The 7mmRM


New member
I wanted a heavy barreled 7mm Rem Mag too. A few years ago I had Mike Bryant build me one on a Stiller TAC 300 Action. If I could do it over again I'd probably go with a 280 Ackley Improved. It's a tack driver, no complaints!



New member
Boogershooter, I have not seen a bench rest shoot dominated by Remington actions in a very, very long time. Custom actions are dominating the line. As far as easy action to build a bench rifle on, the mod 70 Winchester is a much easier action to build on and is definitely much easier to bed. It is also much more stable after it is bedded.


New member
357 I'm sorry for the confusion. I had quite a few typos in that post. I meant dominated by numbers of them at the shoot not dominating by winning. I'm sure you attend more shoots than I do but here in louisiana there are still more 700's than any other. About 50% of the time people say this is one of Bucky's old rifles, referring to the late Bucky Murdock. Just for grins and giggles I have personally seen a stiller action have to be sent back. I have my own 600 yard range and a ever evolving 3 gun range. I've seen some El cheapo rifles with factory ammo out shoot some $4000 rifles with the same shooter. I recently watched a man shoot a ruger American rifle at 200 and 400 yards silhouettes. He didn't win but the rifle was extremely accurate. I've seen sakos, coopers, and even a sig that were very very picky about what shot well. Then hear the owners say I paid X amount of money for this gun, it should shoot anything I want. I guess we will always have the want or need for the perfect cartridge and rifle. Even the best we own is only our favorite for so long before we build or buy another.


New member
I guess we will always have the want or need for the perfect cartridge and rifle. Even the best we own is only our favorite for so long before we build or buy another.

This is very true. I keep trying to justify getting the 7mmRM but I have to admit, my 7mm08 I currently shoot is perfect for what I do both in hunting and target shooting. Mild recoil, excellent accuracy, compact and set up exactly the way I want it to be. Plus there is a lot of satisfaction knowing that I came up with the idea, did the assembly (with exception to cutting the barrel), made the load up and enjoy shooting it.

That said, I still want the 7mmRM. The more I look and research, the more I lean to the 700 Long Range just because I can make it identical to the 7mm08 in configuration without quite as much expense since it already comes with the same stock I currently shoot. About the only thing I think I'll change is to go from a 150grn BT to a Accubond Long Range. Running the calculations with the velocities published and the higher BC I'd get a difference of somewhere around 13' at 1000yds over the 7mm08, that is pretty significant, though accuracy is still the question.


New member
I have some mod 700 production class rifles. It is too hard to keep the action from twisting when wearing the heavy bulls.
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Again, while I think the Savage action is decent and certainly deserving of respect, I'm not a huge fan. They also don't offer a chambering for 7mmRM in the HB version these days and finding a used one in decent condition that wouldn't require a rebuild is not easy. I'd have more money in it that buying the 700 LR and probably the Sendero or Sako A7 Roughtech Range and end up with an inferior gun.

I can take a 700LR, add a Timney set at 2.5lbs, install a Wyatt Outdoor DBM kit, dip the stock, Duracoat the metal and add a Badger Bolt Knob for right at or under $1k. Doing that it would be identical to the 7mm08 I shoot now, just a larger chambering. The Sendero would have a little better stock, require a trigger, bolt knob and DBM, making it the most expensive option overall. The Sako A7 Roughtech Range would require an optic and fall in the middle but have the best action of the three.


New member
OK...I went back and reviewed. Since you have 3-5K to spend without the optic, I don't think I would do a Savage either. Since you live in SC, think Jarrett bean field rifle. With your NightForce NSX you would be all set.

I have an NSX 3.5-15X50 on a Ruger 77MKII 7mm WSM that I paid $275 for. I know, it sounds crazy, but it shoots like crazy too. It often gets the nod when its time to sit on a peanut field.


New member
Not spending 3-5k, were I to do that GAP or Accurate Ordinance would be building it on a Stiller or Surgeon or similar. Jarrett builds a great rifle but a bit overpriced IMO.