The Nine Still Beats Em All!


New member
I have a pertinent question. If one shot stops are to be the norm with todays modern "majik bullet :rolleyes: " ammo, then why , oh why did my CCW instructor, who was an LEO, tell me to shoot until the threat ceased??? :confused:
Maybe it's because M&S are full of that which comes out of the back end of an ass. ;)


New member
"A proper statistical analysis can indeed be accomplished"

No it cannot, again, as one cannot use humans as guniea pigs in research, with "control" groups. etc.

Additionally, there are to many variables involved to create a proper "one-shot-stop" model that can be predictive of anything.

All data to this point is more subjective than objective, which makes any opinion regarding the subject strictly that - one man's opinion.


New member
Yes you can do a statistical analysis of the M-S data. What they have presented is essentially raw data that can be analyzed with a non-parametric statistic such as the chi-square test. In my opinion it is best applied within one caliber.

Not all science is done in a laboratory under controlled conditions, that is the ideal, but obviously not possible in this case.

One piece of information that Marshall should publish is what percentage of shootings involve more than one shot.

I have posted this before and I will post it again: Do to the variability of factors involved, comparisons should only be made when large numbers of shootings are reported for a caliber and when there is a separation of 10 percentage points.

By the way: the null hypothesis for comparison of caliber effectiveness is that there is no difference between calibers,ie., the .22LR is the same as the .45 ACP. How many of you believe that and how are you going to prove there is a difference?


New member
9mm is a sloppy round

Ballistic testing proves tha the 9mm round is sloppy - in other words, inconsistent on impact. What that means is that, unlike a .40 or .45, which are stubbier rounds that pack more punch and hit targets head on, 9s will end their journal on all kinds of angles - often on 45 degree angles. The effect leads to less accurate range performance, and ugly, messy impacts on human subjects.