The Five Most Dangerous Guns In America According To Rolling Stone Online


New member
Huh. I didn't think reading the comments section on a Rolling Stone article would make me want a derringer.


New member
I'm glad Rolling Stone magazine (or is it a clip?) exists, or these dimwits would be really dangerous, like working in a sandwich shop or something. I certainly wouldn't want them handling my food, given their lax attitudes.


New member
Perfect example of an author that keeps on saying more & more about less and less until he has said everything about nothing. Semantic content: ZERO. Thanks for wasting our time!


New member
You gotta think it was at bloomberg's behest

I wonder if Bloomfield(or any of his business holdings) bought all the ad space for this week's issue.

Spats McGee

Oddly enough

I have to come to this poor girl's defense on one point. For those of you making fun of her remark that:
. . . .pistols are defined by their built-in barrel and short stock . . . .
I have to point out that she may be correct.
18 USC 922 said:
The term “handgun” means--

(A) a firearm which has a short stock and is designed to be held and fired by the use of a single hand; and

(B) any combination of parts from which a firearm described in subparagraph (A) can be assembled.

18 U.S.C.A. § 921 (West)


New member
There's a subreddit on Reddit called /r/nottheonion, which lists news and magazine articles so silly they're indistinguishable from satire articles written by The Onion. This article is a prime candidate if ever there was one.


New member
Umm...That wasn't what I was expecting at all. I've lost all hope for the media.

The 5 Most Useful Guns You Could Ever Own:

I think that about sums it up.


New member
Yeah, laugh it up guys. But I'm still going to burn every CD that I found on American Rifleman's list of five most dangerous albums.


New member
5 Most Dangerous Stones (as determined by Guns magazine.)

1. Round stones
2. Hard stones
3. Grey stones
4. Big stones
5. Rolling Stones


New member
Everyone underestimates the power of this article, or articles like this.

If you read it from the point of view of a neutral person who doesn't own a gun and has very little knowledge of guns, it is a very compelling and all encompassing article.

Laugh at your own peril.

To Rolling Stone's credit, they allowed the comments to play out. That is more open and honest than other sites. Try posting a dissenting opinion on the MDA or Everytown website. Heck, even Fox News doesn't allow commentary by readers.


New member
I feel like MSN used to allow comments on articles and maybe they don't now???? Too bad. I remember reading a lot of comments criticizing their articles calling them on their junk and freedom bashing ideals.

I must agree with Machineguntony.

But still. I found myself actually laughing out loud for a good couple minutes thanks to this thread.

Also... thanks to rolling stone, I now know that if things get sour, I must use my rifle or shotgun to fight my way to a pistol or revolver:D:D:D!!! HAH!


New member
The only real power that any magazine article has comes from being shared via social media. If that sharing results in responses like you can see in this thread then the story becomes impotent. There is real value in mocking stupid Rolling Stone articles, and there is not much value in doing anything else with them; unless you fish or own birds.


New member
We should all be allow to purchase M32 grenade launchers as these are not at all dangerous as they are not revolvers.


New member
I can't find it right now, but I have/had (new computer) a list of murder statistics for the U.S. Number 1 article used to kill people was a bat. I think the second was a knife. I don't think guns came in till number 4 or 5. It was sent to me by a friend, now if I can just remember which friend.

Prof Young

New member
The five most dangerous vehicles in America . . .

The five most dangerous vehicles in America are:

Especially those with a built in steering wheel.

Live well, be safe . . . don't be ridiculous.
Prof Young