The NY Times - at it again

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I as mentioned aboved, I once set them a letter in response to Al Gore during his run. Al said that since you need a license to drive a car, you should need a license to get a gun.

So I wrote, cleverly, that you can get a license to drive a car in every state by passing a simple test - was Al proposing that for guns? Remember at that time, there were much fewer shall issue states and places like NYC had (and still has) impossibly hard permit processes. So was Al proposing the whole country go shall issue (spare me that there should be no permits - we all should be VT - different issue). So I cast a hook out there. The Times called me and said, they would publish it. Great point - but it never came out.

Some editor above killed it, I suppose.

In the comments, I mentioned that pushing a gun control agenda was a nice way to support the election of the GOP (as Clinton once remarked) and was this their plan?


New member
Bias and agendas by the media are nothing new. In fact, I'd say it's really an American media tradition.

"You furnish the pictures, and I'll furnish the war!" Seems to me William Randolph Hearst said that , a little over a century ago. Pulitzer was playing the same game. Voila, the Spanish-American War...

Back in the early 1770s, Boston papers ran articles about a massacre, yet left out the salient details that a mob was attacking a pair of sentries, then threw rocks at the relieving squad.

Seems to me, for all the American media likes to put forward an air of respectable objectivity, their foundations were in biased coverage, pushing toward defined agendas.

Today we just get more of the same.

Ironically, some of the best true reporting these days comes from Al-Jezeera... Their editorials are biased, but their reporting is usually pretty good.
Funny piece here pointing out that based on historical convictions, the members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns are between 8 times and 45 times more likely to be convicted of a felony than a Florida concealed hangun permit holder.

As it turns out, it appears the Mayors Against Illegal Guns are also significantly less law abiding than the NC permit holders discussed in the NYT piece.


New member
What most amazes me is that some followers of The Firing Line actually read the New York Times! A long, long time ago this was the "newspaper of record" for the USA, with a well deserved reputation for outstanding journalism. But that was a long time ago, and for the last, at least 20 years, it has been the mouthpiece of the far left. Even in liberal NYC their circulation has dropped precipitously and they have had to lay off large numbers of staff. But don't expect a change in their editorial positions anytime soon. Unfortunately their position on concealed carry, and guns in general, is probably reflective of the NYC population's views as well. I grew up there and much of my extended family still lives in NYC. I am viewed as the crazy relative who owns guns, and almost beyond their capacity to contemplate, am a member of the NRA!

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Well, be amazed then. I'm from NYC originally and find much interesting things to read in the Times. Of course, I disagree with their gun stance but if I don't read an eclectic set of sources, I become a confirmation biased individual.

Also, once again - we don't do liberal or conservative. We do pro or antigun.

We have members who are conservative, liberal and moderate. The blanket denounciation of someone as liberal is intellectually childish.

Get over it. A hint.


Active member
It's another piece of crappy reporting from the NYT. Pure garbage. Am I to really believe that some guy was riding his bicycle and a guy in a car pulled up to him, threatened to shoot him and the bike-rider did and said nothing??? I'm not saying the shooter was right. What I'm saying is that the newspaper and journalist conveniently leaves out much of the story that the article is premised on, and then goes off on a tirade about concealed carry permits!

Talk about a classic bait and switch. I'm thinking I'm going to read some facts about a confrontation between a cyclist and a driver that lead to a shooting - far from it.

Snip - if it's off limits - it's off limits. That's the reason for the snip. Being cute doesn't help. GEM