Thinking of Selling My AK....

I've always posted in the past chiding members to never ever sell their firearms. Well, I'm sitting on the fence pondering if I should keep my AK or be a hypocrite.

I got it last year about this time. It's a Romainian WASR-10 with 2 30rd. mags. Laminate furniture, sling, tool/cleaning kit. There was only 200 rounds fired through it...106 from the original owner, 94 from me. There's nothing wrong nor has there been mods done to it.

I bought it to see what all the hub-bub was about with these guys. To be honest, it just doesn't do it for me. Bolt guns are my passion I guess.

What kind of price do you think an AK of this description should go for an honest price? I know this is a subjective question and laws of supply/demand are in play. However, I don't want to be a price gouger. On the same token, I'm not giving the thing away, either. Otherwise, I'm just keeping it.

I've done some searching on ar15's forum and a couple of dealers. The prices seem to range wildly from $300-$700.

What do you guys think?


New member
450 is a good number for what you ask, but the local "supply and demand" effect may change it one way or another. If you wait you can probably get more for it down the road.

I would keep it for a while, and maybe trade straight up for a firearm that you are more interested in.

I had a Saiga 308 that I just never seemed to shoot, it got traded for something that I shoot pretty regularly.

I would keep it for a while, and maybe trade straight up for a firearm that you are more interested in.

This is another avenue that I've thought straight up for another gun or +-cash.


New member
I also own a Romanian AK WASR 10. I've only shot 100 rounds through it and I like it just fine but I own two AKs and I'm thinking that 1 may be enough for me. In my area a gun show will be coming through in about two weeks and I'm going to try and sell it for $700 but I'm thinking it will most likely go for around $500 but who knows.


New member
I'd sit on it for a never know where the gun market will go, but we all know it can only go up.

If you just put it in a gun case and stash it in the back of your closet, you may find (1) you need it, (2) you get the itch to go play with it, or (3) you are sitting on a rifle with hi cap mags that can no longer be purchased new and is a gold nugget.

Hope you end up making the right decision for you-



New member
I can understand not wanting to be a "war profiteer" cashing in on some people's current hysteria. The $450-500 range seems fair, as long as you're at least getting your money back out of it at that price.

You could sit on it and wait and see where the market goes, but I think that's kind of a roll of the dice. If Obama and the Democratic congress enact a new AWB, value of the rifle could jump dramatically. On the other hand, a new ban might outlaw person to person sales (I may be misremembering but I think the recent proposed bans like HR1022 mentioned this), or otherwise interfere with realizing that increased value.
You have some good points, ThreeSteps.

I know I could sit on it and may make several hundred dollars more, but how much money I can squeeze out of it isn't my main objective. Call me stupid, but even though someone may be willing to pay $1000 for it in 6 months, I don't think I can sell it in good conscience. It's a fine gun, don't get me wrong. But, it isn't like this is a Les Baer or something. I'm looking to make a decent profit along with making the buyer sure he good an honest deal.

If I haven't had the itch to do anything after a year, I don't think I will in the future. Believe me, you could be right. There's just as bad feelings of seller's remorse as buyer's...
you are sitting on a rifle with hi cap mags that can no longer be purchased new and is a gold nugget.

I didn't know that. I thought they are still made new and can still be imported.
do you NEED the money.

No. We're actually doing fine right now. But, I'd like to use the money to drop in my savings for my next gun purchase that I know I'll use and want to have in my collection...


New member

you are sitting on a rifle with hi cap mags that can no longer be purchased new and is a gold nugget.

That was just my 3rd Point. Currently, that weapon and those magazines can be purchased. BUT, you may find yourself in the near future with a weapon that cannot be purchased new...

Pardon my English, I can see where I could have mislead you.

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$500-700? You are kidding right? Dunhams has been running WASR-10's brand new for less than $400. Hell, Black Friday they had them for $349. In fact I bought mine around the beginning of November for $369.

I guess if you can get $500-$700 for it it proves the old adage that there is a sucker born every minute.


$369 got me the WASR-10, 2-30 round magazines, the cleaning kit, the sling and wood furniture.

Why would anyone pay more for a used one when a brand new one for less is still available?
If you wait you can probably get more for it down the road.
As has been pointed out by great minds like WA(he was depressed a while back so I will give him an ego boost to make sure he is out of it), there is likely going to be an SUR price crash next year around March that will last as long as the economy is bad. Alot of these rifles have been purchased on credit. Reasonable predictions from economists that I think know what they are talking about is 18+ months. Even if there is an AWB now may be the best time to unload that gun unless you are going to wait a long time. If you have extra double stack mags I would be interested(for my SKS-m, the sweetest commie gun ever). I would be willing to pay slightly over prices of two months ago, but not 30-40% or anything crazy.
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New member
with the prices ive seen lately..i wont be suprised if someone buys it from you for 450-549$....thats my honest my area thats what they are pricing wasrs..and thers not many left..but..of course the gunshops are ordering more...i too am not much of an ak fan...i do LOVE sks's though..


Tuttle8, I wonder what B&B would give you for it. There is a gun show upcoming in Maquoketa on Jan 16/17/18 2009. U could walk it around there?