The "Look" of Your GUN


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MyXD40 - My dad always told me that pistols as opposed to his rifles did not need a heavy(field stripped) cleaning after every use and that it would end up shortening the performance and life span of the gun. Was this bad info or maybey he knew with my mechanical skills that it would be true enough for me.:confused:


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In good condition, even though it's a bit worn around the edges



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I OC a blued 1911, the grip on the outside is all banged up and alot of the blueing is gone but I live in a dry state

I used to oc a j-frame in my front right pocjet, It got a some road rash from a motorcycle accident.
I eventually sold it to a friend for to cheap.
Every day wear is cool, It give it charm (For lack of a better term)
If I scratch a gun because I did somthing dumb (screw driver slip etc.) it really bothers me, every time I see it I wanna kick myself.

I got new sights for one of my guns but Im afraid to try and tap the old ones out of the dove tails.
Im afraid of scratching it.


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I like the look of a gun with HONEST wear. Seeing new guns made with "Rustic finish" makes me :barf:....

Wear is a part of life. And when I look at 2 guns.. identical in every way exept one has a used look... I think "Man. Bet that used one is nice.".. Although some people abuse guns some just have a "Comfortable look" to them.


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It's a tool. It's not a purse. It's not an ear ring. It's not a Rolex watch. It's a tool. Tools wear down. Tools get scratched up.

My 1911 is well loved. It bugs me when it gets dinged unnecessarilly. But, I understand that it will get dinged.


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Here is a picture of my Colt Gold Cup Trophy after I just cleaned it and wiped it down.
She has been my constant companion for many years now and has not failed me yet through range and match use.


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If you carry a gun everyday like I do they are going to show some wear.

I hope you mean that as in a holster or way you physicaly carry your gun..

cause my gun looks as new as the day I bought it and I carry everyday for at least 10 hours a day..

My G23 is carried in a Bianchi Carryloc holster and it is removed and reholsterd at least twice per day, once in the morning and once in the evening, unless things go bad during the day.
The gun shows normal holster wear around the muzzle, just like every oyher gun carried in a similar type holster for any length of time. This wear doesn't bother me as already said it is a tool. I do have other guns in my safe that I don't carry daily because I don't want this wear on them. Different tools for different jobs. I also have a 4x4 F350, CC, LB DRW, powerstroke diesel, and I take very good care of it, it is my dream truck, but I get it offroad every chance I get, why have a 4x4 if you never use it? I have never figured this out? A dually isn't the ultimate offroad truck but she has never left me stranded yet.



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I like a gun with the edges smoothed out and shined up a little from holster wear. I don't like to see signs of obvious abuse. My old S&W 28 was in great shape, but the muzzle was shiny and the trigger guard was pretty close behind it. I had the grooved trigger, and I swapped it for a target trigger after it sawed through my finger the first time I shot it. I regretted selling it as soon as I handed it over.

I really want to get another one as soon as I can swing it.


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The finish on a couple of mine is scratched up. I'm not thrilled about, but it doesn't detract from their lethality. My 1911 is still looking nice, but I've only had it a couple of months. All in all, I bought them to be used, not looked at so it doesn't bother me.


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I wan't that truck! Anyhow, Seems like most understood what I meant. The guys at the range feel mostly the same way - at least those who carry. Some of the "efficianatos" who oil the slide betwwen shots feel it should look like it just came out of the box, but most of us see normal wear as a sign of good service. Remember, you don't trust it on your hip until many rounds have gone flawlessly through it, and that won't happen without some visible evidence.


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I have tossed around getting my old Colt refinished but some of the wear marks have meaning and just show character from years of service. I take care of my guns and finishes now are better than they were when my gun was purchased in 1977 but all will eventually show some wear if carried and used.

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