The Yellow Mosin-Nagant


New member
AKA the "fusil del amarillo"

I originally began sanding the terible looking stock down in order to refinish it and make is somewhat smooth and good looking. But in my haste I decided to paint it yellow. I was surprised to see it came out looking so good. And yes, I've shot it and the paint hasn't began to chip away or melt (yet).

I figure when the day comes and I need to hide in a patch of sunflowers I'll have the tool to do it.



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New member

I love it!

but don't know why......

Makes me think of something a bumblebee might carry into battle. Maybe a platoon of know, those aggressive killer bees :D


New member
Well I guess it served its purpose if it fooled you 3wheelin geezer. Maybe I should paint the tip orange and pretend its a toy.

I wonder if it would still shoot once I painted the tip orange...

naw... I'd rather hide with the bumblebees.. GRRRRR hear me buzz!


New member
Usually I don't like these modified milsurp threads, but that is interesting. I kinda like it. Reminds me of those black and yellow AR's I see every now and then.


New member a cool way

Interesting.......reminds me of some of those shooting bows put out too.... a person can darn near pick what color and some look snazzy too....

I like your idea but with my Mosin I could never do it.... The Romanian M-44 I have sports a Beech stock that makes a Nagant Fan's mouth water....

Again you had a neat idea if it's what works for you do it with a grin :D


New member
Hey Stilleto, I used regular Krylon brand glossy "Sunburst Yellow" paint. After numerous coats I eventually sealed it up with a satin (clear) finish to try and contain any chipping that might occur.

Now my next "project"....

I just picked up a surplus Turkish Mauser and once I finish de-cosmolining it I'm plannin on doing something weird with it as well. I'm kinda leanin in the direction of a bright hunter orange base.. with maybe some kind of blue or purple stripes. Got any suggestions?

P.S. - I know some of you die hards out there find it disgusting to take away the "historical value" of a weapon like a MN by painting it yellow... but c'mon... they're so cheap these days it seems like I'd be a fool not to paint them weird colors.


New member
they're so cheap these days it seems like I'd be a fool not to paint them weird colors

But 03's were once cheap, too.

I'd suggest against the orange and purple. Not because I can't stand changing these old guns, but because it should be a crime to put orange and purple together for anything.

How about a blue with orange flames? Or, orange with silver flames? Maybe red, white and blue?


New member
I like the blue with orange flames...I bet that makes it shoot faster!.. :D ... and yes, I do agree that it should probably be a punitive offense to EVER mix orange and purple... however thats partly my interest in such an offensive mix. (go figure.. cuz I haven't yet)

You're right on the mark though about '03s... I've wanted one for years and I guarantee that bad boy would never inhale the fumes from a spray can on my watch. So maybe this just means I need to buy extras of all these surplus rifles, one to paint, and another one to love.

Now I guess I could always go in the direction of a "baby puke green" with orange highlights... eeww. what am I sayin. That makes me feel sick just imagining a gun like that.

Perhaps a zebra pattern... that might look pretty cool too. hmmm....


New member
I love it! I think i would have used either a nice red or blue instead of yellow but if the stock was already beat up then why not paint it a cool color? :D


New member
Perhaps a zebra pattern... that might look pretty cool too. hmmm....

I got a spare SKS stock around here that I have thought about doing that to, I think it'd be pretty cool. Maybe tiger, instead. Then again, black and gold is my school colors...


New member
thats an awesome rifle

not really my style, i'm more into black and dark wood grain. you guys are giving me some bad ideas about my yugo sks. maybe a black and dark-wood-grain tiger stripes? i think it'd look pretty good.
and about painting up or moding old milsups, i think its a great idea, they're cheap! and to anybody that says 'but but but your destroying history!" i say, nothing lasts forever, and were just making new history, so its all good :D


New member
'but but but your destroying history

As long as you are using some discretion, I don't have much of a problem. Most of the real cheap milsurps don't have much history, or were made in such high quantities, that it probably doesn't matter. I believe something like 25 million mosins were produced, a few sporterizers probably aren't going to put a dent in the supply. A Yugo SKS, or M48 probably doesn't have much history either.

Now, go chopping up the Swedes, or Finns, or US guns and I may have something else to say.