The AR-15 Situation

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I'd argue that the most versatile, in terms of calibers possible, would be something like a T/C Encore.
TC's, fine as they are (and some would say, included former employees, that they have suffered in QC since being bought out)--and I have one--would make some sense in a post semi-auto ban world--but otherwise still don't come close to an AR in versatility IMHO. Obviously a stock AR 15 receiver will limit the cartridges compatible--but even there manufacturers have sprung up that can adapt most anything up to and including 50 bmg. From quick close engagement of multiple targets to intermediate/long range sniping. hard to beat an AR.


New member
Don't be a Fudd. Get an AR!

That attitude does not help our cause. There are millions of gun owners who will never own an AR. That does not make them Fudds anymore than owning one makes one a patriot.
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New member
I am the 2nd gun owner who does not own an AR though I thinking seriously about getting one. I am looking at the Bushmaster, their A2 is all GI which I prefer.


New member
The AR15 is the firearm analog to the jeep Cherokee: useful, utilitarian, can be customized or bone stock, higher end versions available, you can attach things to them, can be used for work, can be used for fun, can be used to hunt... Doesn't mean every SUV enthusiast should own one or want one.


Active member
That attitude does not help our cause. There are millions of gun owners who will never own an AR. That does not make them Fudds anymore than owning one makes one a patriot.

I sure hope we gun owners have thick enough skin to engage in a little non-pc banter every now and then. "Fudd" is not a 4-letter word that any gun owner should get offended over.


New member
I respectfully disagree. The term is pejorative, and divisive in my opinion. The term suggests a lack of understanding of the 2A. How is that not offensive?


Active member
I respectfully disagree. The term is pejorative, and divisive in my opinion. The term suggests a lack of understanding of the 2A. How is that not offensive?

It's not offensive because I don't allow myself to be offended by someone jokingly calling me a Fudd.

As far as a "lack of understanding of the 2A" - there are lots of things I don't understand about 2A. What the term "Fudd" really suggests is not simply a lack of understanding about 2A. A Fudd is a gun owner who uses 2A to support his right to one one type of gun, but openly argues that 2A does not protect the rights of another person to own the type of gun he/she wants to own.

Now if someone poked fun at the way I spoke, calling me a Fudd because I had some sort of speech impediment that I was born with, I might find that a little offensive. One has to do with the way God made me; the other has to do with an opinion I might hold. That's the difference between what should be and should not be offensive.


New member
A Fudd is a gun owner who uses 2A to support his right to one one type of gun, but openly argues that 2A does not protect the rights of another person to own the type of gun he/she wants to own

That definition is incomplete. The type of guns acceptable to a Fudd are those used for sporting purposes. A Fudd would not defend the right to keep and bear arms for the purpose of self-defense or, heaven forbid, to protect against tyranny. I appreciate your choosing not to be offended. It is offensive nevertheless in my less than humble opinion.


New member
Waoh, sorry I did not mean to derail the topic with my comment. For the record it was not directed at any member here.

The more AR15 owners the better (or any scary semi auto). It means we have more people on our side who will fight and vote to keep our rights to own such weapons. I can't stand it when people say things like "I'm a gun owner but there's no reason to own an assault weapon, it's not for hunting". This is a total Fudd statement and I've heard it a lot after the recent incident. I think the more people that become familiar with the AR, the more will love it.


New member
I can't stand it when people say things like "I'm a gun owner but there's no reason to own an assault weapon, it's not for hunting".
Common bias--I hear that often. Lots of folks on this forum probably think that way too.


New member
"Common bias--I hear that often. Lots of folks on this forum probably think that way too."

Education helps some people but there is NO CURE FOR STUPID!



New member
My sister is a bow-hunting Fudd.

Those people scare me with their silent ninja assassin weapons. Nobody needs those things.


New member
As possibly the only gun owner who doesn't own an AR-15, I'm thinking about it. The Democrats are working at fever pitch in their terribly wrong-headed response to a recent act of terrorism. There is also a significant chance that the lady whose name was attached to the last rifle ban--a ban that saved no lives and made nobody any safer--will end up in the White House. I know we are all making calls, donations, etc. in order to prevent any such violations of our rights; but we need to accept that these things could happen.

There’s not going to be a ‘new’ AWB, regardless who the next president is.
Anyone who believes there will be such a ‘ban’ is a fool – unfortunately there are a lot of fools out there who will ‘panic’ for no reason, and create unwarranted shortages and higher prices for the rest of us.

Buy a new AR because you want one, not because you think it’s going to be ‘banned.’


New member
There’s not going to be a ‘new’ AWB, regardless who the next president is.

Anyone who believes there will be such a ‘ban’ is a fool – unfortunately there are a lot of fools out there who will ‘panic’ for no reason, and create unwarranted shortages and higher prices for the rest of us.

Buy a new AR because you want one, not because you think it’s going to be ‘banned.’

Just because some instances of panic are or have been foolish does not mean that concern is unwarranted. The presumptive nominee from one major political party was part of the team that once imposed a very real federal ban. That might be a distant memory for some of us but keep in mind that the anti-gun propaganda machine both has picked up a lot of funding and has gotten very good at capitalizing on tragedy, regardless of actual cause. We've seen it drive bans and restrictions in several states in just the last few years.

Right now, there are still anti-gun wheels turning at the federal level with members of both parties involved. Our rights have survived--and not always intact--by some pretty thin margins. The fact is that shifts in power are possible at various levels of government and that such shifts can have very real consequences for us as gun owners and enthusiasts. While barred from specific discussion of how on this forum, we had all better be very active for the sake of those rights.

In the mean time, this thread is a great place for us to share thoughts and observations on market trends regarding a popular but often maligned sporting rifle.


New member
I didn't know either until I Googled it, so that's at least two of us

Gee, I thought it meant Elmer Fudd, the Disney cartoon character who was obviously a huge 2nd Amendment supporter. He fired his weapon at least once each episode, usually at a half-human trouble maker. When society completely collapses, I reckon many of us plan to use our AR-15s to keep the half-human trouble makers off our lawns.

I took the term "Fudd" to be a complement until I Googled it.

I happen to think that everyone should own at least one AR-15 variant but only if they also own at least one AK-47 variant.


New member
There’s not going to be a ‘new’ AWB, regardless who the next president is.
Anyone who believes there will be such a ‘ban’ is a fool – unfortunately there are a lot of fools out there who will ‘panic’ for no reason, and create unwarranted shortages and higher prices for the rest of us.

Buy a new AR because you want one, not because you think it’s going to be ‘banned.’
This is how I feel too for the most part--except that I would not assume there won't be any ban of any kind--nor would I call anyone a fool who believes constant vigilance is necessary.

I believe the Supreme Court has decided to let states enact their own "stealth bans" by letting state rulings stand or refusing to hear challenges. That allows them to interpret the 2nd on the fly without making it an "either/or." in an absolute nation-wide sense.
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