The Rosie boards at WB are back and guess what?????


New member
If you want the hell really scared out of you, remember those are the people that will be picked as your jury when you shoot that pimple faced thug as he attacks you with his switchblade, after breaking into you home at 3AM. I bet you fry!! :D


New member
For what its worth, I posted a couple of things on Rosie's board yesterday; today I see the board is no longer on her web site. Guess she couldn't take all that criticism!


New member
Congratulations folks. It appears that the moderators spent so much time trying to keep up and editing posts and had so many email complaints that the message board link was removed from the main page link that I posted. Feel free to use the direct link so thoughtfully provided by jaydee as it will take you directly to the thread and you may still be able to post to it. I will continue to monitor Rosie's boards and let you know what is happening. If you would like to send an ILOVEYOU email to the moderators I am sure that it wouldn't be appreciated. ;)

John Hollister

New member
I tryed to post a reply there, but it seems to be doing an instant edit. I obviously said something that Warner Brothers finds objectionable. Humm.

Well, here is what I attempted to post:

First let me say that it's nice of Warner Bros. to provide this space for the exchange of free ideas.

Please allow me to give them a plug. The "WB" has brought you such hits as:

The Matrix
Romeo Must Die
Chill Factor
Conspiracy Theory
Fire Down Below
Lethal Weapon 1, 2, 3 & 4
Mars Attacks
Murder at 1600
The Postman
Three Kings
US Marshals
Wild Wild West
and many, many other children's movies

It amazes me that people that make their money under the protection of the First Amendment, are so quick to condemn the Second.

Let's start off by saying, "Yes Virginia, I'm Pro-gun". That having been said, let me add "I'm Anti-violance. I'm Anti-crime. And I am completely unforgiving when it comes to gun violence"

Does the United States have a violence problem? Absolutely. Are firearms used in violent crimes? Yes, in a lot of cases they are. Will outlawing firearms solve our violence or crime problems? No it will not.

One of the most interesting information sites I have found on the Internet is I would recommend it to anyone who wants researched information on gun control. Below are some links to sections that should be of particular interest to participants of this discussion.

Here is an interesting piece on "Gun Accidents, including children"

Here is an interesting piece on "International Violent Death Rates"

For more on the media and it's effect on violence in our society, may I recommend "". Lt Col. Dave Grossman currently has two books out. "On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society" and "Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill". You should find these interesting reading.

Education is a wonderful thing. More people should try it.

Take care

John Hollister

[This message has been edited by John Hollister (edited May 10, 2000).]

simonov jr

New member
The instant edit is based on length. I had to submit mine in two parts, and it took every offensive word I wrote (gleeful). It even generated a hate thread from the Rosie groupie who started the gun-control thread.


Added my $0.02 worth (kept it short so that it wouldn't be editted) ... <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>To the people who say that we need tougher gun laws ... are you aware that there are already over 20,000 gun laws in this nation?

With all due respect to the victims at Columbine and their families, according to TIME, NEWSWEEK, etc., over twenty gun laws were broken at that shooting -- including the laws that does not allow anyone on school grounds with a firearm.

If we can't enforce the current laws on the books, how are we going to enforce addeitional laws. If existing gun laws were enforced, no gun violence would have happened in Columbine.[/quote]FUD

simonov jr

New member
Here's my latest:

In the name of fairness, I'm hoping some of Rozie's fans can clear up some rumors I heard that may have affected my view of her:

1. She met Hillary doing disaster relief in flood-ravaged Holland, where they both had their finger stuck in the same dike...

2. Rosey, in an effort to bear an offspring, ran adds worldwide and failing to come up with a volunteer who would sign the safety waiver to "do the honors", resorted to the "turkey baster" method. Rumor is that conventional turkey basters disappeared without effect, and the fertility doctor was quoted as saying, "It was like throwing a pickle down a hallway". Turns out Seaworld, which thankfully is one of her many causes, kicked in THEIR Orca baster...

3. Rosey is actually a cheap comeback attempt by John Candy, who was just taking a sebaticle...

4. Rozie got her start in show biz as a model for Chung King, and has been romantically linked to the Micheline Tire Man...

5. Rozie's fear of guns stems from an incident where a farmer shot her with rocksalt thinking that she had come to root up his crop of truffles...

I hope some of her loyal fans can disabuse me of my notions about her. The fact that she wants to use my rights to clean her altogether too large backside, I agree, is no reason to dislike her. Now even you diehard fans of hers HAVE to admit you're not trying to be anywhere NEAR her nylons! Oh, and she DID say I, my family and all other gun owners should be sent to prison. Other than that, she sounds reasonable. The kicker is that while she is obviously in no danger of being sexually assaulted, MOST women are. I wonder how rendering them defenseless qualifies as a feminist issue


New member
Someone post this over thereRosie to join Million Mom March.
The Night Stalker thinks that is a really good idea.

Rosie O’ Donnell recently announced that she will join the May 14th Million Mom March. The Moms' goals?

Decrease the safety of impoverished minorities by restricting purchase of affordable firearms used for self defense
Ban full capacity magazines and anti-assault weapons designed for defense of the household
Pass mandatory home invader protection laws that require firearms used for defense of the household to be stored unloaded, unassembled and locked away
Full disarmament of crime victims
Rosie, the Night Stalker and his colleagues support your anti-self defense agenda. After all, banning tools used to defend families makes it easier for criminals to prey upon children. So while the Night Stalker cannot join your march in person, he will be with you in spirit.
The Second Amendment Sisters will join you in person. This civil rights organization supports crime victims and their right to defend against criminal attack. They will be marching May 14th to preserve Americans’ ability to protect their families.

Rosie, whose side are you on? The rapists, robbers and child molesters? Or their victims?

Are you a Rosie watching, suburban, soccer mom who has never touched a gun?
Get the truth about firearms and defense of your family at

simonov jr

New member
Here's my latest:

Lets see if we can agree on some "common sense" measures to protect Rozie. Close the "bake-sale loophole", background check on all ice cream purchases over 20 gallons, photo id card for women over the 350 lb mark, training requirement to eat your own weight in fried chicken in one sitting, a "plump" tax to cover costs of lipo and other ER services, ban on "cop-killer" pastries, and mandatory toaster-locks to prevent unauthorized late-night access. Locks could prevent fingers of a certain pudgyness or larger from accessing all food-storage and preparation appliances.

Munro Williams

New member
I live in Japan, so I don't get US TeeVee, but somehow I don't think I'm missing anything.
BTW, that message board is a waste of time for educating anyone, but some of the posts got some real belly laughs out of me.


simonov jr

New member
I want to commend Rozie for her principled stand on this issue. I understand she hosted the fundraising dinner for the "million" mom march, and it was a great success. All the liberal elites agreed that those of us who can't afford to HIRE a gun like they do shouldn't be able to own one ourselves! The only real stir came from the menu. Turns out the matre de saw rozie and brought all the guests a bucket of corn cobs to eat. Sue-eeee, that was not PC! Hey, as long as her flatulence is saving us from ourselves, think she could cut down on the methane emissions? Those CFC's she's releasing are proven to cause a version of El Ninyo, associated with Rozie herself called "El Pauncho". Scientists have christened it "El hauncho pauncho" after the disagreeably large source. Finally, some of you have posed hypothetical scenarios. Therefore, I also need to address one more issue to the socially conscious of you. Say you're a chicken minding its own business, and Rozie eats your whole family in one sitting. How would YOU like it?:clown: