
New member
I'm just curious to see what THAT gun is for most of you. I mean the one that you just shoot so well, the one that just feels good, points good, the one you don't have to try to be good with, you just are.
The one that always makes you look good in front of people when you shoot it, the one that you surprise yourself with its accuracy.
Be it a rifle, shotgun, handgun, whichever. The gun you can take apart and put back together in the dark without looking with one hand tied behind your back.
What is THAT gun for you?

For me its my Glock 21, I just naturally shoot it well all of the time, me and Gaston must have the exact same hand dimensions :)


THAT Gun? Meaning the first gun you think of?

I'm just curious to see what THAT gun is for most of you. I mean the one that you just shoot so well, the one that just feels good, points good, the one you don't have to try to be good with, you just are.

S&W 627 V-Comp

The one that always makes you look good in front of people when you shoot it, the one that you surprise yourself with its accuracy.

S&W 627 V-Comp

Be it a rifle, shotgun, handgun, whichever. The gun you can take apart and put back together in the dark without looking with one hand tied behind your back.


What is THAT gun for you?

I don't take my revolvers apart until they fail me. I just oil them. If they fail I just buy new ones. Not really.

For me its my Glock 21, I just naturally shoot it well all of the time, me and Gaston must have the exact same hand dimensions


Uncle Buck

New member
A Winchester model 94 30-30 carbine rifle.

I received it in trade for some tires a guy needed when I had my auto repair shop. Covered in light rust and definitely not well taken care of.

Never took her apart.

Just cleaned her up and shot it. It is one of those rare items that just feels right in your hands. My eye is naturally drawn to the sites as she nestles against my cheek.

Others have tried to use it when they hunt, but they seem to miss often, even with practice. I have never miss a shot with this, be it a deer, coyote, coon or other critter I am shooting at.


Glock 17 (Gen3).

Not the purdiest gun in my collection, but it's what I'm most accurate with and has yet to have a single hiccup since I bought it.


New member
P-35 Hi-Power. It feels right, looks right and most importantly, it never fails.
It's my off-duty carry gun


Smokey Joe

New member
That gun...

For me is a break-open, exposed-hammer single-shot 20-gauge I inherited from my grandfather. No maker's name. It has no front sight, but that doesn't seem to matter. It works similarly well for my son, too, so I expect it'll stay in the family.

#1 Son dubbed it The Gun That Does Not Miss.

Good for birds up to pheasant-sized.

I wish I had a rifle like that! :D

Father Time

New member
"That" pistol: Springfield Trophy Match. (Although with a match barrel and trigger I suspect anyone could shoot it well)

"That" rifle: Remington 700 .270


New member
Hi-Point.........haha just kidding. Mine would have to be my CZ40b but I hope my G35 will after I shoot it more.


New member
Pretty much any K-frame S&W Revolver,,,

But in specific it's my Model 15 in .38 Special,,,
It's just something that fits me very well,,,
And I hit fairly well with it too.



New member
Not sure if I am really qualified to post in this particular thead since I am still fairly new to gun ownwership, but here goes.

For me it would be my Glock 22. It is my primary carry gun, shoots perfetly, and with the Hogue grip it fits great in my hands.


New member
that gun

Shotgun: Remington 1100 12ga...put a lot of meat on the table, looks nice.

Rifle: pre-64 Winchester model 70 .270 that my dad bought new when he was a pup.

Handgun: Series 70 Colt .45 chrome finish with mother of pearl grips and the Texas state seal inlaid in gold in the grips that some @-hole relieved me off back in 2000 via burglary. Now it's a 1991 Colt's gun. Everyone should have one. ;) kidding...kidding. Don't send the angry mob.


New member
That handgun: Glock 22 40S&W
That rifle: Marlin Model 60 .22
That shotgun: Mossburg M500 12 gauge

A runner up for That rifle would be my Browning pre-81 BLR .308. But the .22 wins, it's just plain fun to shoot and I shoot it well.


New member
A little old H&R Topper, Model 158 single-shot .410 shotgun. I freaking love this gun. Feels better than all my .22s. Hit a cottontail at over 40 yards with it this morning using shot size #6. Gonna go for some longer shots later this week.
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New member
This one

My M96 Sporter is the one rifle that everyone identifies me by. I bought the rifle when I was 19 and over several years, I built it into a great deer rifle.
If I show up to deer camp or a coyote hunt without it, someone always asks, "Where's the Swede?"
It's the one gun I will always own, and the one gun that I will probably never really finish. Looking at adding a timney trigger and a new scope soon