The Rosie boards at WB are back and guess what?????


New member
About a year ago pro-gun forces flooded the Rosie message board at WB forcing the closure of the board completely. It was unusable. They have brought a new board up and sure enough some foreigner has started an anti-gun thread. She is something of the lone ranger, but managed to get to an older gentleman and he lost his cool. I would post, but the threads are blocked by my SurfWatch software and some of us need to go over there 'for the cause'.

Some points:
1. Foreigners need to not try to change U.S. laws.
2. She accuses the guy of being an NRA mouthpiece yet she is spouting HCI crap and he didn't call her on it.
3. If anyone mentions that it is not a gun board be sure to point out who started the thread. One of them.
4. She is a lousey debater. She cannot back up anything she says, only goes to the first level.
5. If we are civil we have a chance on gathering some fence sitters.
6. One of the posters mentioned that enforcing existing laws was not the answer. Be sure to mention the sentences the drug dealers got who provided the gun that killed Kayla.
7. msmew is the anti and started out with a hostile attitude. Pin her down and be sure to mention the air bag killing, slips trips and falls, auto accidents, 5 gal buckets, pools, and all the other comparisons.

This is the link and please use your TFL handle or something similar so we all know who is posting.


New member

I just read that thread and that msmew person makes my brain hurt. I think my brain's exploding (or is it IMploding?)


New member
Holy shnakies!
Talk about getting buried! I was very happy to see all the RKBA posts! I did add my own though, with a sas-aim link to boot. I also used whoever's spoons cause Rosie to be fat sig.


New member
I just posted a rather long reply on that thread and all that showed up was my name--the text of my post didn't. :mad:

Are they censoring the messages?

Remember, just because you are not paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you!

Bam Bam

New member
I was gonna log in but all the hoops to jump through were too much. And I bet they do censor the messages.


New member
Yes. I saw many posts that had the WB symbol in them with no text. It is my assumtion that those messages were deleted for some reason.

"When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!


New member
JeffOTMG: I wish to condem your putting that site link for the Rosie board. (I'm just kidding!)

The firearms issue aside, I have never in my life seen anything so frightening as to the breathtaking shallowness of the average poster there. That these people are allowed to vote...on any subject....scares the bejeasus out of me.

I'm as big a dolt as anyone could be, but perusing that site makes me feel like an Einstein. Anytime in the future I'm feeling stupid and inane, I'll visit that site and find an instant reason to feel better about myself.

You think people shouldn't be licensed to have kids? Go read that board and you'll change your mind quickly. (Again, just kidding about the licensing thing.)



New member
Good idea asking and not going to see for yourself. I can't look at that board again. It's scaaaaary!!! :(

Miss Demeanors

New member
UGH. I know who some of these people are, I'm going to try to reply, but I'm not sure I can remember my password LOL. Also note that many of the acme people haven't gone back there, they think that most people there are bunch of kids/punks, and reading some of this now it looks like they are right.

Total flashbacks from a year ago :D


New member
I am very happy to see that going on on the WB board. Those people are very 'gun shy' after what happened to them a year ago when swarmed the board. I did not care for the anti-gun symbol on the Rosie homepage and was happy to see the board die an agonizing death. Most of their posters will stay away from gun threads like the plague and I imagine that msmew is getting a lot of heat over starting a gun thread. Good job people. I just love to see them pressured into backing up their arguments and their answer is that they don't have the time to do the research. Heaven forbid that that they might learn something and that they are wrong.

Miss Demeanors

New member
Jeff, look at the difference on the boards compared to a year ago. I don't recall seeing any female pro gun people , now they are standing up to these blubbering idiots. I tried posting there but for some odd reason my post came out blank. MSmew isn't even from the US so I really don't care what she has to say about anything. It is GREAT to see many Rosie fans NOT supporting her in the MMM, I figured that would be a hot topic at her boards this week but not many are saying much. :D


New member
"Until we exterminate the gun owners we will never be safe. Contact your reps and ask them to jail these hate mongers, ask them to implement mandatory executions of gun owners, ask them to take our country back. I joined HCI a couple years ago and this is what as a local chapter we'vedecided we need to do. The national organization was slow to accept, but has recently stepped behind this move. We got the Brady bill passed, The gun owner jailing legislation is next. Mr, Schumer has agreed to sponsor this bill. Please send your thanks to him. To the end of gun owners, Cindy" Just an example of what I saw. Guess I'm not man enough to stomach it. John
Hi johnbt!

Hey, I think that quote about executing gun owners was thoroughly tongue in cheek.

Re. "Unintended Concequences" check out the poster's name.



New member
I am happy to see that those standing up to msmew and the other antis are my friends from other boards! As for the blank posts...there seems to be a limit on how long a post can be and if you go over it it comes out blank. Of course no one seems to know how long or short a post can that is why people start a post, then continue it on another post right after. Also, the system doesn't seem to "refresh" with the new posts so people just post the WB symbol to bring the posts up. As far as moderators and censorship...there doesn't seem to be any such animal at WB, judging by the crap that is being least that is the scoop I have heard in the complaints posted to other boards I visit!


New member
If you think the rosie boards are sickining, you should see!

One of the topics on the home page is called
"the myth of the second amendment"

No forum or message board, I wonder why?

"The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, becuse the whole body of the people are armed"
Noah Webster

simonov jr

New member
Well, here's my contribution. I registered under "fatsocialisthostess" and posted the following wisdom:

Since this board is primarily concerned with Rozie, lets see if we can't clarify the things that constitute the greatest danger to HER individually:

1. Fattening and greasy foods (heart disease number 1 killer especially of the objectionably obese)
2. Lipo gone awry (New England Journal of Med. reports 150,000 people negligently killed by malpractice each yr)
3. Elephantitis: CDC reports this disease, which starts with bloated physique and continues through dimentia and being generally uninformed, IS A KILLER!
4. False-Ceasarian- tragic medical accident when well-intentioned medical personnel mistake you for a pregnant person and perform an unnecessary c-section.
5. Choking: Yes, careful rozie. Eating too BIG a helping, especially while COMPETING for food, can result in your untimely demise. THIS IS SERIOUS, PEOPLE.

Now, lets go through the things which are NOT a big threat to Rozie:

1. STD's- lets face it, you can't get frostbite if you never hit the slopes!
2. Guns- well, with Rozie's personal security forming a protective outer layer, and her rings of insulating blubber forming a ballistically-resistant inner cocoon, she is in far less danger than most of the rest of us.
3. Asphixiation- no Rosie, that problem gas, while annoying, can NOT kill you unless you go near any kind of open flame. Of course, you COULD try to avoid all those greasy foods but... nah, you wouldn't like it. Just try the avoid-the-flame thing.
4. Anti-bacterial Soap- TRUST me, it's OKAY to use. REALLY.
5. The US Constitution: Give in. It's OOOH SOOOOO delicious, tasty, delectible. Its like a big chocolate moose!!! You WAAAAANT IT! Well, you might want to BROWSE it anyway.

I hope this puts this silly discussion in perspective. We should all be more concerned with threats to the beloved socialist ho rozie, and less concerned with our stupid rights!