The myth of the lone fighter during an urban SHTF scenario.

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Lord Grey Boots

New member
Wouldn't real life examples be useful, such as those folks hit by that big Hurricane in Florida a few years back? Didn't guns come out of the wood work and looters encountered barricaded neighbourhoods patrolled by armed home owners?

In LA, didn't the Korean shop owners band together?

Real SHTF situations happen more often than we realize. They probably just haven't happened to us, yet.

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
Fortunately, we also live in a pretty small borough. Not sure there are gonna be too many Rodney King riots around here. swatman

What's your town's population? Waynesboro's is 5,813 as of the 2000 census. We had a "Rodney King" type riot in 1984. I, personally, watched rioters assault people while over 50 riot equipped officers observed from a vacant lot across a two lane road (This occurred at the RACO convenience store on Liberty Street/US Highway 25) and did absolutely nothing to intervene. I guess seeing a 75 year old man (just one of several) slapped by a 19 year old punk wasn't severe enough for them to risk further enraging the rioters. They also watched one of the punks use a 2X4 and methodically break out each and every window in a line of parked vehicles except one...mine. He saw me watching, knew me, knew I was armed, and decided not to take the chance that I would defend my property with lethal force. I was also the only person of my ethnicity not assaulted at the RACO. There are advantages to living in a small town and being well known. Most bad guys are cowards...they go after what they think are the soft targets.

There were not any severe injuries sustained by people during the riot. Several businesses were burned down. Mine wasn't one.


Member In Memoriam
SHTF scenarios are fun enough & if nothing else, allow us to "ridicule" those who have different views than our own. ;)

We're in a fairly rural area & once, during our road association meeting, I posited the thought that we should get to know another, our skill-sets & "barter" our skills rather than buying "in town." Most thought I was a communist. :rolleyes:

I've somewhat thought along the lines of another poster that I'd just shoot (most of) my neighbors first. ;)

We've one access route - a dirt road - that in the event of The Big One, I'd just ditch the darned thing to prevent access. Probably would end up fighting against The Road Association frenetic folks who'd rush out to make the dirt flat again ..... gotta have a smooth ride to Pizza Hut, ya know.


New member
It looks like JohnKSa and Lord Grey Boots also have reading comprehension difficulties and Spartacus is the only one here authorized to discuss SHTF scenarios.

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
Spartacus is the only one here authorized to discuss SHTF scenarios.


My little memory was basically a tempest in a teapot compared to something like the LA riots.

Mainly just a heads up that, yes, it can happen in your little town.


New member
OK, guys.....

S really hits the F and you ARE alone 30 minutes from your house....

Do you have enough firepower in your vehicle to make it to your house? Since you are driving-- I doubt you're firing, is your car stable and/or rugged enough to get through the road blocks that the mobs of "rioters" or "malcontents" have erected? Assuming you carry in your vehicle do you have enough ammo? A route home that will avoid all the noncombatants that are hauling ass the other way? Are you within any distance to link up with the neighbors you play wargames with? Are they armed too, or do they also need to get home? Are there bio-agents, do you have your mask? Do your neighbors? Did you make sure to buy the runflat tires for the Suburban and trailer, so they can't deflate you while trying to get to you "stash"? Is it armored? Are you? Got the kevlar with you at all times? Where's the wife and kids? Did your route include picking them up? Are they armed too? Did they bring enough ammo for their gun for the trip to the "castle"? Have you practiced zones of fire in a fullsize mock up of the neighborhood or are you just going to wing it? Have you sat in front of your TV with your neighbors doing function tests on the AR's and AK's? Done "jam" clear drills to make sure you can clear a bad jam? Any AP ammo loaded for the hard targets? Do you have enough powder to reload ammo when you run low? Or did you buy the "magic" gun that never runs out? Are your calibers standardized with your neighbors? Maybe you should choose standard military/police calibers. Did you remember to fill the sandbags? How fast can you deploy them to protect the exterior walls? Have you timed it? Whose house should be the "castle"? Water supply? Food supply? Waste management?

Problem is with all the SHTF scenario BS, and my issue with Dave3006's messages in general, is that he sounds like a radical who is holed-up somewhere trying to incite the very thing for which he is asking us to elaborate. I have no problems with the threads, but with his condescending tone as if he is Grand Mall Guru Ninja Master of the SHTF Scenarios.

When someone is "lecturing" on a forum board, I like to check on the basis from which they feel qualified to lecture? In this case it appears to be on NO basis is he qualified.

Just my .02.......


Steve Smith

New member

The S has hit the F. Personally, I'm sitting at my desk at work, typing on TFL at 8:30 in the morning. What are you doing? The S just hit the fan. Will you type on TFL about it? What will you do?

I know what I will do.

Red Label

New member
I guess I have reading comprehension deficiencies also Shivan and Libertarian. Because I just didn't see the "lecture" in Dave's post. To each his or her own I guess. But there is more than enough BS and lecturing coming from posters here. Let this be a lesson to all who post here -- there are those who are just waiting for you to give them a reason to disagree. Because Lord forbid we should all agree on something...


New member
Shivan, don't be such a girl. You must get your panties in a bunch every single. If you don't like MYTH posts, don't read them. Or, do you just like to punish yourself?

By the way, I am holed up in Mission Viejo, CA. I am a College educated, 40 year old father with a wife and two kids. I drive a Camry and own a home in a very middle class neighborhood. I believe in the constitution and all the freedoms that it supports. Next week, I am going to get a cat.

Is that radical enough for you?


New member
Or maybe...

use a different tactic/genre than the "myth" thread.

Because I'll say it again for those with reading comprehension deficiencies:

I do not have a problem with the subject matter per se, it's the tone and the way in which it's addressed. It appears that there is some knowledge base that in actuality does not exist.

BTW, what would gender have to do with anything? (i.e being such a girl...) Or are you searching for the lowest common denominator?

Almost a moronic statement -- but not suprised.


QUICK!!!!!! SHTF.........BANG!!!! Caught you napping at the computer, typical.......pipe bomb under the desk for any time the keys "SHTF" or "MYTH" are typed on your computer in succession.

But I guess you or your neighbor is a demolition expert too.......


Thanks for your oh so great contribution to the general readiness of our great land.



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Bud Helms

Senior Member

Way off-topic. Not that I've learned to tolerate the proliferation of SHTF threads around here, but that IS the topic and we ain't there no more.

This horse quit breathing a while back.

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