The myth of the lone fighter during an urban SHTF scenario.

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New member
During the next societal breakdown, your survival will depend more on your ability to form an improvised defensive team with your friends and neighbors than any gun or cool gear you own.

I personally believe we will see much larger events than the Rodney King riots in the future. Deep down, most of us think about this to some extent in our training and gun purchases. However, no matter how much stuff you buy or how many high power matches you have one, you probably will not survive without a group. One individual baricaded into a house is a toast against an armed or hostile group. Your biggest threat is fire. A smart group will just burn you out. You can't cover all access points to your house as an individual. You will be at similar risk if they just decide to shoot through your walls from the outside. Most houses do not provide any serious cover. They might as well be balsa wood. Lastly, if they want you out and work as a group, they can assault your house from multiple entrance points and you will have little chance of stopping them.

What is my point? Well, you can't do it alone. It might be smart to get to know your neighbors and make sure they are armed. Think about how to minimize access to your neighborhood. Where are the choke points? At the very least plan on having a few extra rifles to "loan" to them when the SHTF. It might be wise to even plan on doubling up with another family in this circumstance.

The LA riots were not that long ago. It could happen again. And, it could happen in a bigger way. You will improve your odds if you are not thinking you can do it all yourself.
Most of my neighbors own firearms of some sort, but don't seem to care at the very least about learning to shoot better or preparing for disasters. If I needed them, I suppose I could call them and ask for help...


New member
None of my immediate neighbors own firearms, and think I am a bit wierd for doing so. If the SHTF I bet I'll have a whole bunch of new best friends!
One of the 13 year old boys in my neighborhood always wants to talk about guns when he stops by the garage. Maybe it's the targets I hang on the wall after range time. I let him come over one afternoon and check out my firearms and my Uncles 20" AR15. He loved it. Of course I made sure and spoke with his parents before I invited him. It's pretty obvious that his parents don't really like guns, but they were very appreciative that I asked before doing it. HOWEVER, I don't think they are they type to take up arms in any situation.


New member
The instant that your neighbors watch the next Reginald Denny dragged and beaten for the helicopter cameras, their entire attitude will change. Sudden enlightenment. They will be serious, although unskilled, team members.

Then, when it is all over, they will forget and vote for reasonable gun control.


New member
I'm just someone who is "OVERenthusiastic" about firearms...a gun nut.
I don't trust too many folks around here nor do I want to know them very well. :mad: ;) :D

Have to think about this one...:rolleyes:


New member
My hood has an enviable advantage over most. We find that 45 degrees below zero keeps the riff raff out. The mosquitoes take care of July and August.


New member
Unless you live in a downtown tenement, or over an electronics/designer jeans retailer, most riots will likely pass your neighborhood completely.

Entire city streets & blocks can be barricaded for defensive purposes, just in case.

Make a point of knowing your neighbors.


New member
But Steve, the myth threads are just so much fun.

They get people thinking. Besides, who wants another AR vs. AK thread anyway...

Steve Smith

New member
Sorry, the MYTH threads are not fun. When someone (you) calls something a myth, you are at the same time stating that you are knowledgeable enough about the subject to know what is myth and what is not. Regarding the "SHTF" scenario, which has not even happened and may not happen, I say that you are not even close to knowledgeable about it to do that. For that matter, none of us are. "Myth" really gets me.
Steve Smith is right. Plus, there is nothing as good at fighting the myth of a hypothetical event as pure conjecture. There is no need to get bogged down with facts and real events.

The conjecture that a pair or group might have better chances of survival in a SHTF situation than an individual may be correct, but as far as dispelling the myth that a single person has better chances seems to be dispelling a myth that nobody believes.

You go, boy! Keep fighting those dragons! D'oh! Sorry, dragons are mythical creatures that don't really exist. My bad.


New member
Here's a scenario I believe MAY happen in my lifetime.

Major earthquake/tsunami devastates West Coast. Area affected ~400 miles of densly popluated seaboard. Millions affected, homeless, hungry. Local assistance, govt., communications, transportation, medical, police, power, water, destroyed or overwhelmed,

Federal Govt takes several weeks to completely restore order.

Supermarket food supplies gone within one week. Occasional incidents of opportunistic foraging & looting by hungry people.

Jamie Young

New member
Well that's part of the reason so many battle plans get thrown out the window half way threw the battle.

If the SHTF I bet I'll have a whole bunch of new best friends!

I've seen a 90% conversion rate with "anti" females once they went to a firing range with me. I've been ridiculed by friends of friends because I'm the typical right wing conservative gun owner. Last week after seeing the movie "Signs" several of those same people said "Jamie we would all go to your house if this happened..... don't you own a whole bunch of guns."

I know I'd have a whole bunch of new hot girlfriends if the aliens would invade.:D

I can't stand people that can turn on a dime. Even if they're good looking females.


New member
Steve, quick tip for ya, don't read the threads you don't like. Okay?

Contrary to you, I believe certain people can actually know things. And, I am sorry if it hurts your feelings, that tends to make people with the opposite beliefs wrong. Based on what you are implying, none of us should ever post anything. How dare someone claim they know something.

Please grow up or go back to my original tip. Don't read the threads that bother you.


New member
This thread reminds me of the movie "TREMORS"

This thread reminds me of that movie "TREMORS" where everyone wants to be friends with the local gun nut when the SHTF. :eek:) Everyone loves the local gun guy when 300 lb. worms want to eat you.

As to the question: "Would training together help people in an emergency situation?"

Of course it would. But then who is going to turn out for the local SHTF scenario training? I think too many ppl would perceive that kind of training as some sort of anti-government movement or some sort of terrorist training. BAD IDEA! A good way to have the local PD and other LEAs come knocking on your door. :rolleyes:

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Hey, look, gang. Since this is really about guns in general, and neighbors and what-ifs, I'm gonna move it to General forum.

And, yeah, them as what don't like the subject don't need to wet down the legs of them what do. :D I really don't believe it's raining.

As usual,



New member
I don't want to sound too paranoid, but I really don't have any close friends around here and I would not know who to trust.

On defending against mobs or rioters, history tells us that they usually retreat when met with armed force. The few shop owners in LA who displayed guns and stood their ground during the King Trial Riots were avoided by the mobs. They just moved on to easier pickings. Let's face it, they are cowards who hunt in packs and seek helpless prey. Demonstrate that you are not helpless and most of the time they retreat.
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