The Psychology of Unlocked Doors ... and Anti-Gun


New member
Locks have a special place in my life.

Of course spending the first three years of my post HS life being assigned to a Special Weapons Ordance Company and the last twelve years working in a Federal Prison would probably have something to do with that.

Our locks are almost always locked while home and always double checked before leaving. And I live in a very, very, low almost no crime area. I don't feel that we are shutting out anyone and I know all my neighbors and they know me.

All a lock will do is keep mostly honest people, mostly honest.


New member

"All a lock will do is keep mostly honest people, mostly honest."

I would have to respectfully disagree with this statement. I do not think that you lock your doors against the chance that a "mostly honest person" will try to get in.

You lock your doors to make it harder for the criminal or the honesty-challenged person to get into your house.

I do not worry about the people who live around me. I worry about those who pass through from time to time whom I do not know and who exhibit behaviors which I consider suspicious.

Lord Grey Boots

New member
A buddy of mine used to say he wouldn't mind being burgled, as he could get new stuff with the insurance. Now he has a wife and small child. I hope he doesn't think the same way.


New member
I have been burglarized four times in my life, it is a nasty feeling..
Althouth the first time I had something stolen out of my house me and my room mate were in the living room....we were both young,
it was in 1974...we had been to the shooting range, had gotten home and layed about 10 different revolvers on the kitchen table....being summer time in georgia we were hot and left the back down open, with just the unlocked screen door shut....we went to the living room to have a glass of iced tea, and unnoticed
while we were enjoying the tea some ________came in the back door and releived us of all ten said revolvers.....four were mine, all the guns I owned at the you can tell from the year this happened it has been awhile...but ot this day it still makes me feel very violated......and of course I do lock my door....luckily for the bg they don't ever try it when I am home...:(


New member
I had a nice long response to your questions John, but on further reflection and under advisement I am not going to post it. I have very specific and tangible reasons for my decisions and I am happy to share them with any who are interested. Feel free to send me an e-mail or a PM, I will respond. I will correspond on this in private with whoever would like, but it is not really something that should be discussed on this forum and I doubt the moderators are too crazy about it becoming a point for debate either. I hate to sound like I am avoiding this topic, but I don’t wish to contribute to something that has a high likelihood of pounding on peoples toes.