The Shot(s) heard round the world

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New member
There have been some good counter-points raised. It is my belief that if such an effort is to succeed, it will have to be something other than a simultaneous event. The country is simply has too many time zones and it is too diverse. Some won't shoot on Sabbath, others won't shoot in Sunday and we don't want to exclude anybody who will participate.

Ronl, stretch it out over a weekend or something and I'll pull for it.


New member
I believe the intent of the OP is to have a country wide boom to be simultaneously heard by all the general population.

These firings should be either at a range or into the ground—no “lead hail storm”.

It will be difficult to get everyone to fire at the exact same time but if five shots are fired in five seconds it might produce a rolling thunder sound.

Indoor ranges will not be heard and I don’t see these places adding to the effect. I mentioned firecrackers in a previous post but these are illegal in many places and may get someone in as much trouble as firing a gun in a restricted area; and officially restricted or not I don’t believe a residential area the place to fire a gun.

The problem I’m going to have is to have my shots realized as for a different purpose than all my neighbors’s shots at 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am, noon, 1pm, 2pm....11pm, midnight. (Our rules here are no shooting before breakfast unless the shooting is to get breakfast.)

It will be awesome if we can pull it off.


New member
How many people here can we count on to help get the word out? This is a true grassroots deal, so it is up to each individual to help make it happen. Put it on Facebook, Twitter. Make up flyers. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. If the date and time inconvenience some, I apologize, but all things considered, it is as good as can be done. If you feel so inclined, I urge you to participate. It gives you a good excuse to get out and do some shooting, which I am always looking to do.
I am on the east coast myself and I will be out there. Ask the ranges to stay open to accomodate you.

Yeah, I just don't see that happening with any frequency. I don't see any ranges staying open without considerable compensation for the additional hours of operation.

Those in anti-gun areas might use firecrackers.
Given that those anti-gun areas are likely within the city limits and fireworks are often illegal in the city limits, that idea is a bit on the silly side. You aren't suggesting people break the law, are you?

It will be difficult to get everyone to fire at the exact same time but if five shots are fired in five seconds it might produce a rolling thunder sound.

No, it won't produce rolling thunder. As noted, the contribution of anyone at indoor ranges will be for naught and there just aren't enough outdoor ranges for the sound of one to make it to another.

So apparently I have missed it and will ask again. What is the clear message those in DC who aren't anywhere near gun ranges or property where it is legal to shoot going to receive by folks firing guns and possibly illegally detonating fireworks?

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Time to end this. The sentiment is worthy but practical problems are too many.

If you are interested in participating and trying to make it work, PM the OP.

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