guilty! via Jury Trial on Feb. 28, 2007.

The second, "Trespass by the holder of a Concealed Handgun License."
--> Dismissed! Mar. 26, 2007.

The cost;
1- My job, when it was discovered that I had been arrested, I was told my
services were no longer needed.
2- My House, being unable to find employment with a "Pending Jury Trail," I
was unable to make the payment on my house and it was foreclosed.
3- My Wife, not being able to handle the stress of this ordeal anymore left
me to fend for myself.
4- Very deep and long lasting Depression, after all I lost everything I ever
worked for, gone.

Having sold off all of my possessions (of any value), I am now living (if
one could call this living) Penniless, in a Cockroach and Flea infested Slum
of an apartment complex located in San Marcos, Texas. Right now I am
managing to live (if you call this living) on $5 a day, as that is all that
is left from my V.A. Disability check each month. But there is no money to
live on, many days I do not eat anything, as I can not afford to. To stretch
out what food I do have, I try to only eat something every other day. I have
been told this is not good, but it is all I can do to stay alive. But this
is the price I paid for my Freedom, Freedom is NOT cheap.
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New member
When I got to the door I notices this non-compliant sign on the door


After I had told Gab I was carrying, I shown him my CHL, which was in my left hip pocket. He then asked me if I would leave the pistol in the truck, I told him I could not, as both the Glove Box and Center Console do not have locks.

Double uh-oh!!


New member
What was the non-conforming sign?

It seems this story is starting in the middle. Is there a complete version somewhere?


New member
Texas apparenlty allows business owners to ban CCW on their property, but thereis a specific kind of sign that must be used to denote this.


New member
You can legally carry a gun, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to tell everybody about it. If they can't see it, it's not there. That's your story, better stick to it.

In Texas, unless the store personnel tell you "no guns" verbally and in person, they have to post a sign and the sign has to be exactly right as clearly described in the law. Almost nobody has the right sign. I've only seen correct ones at hospitals.


New member
You can legally carry a gun, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to tell everybody about it. If they can't see it, it's not there. That's your story, better stick to it. [/QUOTE

Correct, simply go elsewhere, common sense in a senseless world.


New member
If I see a sign on a business stating no weapons allowed, I'm certainly not going to show someone I am carrying and ask them to make an exception. I'll just take my business somewhere else. I feel sorry for the guy in the story however. It's sad, that's for sure. It certainly seems like the whole thing could have been avoided though.


New member
When I was visiting a friend in Dallas, we went to a Frys Electronics that has a compliant sign. I left my weapon in the car, as did my friend.

Here in Florida, signs carry no legal weight. I ignore them, but that does not mean drawing attention to myself by announcing that I carry. Concealed weapon means exactly that.


New member
He can be contacted at frank-sottile @ if you want to confirm the truth of this sad tale.

But there is no money to
live on, many days I do not eat anything, as I can not afford to. To stretch
out what food I do have, I try to only eat something every other day.

I feel for him but if I were so broke I could only afford to eat every other day I would be canceling my Road Runner account. I'd probably sell of the computer too. I would also be out looking for a job instead of posting on gun message boards.
You know, the notion of be able to email the originator of this tale as a means of verifying its authenticity is laughable. Of course he will claim it is true - he created the story.
What's hard to believe about this? A man trying to do the right thing got screwed.

Simple, most men trying to do good don't get screwed. This just sounds like so many stories where the claim is that the person was doing nothing wrong and then all of a sudden they get busted for no apparent reason and then their whole life is ruined.

He lost his job, his house, his wife, but manages to live on $5 a day but as noted, has managed to keep his Roadrunner account as noted. Amazing.

And what is with the original post claiming that this could happen to us? It reads like more emotional ploys that the big bad system is out to get gun owners and here is another example so you need to read it to know what could happen to us...then you read it and find out it is some unverifiable sob story and no helpful information to actually help keep this from happening to us.

Now, is the reason for putting in the guy's email address really so that we can contact him directly and find out if the story is true or is it meant as a means for us to contact him so that we can send him some cash to help him out of his situation? Why would there be the diatribe about how broke he is and how hard he has it if the purpose wasn't to get money? That really is the goal of the story, to raise money, is it not? The guy isn't asking for help in changing the law or isn't trying to do anything against the dealership. I take it that it was somebody at the dealership that reported him? Why else would he list the dealership name?

Of course, there is the endorsement to help confirm for us that the story is true. MicroBalrog has vouched for Frank. Who can argue with such an endorsement? He know him from another gun forum! In other words, he no more knows him than y'all know me or most of you know each other. We are nothing but names on a screen from cyberspace.

What is this other gun board where Frank posts? Has Frank documented his story there as it was happening?

Sorry, it just sounds like a tear-jerking urban myth or scam.


New member
Simple, most men trying to do good don't get screwed.

Yes, the world is an awesome place all covered in roses and daffodils.

Get real. People trying to do the right thing get screwed all the time.

This just sounds like so many stories where the claim is that the person was doing nothing wrong and then all of a sudden they get busted for no apparent reason and then their whole life is ruined.

Of course not. It never happens. People’s lives never get ruined by overzealous prosecutors, police officers, DA’s, bureaucrats etc. That simply never happens. The world is a perfect place.

Now, is the reason for putting in the guy's email address really so that we can contact him directly and find out if the story is true or is it meant as a means for us to contact him so that we can send him some cash to help him out of his situation?

Well, he hasn’t asked me for any money.

What is this other gun board where Frank posts?

Note that I no longer post there for ages.


New member
Since DA's and judges are elected, do they get much scrutiny by the electorate on 2A stance? It seems to me that they hold a lot of the cards, but I for one haven't heard much issue raised about them being pro-self defense or not when voting time comes around. Is that the case where you are?


New member
I'm not in the US. However, the point stands, the 'system' screws over people on a regular basis. That's why it's called the 'system'.:D