Thinking of Selling My AK....



$500-700? You are kidding right?

No...I'm not...

Serioulsy, I used to collect baseball cards and the pricing was based off the many price lists published in magazines for collectors. The reality is finding someone who will pay that price. Hell, if you can sell a less than $400 rifle for $500 to $700 more power to you


New member
I have two AK's. One like your Romanian and an old preban Norinco 56S. Both in pristine condition. I see the prices of these things flopping up and down in our market here. My WASR was bought for 350.00 and came with beautiful Russian Furniture, laminated. I have been offered 500 bucks for it last week I was home before coming back across the pond. I was offered $1000.00 for the 56S. Have curtailed all gun sales until I see what is going to happen next year with the laws. Never know.
Tuttle8, I wonder what B&B would give you for it. There is a gun show upcoming in Maquoketa on Jan 16/17/18 2009. U could walk it around there?

I never cared for wanderers that tried to sell this way. Don't want to be that person. But, if I do still have it, maybe I could get a decent trade for a gun there. Maquoketa isn't too far from my house.

Serioulsy, I used to collect baseball cards and the pricing was based off the many price lists published in magazines for collectors.

And that's your problem. The prices you're referring to is published in mags. Prices on these types of guns are outpacing what a "bluebook" can publish accurately based on what the market is. Right now, it's too dynamic to rely on "bluebooks".

The reality is finding someone who will pay that price. Hell, if you can sell a less than $400 rifle for $500 to $700 more power to you

I've shown several threads of the asking prices that you doubted me on. There's statements on this thread and dealers claiming sales in these figures. The reality isn't finding someone who will pay the price. The reality is people ARE paying these prices....


New member
Kristop's my name tradings my game;)
I have seen these sell for $650 all the way up to $850(that's right $850) down here in the Show-me-State. Seems like a lot of the hubub is dying down, as the inital shock is wearing off.
I'd love to tell ya to take the high road and sell it for a $25-50 profit, instead of a $400 profit, but I got my ass nailed to the wall a few weeks ago for coming off so self righteous.

If you are going to sell, list it on Gunbroker, set the reserve to make your money, and let the auction do the rest. I traded a Yugo AK 6 mos ago, now I am wishing I had it, this is why:

I had basically the same AK, this one is nothing special, just a kit gun, with a steamroller of luck pushing it. It's the exception to the rule, but it exists.

In all reality, I would hold on to it, till the POTUS has enacted an inkling of a ban, then you would be sitting on a possible gold mine. just my .$02, but like I said, trading/buying is my hobby.

OR, go with your gut;)



Not 2 minutes ago I got off the phone with Dunhams Sports. They are selling brand new WASR-10's with 2 mags, cleaning kit, trigger lock, and sling for $399.

So while yes, people are paying $400 to over $750, they surely don't have to. If you can find someone who will pay what you want go for it. As for me I would head down to Dunhams and get a brand new one for less than $400.

A thought just occurred to me and maybe this is why people are willing to pay a premium price for a used WASR-10 from a private party...lack of a paper trail. That might make paying a ridiculously high amount for this rifle seem logical to some.

Either way, good luck on the sale of your rifle. Hopefully the right person will come along and be willing to pay what you wish for your rifle.

Maybe I should go buy a couple and sell them on for a profit. Then I could go buy 2 more for myself and still have made a sizable amount of money for other gun related purchases.
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