The Newest NRA Lawsuits - Texas

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Here's the latest update:

~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jul 29 2013 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due August 30, 2013)
Aug 20 2013 Order extending time to file response to petition to and including September 30, 2013.
Aug 21 2013 Consent to the filing of amicus curiae briefs, in support of either party or of neither party, received from counsel for the petitioners.
Aug 30 2013 Brief amici curiae of Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, et al. filed.
Aug 30 2013 Brief amicus curiae of Second Amendment Foundation, Inc. filed.
Aug 30 2013 Brief amicus curiae of National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc. filed.
Aug 30 2013 Brief amici curiae of Alabama and 21 Other States filed.

The Lincoln Institute amicus brief:

The NSSF amicus brief: Foundation Inc in Support of Petitioners.pdf

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
More thanks to Kharn (a member of CalGuns) for procuring the SAF amicus brief.


  • 13-137 SAF Amicus Brief.pdf
    113.3 KB · Views: 86

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
A long overdue update.

In NRA v. BATF, the cert stage is completed on Dec. 3rd. We are now awaiting a conference date.

In NRA v. McCraw, a response was requested from the State and time was extended until Jan 21, 2014 to file that response.


New member
I bounce back and forth on the age thing. I went in the military at 17 w/ parents consent. Interesting I couldn't join on my own at 17, but once I was in I could make my decision to kill at 17. Lots of 17 year old in Nam all killing but in the states can't join or drink. But then again, the military has a way of maturing a person that civilian 17 year olds don't receive as a norm. I think the mid west, rural farm or ranch kids in general are more mature than the tweeting crowds the local community colleges are in their teens. Don't get me wrong, I have seen some who work having great maturity, but not as many in urban areas as a norm. Giving kids who can't drive responsible a gun and conceal carry gives me a pause to make that a blanket law. Like I said, I go back an forth on this so that in itself is enough for me to prefer to err on the side of caution. In my local area, I'm not impressed with the little tweeters I see for the most part.

Don P

New member
One might take the road that 18 years are not responsible. Evidence shows not full developed front cortices that inhibit risky behavior. That we let them have guns in the military is ok because they are tightly supervised.

I have to ask Glenn, how is an 18 year old in Afghan, or Iraq out on patrol being tightly supervised in the middle of nowhere?

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I assume that they have sarges and corporals with some training in managing troops assigned to them. BTW, I'm answering the question in the paradigm of how someone would criticize younger gun user ages. Kind of a red team exercise. One should prepare for such.

It has been argued that the irresponsibility of youth today is that they used to be off to apprenticeships in the work environment and supervised by adults. The college environment doesn't give that close up role modeling.