The pitfalls of open carry


Staff Alumnus
AAAAGH! You're a moderator, you're supposed to close a thread when it goes haywire like this.

Naw, we just move it to SQF. ;)

Anyway, I have no idea who you are.

Does this ring any bells?

You don't have an extremely heavy interest in black powder, do you?

No, that's Doug. I love blackpowder, but Doug is flintlocks while I do the percussion thing.

Do you actually work at Paradise?

Yeah, a few days a week.

Pat's 30 years older than you, huh? That would make you 30-35 or so.

Good guess. :)

I'm just a tad younger than that, you're bald at thirty, huh?

Shaved, not bald. Grrrr...

Hube, sure, as long as I get to shoot my AK! I have really gotten to like it.

I think, if Hube hooked up with us, he'd end up buying a lot more guns. So when's the range trip? :D

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited July 06, 2000).]

Steve Smith

New member
Aww, man, I know who you you or did you not work out at Peterson for a while?

Hube, are you married? Is she understanding? I hope so, 'cause the gun buying frenzy is pretty high here.

[This message has been edited by Frontsight! (edited July 06, 2000).]

Steve Smith

New member
Well, I'm gonna be down there this weekend to meet up with Brenda...maybe I'll see ya there. So you didn't work there as late as last year as a civilian for groundskeeping. Hmm. Like I said, I'm the FNG. Half the instructors don't even know me yet, well, maybe they do by now, but 'm just beginning to be recognized. Were you at the 2nd Ammendment sisters get-together on Mother's Day?

Duh, I just saw the freakin' link. Yeah, I've seen ya. I'll just let you go on wonderin' about me, though! ;)

[This message has been edited by Frontsight! (edited July 06, 2000).]


New member
Hey, Frontsight!(!) Do you mean the one in Denver? I went to that with my son. :)

[This message has been edited by CindyH (edited July 06, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by CindyH (edited July 07, 2000).]


New member
Yes, the only thing I don't care for(re: open carry)is "sloppy" carry. Cheesy nylon rigs with little, or no retention straps. Leather rigs not designed for the gun in question. Mexican carry, or worse, the back pocket carry(I HAVE seen this!). We all have our pet peeves. But, given the choice of NO CCW, or open carry, I may choose the latter also.

Steve Smith

New member
CindyH, it's "forbidden!" Do you instruct at Paradise too? How many folks from there are on TFL?

Why is everybody all boud up about the AK-47? YEAH, I GOT ONE, WHAT'S IT TO YA?!


New member
No, I'm not certified (just certifiable!), but I come in the shop sometimes, so I'll probably see you. I'm taking the class in August. :)


New member
Speaking of looking alike:

My wife just came over, and as I clicked on the link to Coin's picture as I said ,"See! Not all gun nuts look alike!" She just shook her head, and muttered something under her breath which I'm sure was meant to get my goat. :) From the picture, at least, we look VERY much alike- though these days I have let my hair grow out to a #2.)


New member
Ok, from past threads that means that Me, Coin, Mulio Rex, Jedi Oomodo, and now Erik all look alike.

Big shaved headed goateed gunnut conspiracy?

Or secret government genetic experiment gone horribly wrong? :)

You decide...(Insert X-files music here)


New member
This is horrible, I have shiny head, huge handlebar, and white bushy beard. I musta been the little ol man in Dunkin D. I love to ask open carrys iffen they work for the eff bee eye. Don't think I have been in the springs lately but with the new meds, who knows.

Sam.....follow me, I know a shortcut.


Staff Alumnus
Sam, fret ye not. The little old man at Dunkin had a black beard shot with grey. Kinda like me (grey beard hairs at 30, sheesh!).

As for the big shaven-headed goatee thing... The Truth Is Out There. (*whap!* Ouch, dammit Kritchgau...)


New member
Hahahahahahaha, I am sorry, that is a great story! I really am sorry, but I am laughing have been since "Are you with the Eff Bee Eye?" Great story. Also showes the way the sheeple think.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
I used to be bald and shall be again soon, methinks. When I cut off the long hair, there was a sizable bald spot underneath! :eek:
I refuse to do a comb-over for any reason, so when it goes, I'm getting out the razor.
Then we can ALL look alike..... Sandy, what about you?