The Fighting Carbine


New member
Ya want a carbine? Here ya go....

It's all you will ever need and has been doing it's job for over 100 years.


P.s. The handguns are only include because all I have is a family pic.
without getting the AR, AK & SKS guys all worked up... IMO, the best carbine may not be a carbine anymore...

I'm not a big fan of the AR pistol, but if built & outfitted with quality necessesities, it has the potental to outperform the carbine... for civilian clearing "a" house use...

my FN 5.7 pistol with 3 - 20 round magazines with attached light & selected handloads likely falls into the same category...

after that my next choices would my 12 ga coach gun... after that would be either my 30 Carbine or an AR built around the 10 mm cartridge ( trouble there is I think only Olympic builds guns in 10mm right now , & quality could be questionable )

but I highly believe in the KISS concept my FN wears a light, my 30 Carbine a reflex sight, my SKS has been stripped down to basics, & accurized... it now shoots better than most, & I find I can reload with stripper clips faster than most can change a 20 or 30 round magazine on an SKS... I don't have an AK, but my new VZ-52 is bare bone functional

but honestly... if things go bump in the night in my home, my 1st grab is my regular carry S&W air lite 5 shot 44 special, & a Streamlight I keep with the guns, as I may not want the light attached to the gun, & I'm most comfortable & accurate with the 44


New member
without getting the AR, AK & SKS guys all worked up... IMO, the best carbine may not be a carbine anymore...

I'm not a big fan of the AR pistol, but if built & outfitted with quality necessesities, it has the potental to outperform the carbine... for civilian clearing "a" house use...


I'm obviously an AR or AK guy, and your post didn't get me worked up. I agree with some of what your saying. I've read it before. Maybe not from you, but from a thread I read years ago.

I have to tell you though. The 1st AR in my first post is a 11.5" SBR that started life as a pistol build. I loved it, but after shooting it a few times it became obvious to me that it had to have a but stock. So, I did all the paper work required, and paid for the "Tax Stamp". It didn't take long for it to evolve into a Short Barreled Rifle.

There was a really long thread over at that was about the ultimate Carbine, and the original poster started the thread talking about AR15 pistol being the "ultimate Carbine". I agreed with him in every point. Until I made mine into a SBR.

First this

Then eventually it became this

All though my screen name is DBAR, I do own other Carbines (Rifles). It's just that this thread reminded me so much of the thread that I read years ago that got me started with my current SBR.
