The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Sig vs Sig

Long story short, I have a part time job at a store that just happens to sell firearms.:D I can get a pretty good discount on any firearm and have been looking for another full size 9mm.

We currently have the 2 listed below for $399.99, marked down from their original prices.

SP 2022
P 250

Anyone have any experience with either, good or bad?
Any issues specific to each?

If you had a chance to buy one of these at a good price, which would you get and why?

I assume you've dry fired them both? That should answer the question for you.

Unfortunately, no. We have trigger locks on every firearm, but if we are not busy tonight I may have to remove them and see how each feels.


New member
Just bought the P250 SubCompact, my first Sig. Yes, I know Sig fans hate the gun, hate the trigger pull, yadda, yadda.

I like it. It's ugly. It works.

Uncle Malice

New member
The SP2022 has a DA/SA trigger. So you have your long pull for the first shot(or manually cock the hammer) and then follow up shots are in SA mode which is a nice, short, crisp trigger pull with a short reset.

The P250 is a very long double-action-only trigger. Granted, it is a smooth pull, but each stroke of the trigger has to go all the way to the rear and then all the way to the front to reset.


Another vote for the SP2022. That pistol actually has some characteristics in common with the P226, unlike the much unloved P250, widely seen as the answer to a question no one ever bothered to ask.

Will Beararms

New member
I have been a die hard 5" 1911 guy. The 1911 is still king but for carry day in and day out, I wanted something with a carefree polymer frame and something a lot lighter. My hands fit the Sig SP2022/P229 and P228 platforms perfectly----everything just blends into the weapon without thought---thumbs, support hand, etc. I will tell you the same holds true for the 4" XD Service---both guns will work in XD holster FYI.

The traditional Sig DA/SA ignition system is the thinking man's answer to carrying ------a loaded handgun with sufficient detente to minimize the potential for negligent and accidental discharges while having more than ample potential for a quick first shot.

My SP 2022 holds 13 rounds of 180 grain HST .40 caliber ammo. To me it is a perfect blend between power and portability in a lightweight package that minimizes the "buck" of the .40 Smith and Wesson. I can't explain it and with the high bore axis of the Sig, it should not be so but Sig knows how to deal with the recoil of the .40 in the P series and with the SP series.

Once you practice with the Sig traditional DA/SA, you will either love it or hate it. I like the ability to know I do not have a hair trigger on the first shot but have the ability to drive tacks with follow up shots.

The SP2022 is proven with the largest peacetime contract for 250K 9mm's to the French police, approval by our DEA in .40 and a few other contracts. Sig's customer service on new guns is excellent.

I had issues with a P239 when they first came out and Sig had a repaired pistol back to me in less than ten business days.
if you want a real sig, try out one of the srt models. those things are sweet! if you really feel like having an amazing piece without the price tag of an x5, go with the uspsa model. they have the nitron stainless finish, srt trigger, competition sights, high quality mags, etc. i even saw one ending today on gunbroker with NIGHT SIGHTS installed for under $800. A STEAL!
I don't get a discount at Gunbroker, so the intent is to find the better of the "2" that I CAN get a discount on. We have several other full size 9mm's that i like as well. Ruger SR9, Glock 17, Springfield XD, S&W M&P, just to name a few... All of which I can get a discount on!
If you take a look at the front sight of the P250 you should see a number. If it is an 8 and you like the long pull you would normally get with a revolver then get the P250. If the number is a 6 you will find you have to place the dot of the front sight over the target to hit it. I found that 6 front sight on a 9 mm compact but not on the full size.

As to the SP2022, I say get it if you like a single/double action polymer pistol. If you just like SA/DA in general I would say get it as well. If they will throw in an employee discount on top of the price even better yet.
Without question, I'd go with the 2022. The P250 was never ready for prime time, and even if the kinks have been worked out, I'm not sure how much long Sig is likely to produce it.

When news broke of the disastrous ATF trials, I wasn't all that surprised, as I'd seen multiple issues with the P250 first hand. I've never seen any significant problem with the 2022. The design has actually been around for about 15 years, beginning with the 2340 (SigPro) series.