The Opposition to Obama and Gun-Control is Rapidly Growing.

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New member
It has certainly worked in the past on Republicans such as Olympia Snow and Susan Collins.
I wouldn't overestimate the amount that Senators care about the opinions of people outside their states. Both Sen. Collins and Snow enjoyed massive bipartisan support in ME in no small part because of their ability to cross party lines. They both did a pretty good job of voting the way most of their constituents wanted them to, and neither of them ever had a serious opponent as a result. Out-of-state republicans might occasionally be upset by the way our Senators vote, but who cares? They can't vote here.
Making the party bosses or national media mad might cost you some money, but making you constituents mad often enough is what costs you elections.

And, hopefully, most senators/representatives will be aware of that. There are lots of rural democrats who's constituents will not vote for them if they are part of an new AWB. The party leadership be all for a ban, but they're not the people that decide who gets elected.
And there are still more rural/suburban districts in the US than urban. I know around here the republican/democrat split is primarily about environmental and labor issues, gun control issues rarely come up, and there are about as many democrats with the NRA endorsement as republicans.

So, I tend to agree with all of you. Right now there's a lot of hand wringing and chest beating, but when it comes down to a real vote on a real ban I just don't see anything happening.

Universal background checks on the other hand, and the increased mental health reporting are probably on the way.


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Nra life membership discounted





New member
Still the fight and opposition must continue today, in the weeks to come and even if we win. Feinstien put forth her AWB today. I wrote my Senators stating that they oppose it. As each bill come up I will do this as we all should. Never stop, never give up.


New member
And, hopefully, most senators/representatives will be aware of that. There are lots of rural democrats who's constituents will not vote for them if they are part of an new AWB. The party leadership be all for a ban, but they're not the people that decide who gets elected.
+1. Although I generally steer clear of partisan debates, this particular factor may greatly affect upcoming political changes in TX. A number of analysts believe that the Republican supermajority in the state is weakening due to a combination of changing voter demographics, a primary process that favors candidates who veer further and further to the right, and the fact that voters increasingly have nobody else to blame for problems.

However, gun rights are VERY popular in this state across the entire voting spectrum, and I personally believe that an overly aggressive push for gun control by the national Democratic party leadership may bolster the Republican majority by motivating conservative voters and simultaneously alienating people who are sitting on the fence. I think this is particularly true of low-income rural residents, who I believe are growing increasingly impatient with a state legislature that continues to cut popular programs, but has given them little in return but promises of job growth that always seems to happen somewhere else. (Frankly, I believe that Bill Clinton understands this group very well, and they're largely who he's talking about.)


New member
One issue, I believe overlooked is the statements in the media inflaming the gun ban proponents..."come and get them"..."not til You pry it from My dead cold hands" "I'll reply one bullet at a time" etc. These statements are NOT doing the fight to repeal ban laws any good. It frightens the average person and lends credence that all gun owners are trigger happy maniacs.

Let's all be smarter than the opposition.


New member
As for foreign born, and the 2A....That can be a 2 edged sword. I am a naturalized foreign born citizen...the country I was born in has very strict gun control, and I take a very libertarian approach...what part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?


New member
I agree. Let's not give the enemy more ammunition. Calmer heads shall prevail.

On one hand I agree with Nick, we don't want to paint ourselves as irrational. On the other I wonder if we should bother to play this game their way. The Utah Sheriff's Association doesn't think we should. In spirit I lean toward the come take it rhetoric. Just not sure what will be more effective in the long run.

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New member
My guess is I'm going to get it in the neck for this but, Is it time to start helping people understand that there really is only one act that I can think of that would turn a large number of strong, law abiding, citizens into people that might defy Law Enforcement perhaps even in armed way, and that is significant infringement of our second amendment rights?

This is the only thing I can think of that would crack this country open like a raw egg.

I worry that these people only listen to each other and have no earthly idea that they could spark a second civil war.

No I am not suggesting or endorsing this, not in any way shape or form.

But I'm not even sure what I'd do if they came to confiscate my guns, and I believe as strongly as it is possible to believe in the rule of law.
I'm on the mild end of the gun owner club so to speak.

Even if everyone on this forum meekly surrenders their firearms, (and we all know the odds of that) the number of people who resisted in an armed way would have to be in the tens of millions. Civil war,no, Revolutionary war would inevitably follow.

I've played this through in my mind every way I can think of and this is where them accomplishing their goals leads.

Keep in mind something else here, and you can blow me off if you like but I'm the guy you hire and pay thousands of dollars a month to find out where your organisation is right now, and if it continues on a certain path where it will end up.
When I was in Nursing I was always on the COR-0/incident teams because for whatever reason I always just knew what things were going to happen next while things were going wrong.
The Third man down in a multi-billion dollar bank made a major change in the new computer system they were designing that over time will cost at a minimum hundreds of thousands on my assuring him that it would cost him more not to implement the change. I don't say this to brag, heck it didn't end up making me a dime more in my paycheck. But so that you will perhaps take me seriously

Am I at this point predicting this as the outcome? No.
But these are,I assure you, the stakes of the game.
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New member
IMHO: the house is waiting for the Senate to try something stupid so they can use it as ammo in 20014. "see, I told you so...look at what they did"

Dr Big Bird PhD

New member

I would agree with you, but also add the 1st amendment. If they severely limited free speech and/or confiscated lots of firearms, things would get pimply. But I dont think that'll happen (in the near future)


New member
I couldn't figure out why they were pushing the agenda as hard as they are, considering how obvious it is where that pathway leads.

Then I read again Senator Feinstein's quote from 1995.
"If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them — Mr. & Mrs. America, turn them all in — I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren't here."

It finally hit me that they were that ignorant of the attitudes of the average citizen of the country they have been elected to serve.

What word covers this situation? Horrifying? Terrifying? I don't see those words as strong enough.


New member
Are there any pre-written letters online we can copy and send to our sheriffs about this? I never was much for book learnin.


New member
Letters are good.

Financial support to the major organizations supporting our cause is also good. If you have not already, then now is the time to join the NRA, SAF, GOA, your local firearm association... Take your pick, but join and support one or more of these organizations before the time comes when you wish you had.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
CowTowner, the link it just fine.

What seems to happen is that some folks try to copy the text that is visible and paste that into their browser, when quoting from another post. When doing that, they are copying a truncated link. Most internet board software will shorten (truncate) long links to make it appear shorter than it actually is.

Looking at the above link, you will see a set of dots (...). That is the part that is hidden from view. Look at the link, below:

See what you missed? Same link (only this one is not hyper-linked) as above, just not hidden.


New member
Thanks Al. You are absolutely correct!
The link as you posted it is working. pardon my failure to look at the link and decipher correctly.
After all, I only get paid to administrate other companies servers. :eek:
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