The AR-15 Situation

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New member
As possibly the only gun owner who doesn't own an AR-15, I'm thinking about it. The Democrats are working at fever pitch in their terribly wrong-headed response to a recent act of terrorism. There is also a significant chance that the lady whose name was attached to the last rifle ban--a ban that saved no lives and made nobody any safer--will end up in the White House. I know we are all making calls, donations, etc. in order to prevent any such violations of our rights; but we need to accept that these things could happen.

So has anyone noticed increases in prices? How is availability at your local shops? What do the ammo shelves look like for .223, .308, etc.? Have you recently picked one up, or another one up if you already have one?

Also, please feel free to share any advice you have for people who are new to the platform or looking to get into it.


New member
Ammo and rifle availability looks fine in my area.
There may be an increase in purchases of 'black' rifles, but not much from my point of view.

While I firmly believe in defending all gun rights, and will continue to do so...
I will admit, unabashedly, that if prices go through the roof again, you can bet your back side that I'll be unloading many (if not most) of my ARs.
Money talks, and if someone feels that the 20" .223 varminter that I built for $280 is worth $800, or if my $450 carbine will sell for $900, etcetera ... I'm doing it. And that's just the cheap stuff. If my more expensive/valuable options (like the 6x45mm) have a viable market at substantially increased prices, they would go too.

If I can turn a 100% or 200% profit on an AR, I'll be perfectly happy defending the new owner's right to keep it, while laughing all the way to the pile of lever-actions, bolt-actions, and scopes that I bought with the proceeds.


New member
I've noticed significant price increases as some websites, including, where the cost of their namesake is up by 20%!

Prices are NOT going down anytime soon, although not all have gone up....yet. You can still get some smokin' bargains, but who knows for how much longer....

44 AMP

Well, there's at least two of us

Make it 3! :D

I sold my last AR in the pre 94AWB panic. A $450 gun for $900! And I never replaced it. I've got .30s for serious work and a Mini 14 for a .223 blaster.:)

If you want one, get it now, before the next panic fully hits (its already starting). And while who is in the White House does matter, it is who is in Congress that matters MORE. Only they can make law, or stop laws from being made. The President can push, and can do SOME thing by executive order but cannot make LAW.


New member
ok first things first.
politics is a no-no outside of the subforum designed for such discussion. ragging on HillBilly is strictly not acceptable here in the firearms side of the board.

second. STOP!!!! every time there is threat of a gun ban every tom dick and harry goes out and starts by buying up all the scary guns, then they hoard all the ammo for said guns, then they start buying the next scariest guns and buy all the ammo for it as well. in the end, the bans never take place, prices skyrocket as people realize that they get to name their own price and then there is a giant spending bubble when the proposed ban gets shot down. stop buying into the hype, stop assuming that the most corrupt politician in american history is going to get elected because it has lady parts, and stop adding to the problem by spreading the hype.

now, to answer you questions. there are still ARs on the shelves of every gun shop in my area. there is still 223, 7.62x39, 308, and 22lr ammo on the shelves of every sporting goods store in town except for the 2 going out of business. and the AR15 I've been trying to sell for the last 3 months is still hanging out without any interested parties despite what I feel is a reasonable price and nice features... so there, the market in a nutshell.


New member
Visited a few shops in my area this weekend. No noticeable price increases and inventory is as good as it has ever been.

If there is a panic, I think we're a few months (at least) away from it.

That said, if you're interested in getting an AR, I wouldn't hesitate. You'll love them!


New member
Several months ago, I bought a couple of AR lowers just in case they get banned in the near future. I just finished building one of them. The other lower will probably just sit in the safe for a while.
My next purchase would be some 5.56/.223 and a couple of magazines while prices are still low.


New member
At least pick up a stripped lower. They're cheap and if you want to sell it you can't lose much. You just never know.

T. O'Heir

New member
Lots of people don't have or particularly want an AR-15.
"...Panic hasn't started yet..." Only because Congress is basically doing nothing but arguing. I'd be more concerned about the possibility that King Obama might decide to declare 'em too evil through a Presidential Edict as he goes looking for a new job.


New member
44 AMP said:
And while who is in the White House does matter, it is who is in Congress that matters MORE. Only they can make law, or stop laws from being made.

Please tell that to the unelected bureaucrats and judges :)

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
The word I've read is that sales volumes of ARs are up in many stores, but there are as yet enough available that the prices have not risen.

Consensus opinion at the moment is that the situation might well change during the last month or two prior to the election. I guess it depends on relative importance as an issue during the campaign. No telling what sort of event could occur to change the focus of the campaign.


New member
Since we can't mention parties, I'm gonna say the whole world is against one party's candidate (to include corporations and media), and only half the country hates the other (and is supported by the corporations and media), I can say that there's a fair shot that an antigun candidate will be in the White House in late January.....
I'd get one sooner rather than later


New member
Prices have gone up slightly, but I don't think we've reached the shortage stage. Now that all 4 gun control bills have failed, may not be a shortage until after the next election.


New member
And while who is in the White House does matter, it is who is in Congress that matters MORE. Only they can make law, or stop laws from being made.

Please tell that to the unelected bureaucrats and judges

There is a factual issue here. Yes, the Constitution says certain things. However, for a variety of reasons that may reach beyond the scope of allowed discussion on TFL, those things are not always upheld by our government and "the people" don't always hold government accountable when they don't. The Executive Branch has taken plenty of steps without Congress on this and other issues. A notorious example is Operation Choke Point.


New member
Well, I probably fell into the trap. I don't care that much for AR15s and they don't get me real excited but I decided to buy one this week essentially out of civil disobedience. I didn't have one but felt like I was so sick of the constant drum beat of a gun control lobby trying to make them illegal that I decided to vote with my feet and my dollars and get one. So I picked up a S&W M&P15 Sport II on a great deal. I'll be surprised if I shoot it more than 10 times but every time I see it in the safe I think I'll feel a little warm fuzzy that I somehow am sticking to the man and it won't be leaving my possession unless it's pried from my cold dead hands.


New member
... I don't care that much for AR15s and they don't get me real excited but I decided to buy one this week essentially out of civil disobedience. I didn't have one but felt like I was so sick of the constant drum beat of a gun control lobby trying to make them illegal that I decided to vote with my feet and my dollars... I'll be surprised if I shoot it more than 10 times but every time I see it in the safe I think I'll feel a little warm fuzzy that I somehow am sticking to the man and it won't be leaving my possession unless it's pried from my cold dead hands.

... my thoughts exactly.
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