They're Getting Smarter....


New member
Not sure I'd want to try and defend myself against a bear with a 7.62 nato round. Making bears angry dosn't sound like a good line of defense. I think I'd opt for the Smith .460 if I had to choose a hangun. Shorty mossberg would probably be my overall first choice.

I don't know much, but I know I'd rather face a bear with a .308 rifle than ANY pistol.


New member
WRT the last few posts (7.62), a reliable "no think" 12 gauge, then SOCOM, followed by a .44 Mt Gun on the hip. Regarding the latter, on one's person during all "normal" waking hours and darn close by at night. One of the above is going to be #1 go-to depending on the circumstances, hopefully not the handgun.
Regarding the .44, yes bigger would be the ticket IF the revolver was all you had or you're in the bush where encounnter is more likely. But, I'm not sure I'd be toting such 24/7 around the cabin with these other (long arm) choices handy.


New member
There is at least one bear in the Adirondack Mtns that has proven it can open 'bear proof' containers !
There's a wonderful video of a bear pulling himself along a steel cable to get at a bird feeder !!


It's just an M1-A SOCOM 16. It has the short barrel and compensator to make recoil as simple as an AR-15.

But it works every time and I have the magazines to replace the first one all loaded.

Come off it. If you have to shoot anything inside your house or near the inside or whatever for bear or whatever you don't fool around.


New member

Glock 20SF (10mm)
DoubleTap 200gr WFNGC Beartooth ammo. And plenty of it is available in my house.

Barring that, the .308 and .30/06 are always loaded in the gun closet, as is the shotgun.


New member
My 'go to' would be 12 ga. with slugs. If I lived in bear country, I'd also have the 475/480 Linebaugh or 460 S&W at the ready.


New member
HoraceHogsnort said:
The guy "forgot" to close his door so a bear had to be put down. Pathetic.

Well I guess the state board of education should only hire teachers who are bilingual, speaking both english and bear-ish. This should happen immediately so we do not put any more innocent bears at a disadvantage when it comes to reading "No Trespassing" signs. And this will be provided as a free service to all bears, whether legal residents or not.

PM me so I can sign you up on the petition.


Seriously though, just because I leave my house door unlocked, does that mean I have no right to defend myself if an armed intruder comes waltzing in?

You'll argue that the bear couldn't have known any better, but I argue the exact opposite.

Bears have a natural fear of humans, mainly because we are unfamiliar to them. However, bears that live anywhere near humans will, over time, lose their fears of mankind. When that happens, they have no further reason to avoid us and our homes. Thus you have bears with no fear of humans coming into houses. That bear would have been put down anyway, regardless of whether the home owner did the deed himself or not.
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Old Grump

Member in memoriam
The "Pump Action Shotgun" is really a bird gun. The ones who haven't shot birds or clay think it is the real deal.

Hollywood got to them.

Young and dumb are we? You never heard of using a 12 gauge with slugs in bear country? Never saw a shotgun slug? Go back to your airsoft sites boy.

Handguns in my house adequate for the job would include 45 ACP, 45 colt, 357 magnum, 41 magnum and 44 magnum.

Shotguns in my house adequate for the job are any of my 20 and 12 gauges and just a guess but I think the 10 gauge could be adequate. Only one I wouldn't use voluntarily is the .410 and even that would beat the dickens out of a broom stick or frying pan. 3

Rifles including black powder, any except the 25-20 and the 22's. I would not use the mini-14 if I had a choice but like the .410 would beat the dickens out of a broom stick or frying pan.


New member
I was thinking unless you hit a vital organ the mini 14 would just **** him off. I might try a 454c or larger handgun but to be honest I'm looking for the biggest rifle I have..... I don't think I want to dance with him I just want him gone. I would also not go for a three wood!:D


New member
Damn, what happen to all those 1911s and .45 Glocks that you guys swear too, that can handle any job, it's only a little bear. Old Grump half of them have no idea what a slug is let alone firing a 12 ga full of'em. :D

Evyl Robot

New member
Wow, that guy bearly made it! After all that, it took a tough cop who could bear to shoot the animal. Poor thing didn't mean to trespass - just lost his bearings.

We don't have any bears in my city. In the surrounding counties, I think there are black bears, but they're so small that I would imagine you could take them with man-stopper rounds. I think the 12-gauge, .45 ACP, or .357 Mag would be more than adequate. I still wouldn't want to fight one with my bear hands!


New member
Bear enters my house - weapon of choice

Whichever one I can use to break a window first.



New member
Yah, the guy forgets to close his garage door and a bear gets killed....VERY PATHETIC. You mindless individuals who think killing animals for fun and games is acceptable are the lowest form of life on this planet. Sadly I was once one of you. I was taught in Vietnam that life is cheap....all life, but I woke up and got smart. I have no respect or use for any person who doesn't respect life on this planet. Stop killing, and grow up.
The "Pump Action Shotgun" is really a bird gun.

This is my vote for the most naive statement of the day. The only thing that makes a shotgun a bird gun is if it is used to hunt birds. Then again, maybe you live somewhere that has birds that are only hunted with something like Brenneke 3" magnum slugs (1 3/8 oz @ 1500 fps for 3014 ft/lbs).

I guess you can call it a bird gun if that makes you feel good, but a shotgun is a tried and proven weapon for bear defense.


New member
I'll 2nd that vote;).

If I lived in bear country...

Think I better load up the ole 475/480 Linebaugh or the 460 S&W.

In the last few days, a couple in Hocking Co. had a 300lb. or so blacky eating corn in their backyard. Footage was on the news.:rolleyes:.

Evyl Robot

New member
Yah, the guy forgets to close his garage door and a bear gets killed....VERY PATHETIC. You mindless individuals who think killing animals for fun and games is acceptable are the lowest form of life on this planet. Sadly I was once one of you. I was taught in Vietnam that life is cheap....all life, but I woke up and got smart. I have no respect or use for any person who doesn't respect life on this planet. Stop killing, and grow up.

This is a joke, right?

The Terminator

New member
I keep a 12 gauge loaded with slugs, 7 rounds. I don't keep my 500 mag loaded. Why bother with a pistol, but since it was asked, I don't keep any of my guns loaded, except for the 12 gauge. A mossy 590, with a folding stock. They are in a safe, but you, safety, neighbors kids that you have no idea of their firearms background.