They're Getting Smarter....


There was some show on TV the other night. The Ranger was explaining how the bears in her area were learing how to turn door knobs and pull on car windows and such.


New member
They are sneaking into cabins all over the Lake Tahoe area in NV/CA. My friends cabin got the door knocked in. In his neighbors house the bear filled the sink with junk and left the water on. They came back a couple months later to beacoup water damage.



If something gets into my house it isn't a handgun they or it have to deal with:

Just a small M-14 style carbine with plenty of 7.62 NATO filled magazines.

I am not afraid of a bear or grizzly with this small compact contraption. I am not afraid of anything else. It works all the time and has the power of the .300 Savage easily with semi auto. What else could I desire?

Coltman 77

New member
If bear break-ins became a problem in my area, I'd have to re-evaluate my HD weaponry.

I don't think an M4 and Sig P220 would be enough firepower. :eek:


You also don't want to "worry" about the weapon getting scratched or bumped or dropped or ill treated. You just need to know it works in foul weather. It needs to be military durable and dependable firing in the moment of truth.


New member
The only predatory animal I've encountered around here was a raccoon, and he ate Zool, my pet duck. I capped him with a 9 mm 115 grain silvertip, which is one of my usual HD rounds.

Do not mess with my mallard!

(the funeral rites the next day consumed almost 4 hours, but that is another story. Even my wife agrees at this point that we should have gotten a dog)


New member
Its is if you've got the shotgun handy. I don't think they're intimidated by the sound of a pump action though


The "Pump Action Shotgun" is really a bird gun. The ones who haven't shot birds or clay think it is the real deal.

Hollywood got to them.


New member
The "Pump Action Shotgun" is really a bird gun. The ones who haven't shot birds or clay think it is the real deal.

Oh really now. Many deer would say you know nothing about a shotguns effectiveness on large animals. Well if they were still alive that is, my shotgun killed them one shot, then I converted them into fertilizer.... one bite at a time.

We do shoot a bird every now and then, just to keep the gun happy.


New member
If something gets into my house it isn't a handgun they or it have to deal with:


Looks like a M305 carbine. Where did you manage to find one of those? I've looked but have never found one I could buy.


New member
Is your HD piece good enough for bear?

Since you posted this in the handgun section I'll go ahead and say that there may be less than 10 members here who own a handgun that is good enough to kill a bear.

However... my MAIN home defense weapon is good enough for a bear.

However... I don't think the tensile strength of my blue jeans is good enough for the situation presented in the video. :D


New member
I worked up some 10mm loads that would give me a fair degree of confidence against a black bear...but having said that the shotgun w/slugs would still be the preferred choice.

Deaf Smith

New member
While I'm not a real fan of the Crusier shotgun, I will say I saw a nice Mossberg 12 guage pistol gripped 'crusier' 18 inch barrel shotgun in a pawn shop for only $169. Real nice shape to.

Now that gun, with 5 rounds of good slugs would do the trick inside bed room range on any bear.



New member
Since you posted this in the handgun section I'll go ahead and say that there may be less than 10 members here who own a handgun that is good enough to kill a bear.

This was more of a joke thread than anything else. The topic of handguns for bear defense is usually a pretty popular and heavily debated one on these forums, and when I saw this story on TV, I couldn't resist.

It is an interesting story though. Just goes to show that you never know what you may wake up to in the middle of the night.


New member
They are sneaking into cabins all over the Lake Tahoe area in NV/CA. My friends cabin got the door knocked in. In his neighbors house the bear filled the sink with junk and left the water on. They came back a couple months later to beacoup water damage.

This post made me laugh out loud. Sounds like they're finally getting back at us for that whole Goldilocks debacle.


New member
Not sure I'd want to try and defend myself against a bear with a 7.62 nato round. Making bears angry dosn't sound like a good line of defense. I think I'd opt for the Smith .460 if I had to choose a hangun. Shorty mossberg would probably be my overall first choice.