The Shot(s) heard round the world

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New member
Let's have a day where all gun owners get to a range or shooting area and fire their guns all at the same time. There will have to be a great deal of planning, but it could be done. Shots for freedom ringing out from sea to shining sea. It would be an awesome thing.


Last year, the Appleseed Project put 2000 shooters on the line for April 18-19 and was the largest non-combative shooting event in history. that was with 50 simultaneous events across the country that weekend.

This year, the Appleseed Project will have 98 simultaneous events. We hope for 4000 shooters on the line for April 17-18 weekend. It will be once again the largest non-combative shooting event in history.

Come join us!


New member
I'm thinking in the millions, all at the same time. Let's hear some ideas and let's get the ball rolling.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Half the households in the USA, roughly, have guns. So if they all went off at the same time, the recoil would shift the axis of the Earth and increase global warming.

I'm such an old toot. Sounds nice - never happen. More realistic events like Az mentioned are a good idea. Ranges and clubs sometimes have fun days for general education. Coordinating them would be neat.


New member
How about June19 at 7pm eastern. Set up a target and let the sound of freedom ring out. 5-10 rounds slow fire. Get out your pistol, rifle or shotgun and make some noise. Let's send a clear message to those in DC who want to take our guns away. Above all, let's be safe about it.


New member
AZRedHawk, can you please post more info on the shoot? I'm a fellow AZer, outta Queen Creek, and would be interested in this shoot. Maybe post more info, or send PM?
How about June19 at 7pm eastern.
Because not all the gun ranges on the east coast are open until 7:00 PM. Some close at 5:00 and some at 6:00.

Set up a target and let the sound of freedom ring out. 5-10 rounds slow fire.

The sound of freedom is slow fire?

Get out your pistol, rifle or shotgun and make some noise. Let's send a clear message to those in DC who want to take our guns away.

How is that going to send a clear message to those in DC? There isn't a gun range at the Capitol and chances are that Congress won't be present at the time anyway.

By the way, what is the clear message that they are supposed to be getting? You haven't even stated what it is supposed to be. Would it not be better to shoot in Morse Code in order to send a message?


New member
Half the households in the USA, roughly, have guns.

That's a good point, BUT you also have to think that 90% of those people live in a restricted area when it comes to discharging firearms.

I personally can go out back and shoot as much as I want, but a lot of gun owners are restricted by ordinances and laws. That leaves a lot of them to travel to shoot.


New member
The sound of freedom is slow fire?

Yea, back in 1775 if you got off two rounds a minute, you were considered good.

I’ll take one deliberate, accurate, well placed shot over “spray and pray” any day.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Glenn E Meyer said:
Half the households in the USA, roughly, have guns. So if they all went off at the same time, the recoil would shift the axis of the Earth and increase global warming.

Don't worry.... when the bullets all hit the ground at the same time it will shift it back.:D


New member
It sounds like a great idea and the logistics needn't be difficult if we nix the 'simultaneous' aspect. All we have to do is establish a 3-4 hour window on the date in question. Once that is worked out, I'll be happy to circulate the info among a number of boards I frequent, as well as giving it mention on

I'm for anything that gets folks out exercising their 2A rights responsibly.
So what is the "clear message" and how is it those in will hear and understand it?

Yea, back in 1775 if you got off two rounds a minute, you were considered good.

I’ll take one deliberate, accurate, well placed shot over “spray and pray” any day.

I thought the issue here was about noise generation, not shot placement. :rolleyes:


New member
Would it not be better to shoot in Morse Code in order to send a message?

.-.. . - | ..-. .-. . . -.. --- -- | .-. .. -. --.

100 points to whoever gets it right first!

Edit; I put verticles in to seperate the words, TFL doesnt seem to like hitting the spacebar multiple times for punctuation lol.
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New member
Okay, guys, let's make this as simple as possible. If you want to participate, on June 19, 2010, go to a range, field, anywhere it is safe to shoot. Use a shotgun, pistol, rifle and let's make some noise. This could possibly be an historic event. If you believe in the 2nd Amendment, then let your shots ring out. Let everyone in this country hear. Let those in DC hear the sound of freedom. Get the word out. Let your friends know. It is up to you to make it happen. If the 2nd Amendment and the right to own firearms means nothing to you, then stay home. It is ultimately about our freedom. Gun owners have never before united. Now is the time. The time is 7pm eastern time, 6pm central, 5pm mountain and 4pm pacific. Above all, let's keep it safe. At minimum, 5 shots slow fire.
What is your preoccupation with hindering folks on the east coast from participating? Many ranges are closed at 7 PM or earlier. The 2nd Amendment may mean plenty to people on the east coast, but without a place to shoot at 7 PM, what do you expect them to do? I guess they could all flock to the ranges that are open, but then not everyone would be able to shoot at 7 PM because the lanes would be full.

How are the folks in DC going to hear us shooting? What is this going to accomplish? Seriously, how is this sort of event going to impact people in DC? Heck, there aren't even any public gun ranges in DC are there? Also, since indoor ranges have noise abatement as part of their construction, how will people more than a few feet from the buildings actually hear anything?

Why does it have to be slow fire?


New member
I am on the east coast myself and I will be out there. Ask the ranges to stay open to accomodate you. You make it happen. You can do it. If it is important to you, then stretch the envelope. You might be amazed at the response. Find a friend out in the country who has enough land to allow you to shoot. This could truly be history in the making and it is up to you. This could unite gun owners all over the country in a unique way, something that has never been done before. We have to stand together and this is simply a starting point.


New member
So on Juneteenth we all set off five shots at the designated time?

Those with access to only indoor ranges won't be heard but the rest of us can make a real racket!

Those in anti-gun areas might use firecrackers.

Those of Jewish Faith might be excluded because it will still be the Shabbat for them.

Some organization is asking for a blackout, also, from noon to midnight—this might liven that up a bit.

Slow fire will let those with firecrackers keep up.
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