The Five Most Dangerous Guns In America According To Rolling Stone Online


New member
5 most dangerous knives, per rolling stones

1. Kitchen knives
2. Pocket knives
3. utility knives
4. hunting knives
5. switchblades

To their credit, it's more accurate that most media coverage of guns. At least there wasn't a picture of a pump action shotgun with the caption "this is the AK-15, it has a 30-caliber clip to disperse with 30 bullets within half a second".


New member
Rolling Stoner is certainly my reference for all things non-music.
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New member
203 murders by shotgun per the article.

678 by hands, fists, feet, etc. per the FBI!

MY GOD! Human body parts are THREE times more likely to murder someone than a shotgun! :p We must ban those eeeeevvvvviiiillll body parts; it's for the children you know! ;)


New member
Top 5 most dangerous women, according to Rolling Stone
1.) Redheads
2.) Blondes
3.) Brunettes
4.) Grey ones
5.) breathing ones
They keep mentioning "X number of guns recovered at crime scenes," but those numbers are insanely high. I think what they actually mean is "X number of guns traced by the ATF."

There's a big difference. Guns get trace requests for all sorts of reasons. "I found this gun in grandpa's basement...can you run the numbers" is way different than "this gun was found at the scene of a shooting."

But, it's Rolling Stone. Do we really expect an accurate, unbiased, and incisive look at the issue?


New member
Notice that machine guns are not on the list. Perfect reason why we should open the registry.

I'm ok with banning the semi autos. They just waste ammo.


New member
This article is well worth reading, not for the content of the word vomit masquerading as journalism, but for the hilarious peanut gallery comments in the discussion section. There is some absolute comedic gold to be found in there. I wasted the better part of two hours today laughing at all of the smart alec remarks.


New member
Well......they're not wrong..........

Some of the responses to this wonderful bit of journalism have been nothing short of hysterical AND brilliant.

Some of the stuff flying around on twitter is absolute gold.


Active member
People who read Rolling Stone to learn about guns also read Archie and Jughead for investment advice.


New member
1. Pistols
2. Revolvers
3. Rifles
4. Shotguns
5. Derringers

Well I, for one, never expected that derringers would be more dangerous than machine guns. Learning something every day, even at my age.

Spats McGee

Perhaps to my eternal shame, I skimmed the article. Did anyone else notice how the author figured out that these are "the five most dangerous guns in America? It's not number of folks killed by them. It's not any sort of ballistic calculation. It's not average number of shots required to kill the victim. The author:
Rolling Stone said:
determined the types of guns most often recovered from crime scenes and/or used in murders.
So it's the number of firearms recovered at crime scenes that determine which ones are the most dangerous? :confused: I'd be more inclined to use that date to determine "The Five Most Often Discarded Firearms in America."


Active member
Here are some more winners from the article:

"pistols are defined by their built-in barrel and short stock." (must be talking about those SBR Lorcins:confused:)

"Some grenade launchers, shotguns, and rifles also have rotating barrels" (Are we talking guns or amusement rides:eek:)

" opposed to the shotgun's ability to spray" (like a cat? fire hose? :cool:)

"...smoothbore muskets, for which the musket ball was often an bad fit due to manufacturing complications." (ha ha ha ha, I just don't know where to go with this piece of intellectual and historical brilliance!!!)

"While high-capacity-magazine assault weapons have bee linked to large numnber of..." (Editor must have been sleeping off some binge drinking)

And from another brilliantly written Rolling Stoned article:

"There's no such this as a minor school shooting." ( After a few hits of bath salts, anyone can hallucinate that this statement somehow makes sense)

Rolling Stone. Written by stoned 8-year olds for stoned 60-year olds.
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New member
Notice that machine guns are not on the list. Perfect reason why we should open the registry.

I'm ok with banning the semi autos. They just waste ammo.

Wish I could figure out how to make that into a sensible bumper sticker...