The Opposition to Obama and Gun-Control is Rapidly Growing.

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Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Jay Blackwell, one of the civil rights reporters has taken on the task of reporting the national opposition to the Obama Administrations efforts to create new gun-bans in the wake of the horrific Sandy Hook shooting. The list below is taken from; Sheriffs will not enforce Obama gun control laws; List reasons for defiance - Long Island Civil Liberties | I've checked his links and verified his compilation (but don't take my word or Jay's - do your own research).

  1. Oregon:
    Linn County Sheriff Tim Mueller
    Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin
    Baker County Sheriff Mitchell Southwick
    Josephine County Sheriff Gil Gilbertson
    Crook County Sheriff Jim Hensley
    Coos County Sheriff Craig Zanni
    Curry County Sheriff John Bishop
    Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer
    Washington County Sheriff Pat Garrett​
  2. Colorado:
    El Paso County Colorado Sheriff Terry Maketa
    Larimer County Sheriff Justin Smith
    Mesa County Sheriff Stan Hilkey
    Weld County Sheriff John Cooke​
  3. Alabama:
    Madison County Sheriff Blake Dorning
    Morgan County Sheriff Ana Franklin (not confirmed)
    Houston County Sheriff Andy Hughes​
  4. California:
    El Dorado County Sheriff John D’Agostini
    Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims
    Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson​
  5. Missouri:
    Johnson County Sheriff Charles Heiss
    Lawrence County Sheriff Brad DeLay
    Livingston County Sheriff Steve Cox​
  6. Arizona:
    Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio
    Yavapai County Sheriff Scott Mascher​
  7. Florida:
    Martin County Sheriff Bill Snyder
    Bay County Florida Sheriff Frank McKiethen​
  8. Georgia:
    Cherokee County Sheriff Roger Garrison
    Gilmer County Sheriff Stacy Nicholson​
  9. Idaho:
    Canyon County, Idaho Sheriff Kieran Donahue
    Madison County Sheriff Roy Klingler​
  10. Ohio:
    Boone County Sheriff Michael A. Helmig
    Clermont County Sheriff A.J. Rodenberg​
  11. South Carolina:
    Charleston County Sheriff Al Cannon
    Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright​
  12. Kansas:
    Johnson County Sheriff Frank Denning​
  13. Kentucky:
    Jackson County Sheriff Denny Peyman​
  14. Minnesota:
    Pine County Sheriff Robin Cole​
  15. Nevada:
    Humboldt County Sheriff Ed Kilgore​
  16. Texas:
    Smith County Sheriff Larry Smith​
States where lawmakers are proposing "non-enforcement" legislation:
  • Alaska
  • Mississippi
  • New Mexico
  • Tennessee
  • Utah
  • Wyoming
Utah Sheriffs take stance on gun control | – Salt Lake City, Utah News & Weather from KSTU Television FOX 13. The Utah Sheriff's Assoc. has written a strongly worded letter to Obama. Twenty-eight of the 29 Sheriff's signed the letter - Jim Winder of Salt Lake County did not sign. There was a strong hint that the Sheriffs thought that confiscation would be pursued, and vowed to stop such, even to the point of lethal force. Possibly why Sheriff Winder would not sign the letter.


New member
There was a strong hint that the Sheriffs thought that confiscation would be pursued, and vowed to stop such, even to the point of lethal force. Possibly why Sheriff Winder would not sign the letter.
Winder is shady and has aspirations of running for higher office, such as Governor. He won't do anything to potentially jeopardize his chances in future elections, or implicate himself in what may be viewed as acts of sedition.

He puts himself and his potential political future above all else - even if it means refusing to take a stance on an issue, out of fear of letting voters know what he really thinks. He's a politician, not a Sheriff. :(


New member
Even as a youngster with an "authority problem" or lack of respect for many LEOs because of their actions, I sincerely commend the ones sticking up for our rights. My county is not on the list, but I'm planning on doing the research to see my sheriffs opinion and asking him to take the same stand. There is a county close to mine on the list, and in a place like southwest MO, I would expect him to do the same. Thanks for posting.


New member
Its good to know that at least some people recognize that the Supreme Court doesn't have to rule on every single unconstitutional matter... We the people also retain that power in actions just like this...


New member
In Virginia there is a bill: HB2340

Prevent any agency, political subdivision, or employee of Virginia from assisting the Federal government of the United States in any investigation, prosecution, detention, arrest, search, or seizure, under the authority of any federal statute enacted, or Executive Order or regulation issued, after December 31, 2012, infringing the individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms by imposing new restrictions on private ownership or private transfer of firearms, firearm magazines, ammunition, or components thereof.

My Sheriff hasn't spoken out against gun prohibition and I don't really expect him to, but it would be nice, I sure like HB2340

Alabama Shooter

New member
Morgan County Sheriff Ana Franklin

I am not so sure about that one. In fact I am highly incredulous. Does anyone have a link to a statement from her? Because I doubt there is one.

The other Alabama ones are accounted for. I believe a few others will probably announce as well.

I don't know how I feel about Sheriffs not enforcing the law. I don't think they should have the privilege of picking and choosing. Still support is nice.


New member
I don't know how I feel about Sheriffs not enforcing the law. I don't think they should have the privilege of picking and choosing.
But they are supporting a law - the U.S. Constitution, supreme law of the land. Any law that violates said Constitution is invalid, even if enforced through authoritarian force.

Kevin Rohrer

New member
My Sheriff told me he has received LOTS of phone calls and emails from people who are angry about Obama's attempt at gun grabbing. He told me that he takes orders from no one--except his wife. :D
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New member
Great to hear, especially since my state is represented. I thing the pendelum started to swing back in the pro-gun direction a couple of weeks ago, but now is not the time to let up on our efforts.


New member
Wasn't there some issue with the Branch Davidians near Waco where the Sheriff didn't want to try and make any moves on David Koresh? I can't remember the details as the time elapsed has made my memory fuzzy on it. Wasn't that why the feds then went to the "He's got machine guns in violation of federal law" and moved in the ATF folks? I had also heard that unless it's on federal land, federal law enforcement agencies must get permission from the local sheriff to conduct operations outside of federally owned land/buildings. I'm not sure if that's true or not. How would they be stopped, such as in a situation similar to Waco or Ruby Ridge?


New member
I thing the pendelum started to swing back in the pro-gun direction a couple of weeks ago, but now is not the time to let up on our efforts.

Not only is it NOT the time to let up on our efforts, it's time to double and triple down on them. We need to go on the offensive, similar to what some of these sheriffs are doing. Many people are out buying guns. Many are writing and calling their Representatives and Senators, nationally and at their state levels. We also need to educate friends, coworkers, family members, neighbors, etc, who aren't that familiar with firearms but aren't lost causes when it comes to the Bill of Rights and the protection of our civil liberties, including the right to keep and bear arms.


New member
It's also time to open up the pocket book and contribute to your favorite lobby. It's going to be an expensive fight

Glenn E. Meyer

New member is a good source for evaluations of the chances of significant gun control.

Here's a piece reporting on Bill Clinton cautioning against snooty attitudes and pushing for more gun control:

Former President Bill Clinton warned a group of top Democratic donors at a private Saturday meeting not to underestimate the passions that gun control stirs among many Americans.

“Do not patronize the passionate supporters of your opponents by looking down your nose at them,” Clinton said.

This piece from a GOP Senator speaks to the same risk:

I think that the antigun forces are having a group-think that the entire country is behind them. They ignore listening to the opposition and discard it as nuts (see Biden), but Clinton is warning them as is Reid.


New member
I think that the antigun forces are having a group-think that the entire country is behind them. They ignore listening to the opposition and discard it as nuts (see Biden), but Clinton is warning them as is Reid.

Let's hope that the don't listen! My bigger fear is that the table this issue, focus their efforts on the 2014 mid-terms, then circle back to gun control and other issues with full control of the house and senate!
I think that the antigun forces are having a group-think that the entire country is behind them. They ignore listening to the opposition and discard it as nuts (see Biden), but Clinton is warning them as is Reid.
Clinton's smart enough to remember 1994. The arrogance and condescension with which the NRA and the gun culture were treated was epic in the leadup to the AWB and Brady Bill.

We were frozen out of the discussion process, lampooned by the media, and mocked at nearly every turn. To this day, I wonder if there might not have been less anger over the ban if they simply hadn't been so cocky and rude about it.

In any case, Clinton's words were worth considering, but the anti-gunners think they've got the wind at their back, so I doubt he'll be heeded.

(Towards the bottom of the first page of that article, there's a link to a photo gallery of guns that were banned in 1994. One of them is the FN FAL, for which they provide a picture of a PS-90.)

Alabama Shooter

New member
We were frozen out of the discussion process, lampooned by the media, and mocked at nearly every turn. To this day, I wonder if there might not have been less anger over the ban if they simply hadn't been so cocky and rude about it.

It's like deja vu all over again.


Truthfully it is not as bad this time I think. It is a lot harder to keep spreading lies with the internet these days. You can spread a lie faster but the truth is much closer behind.
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