THANK YOU Veterans


New member
Thank you for the freedoms we enjoy today.

Thank you for the sacrifices you(and your family) have made for me and my family.

A debt I can never repay. But only show my appreciation by supporting you not only on Veterans Day but the rest of the year as well.

Enjoy your day vet.!


New member
Salute to all the Veterans

Just want to give a Salute to all those who have served in all branches. To the families and friends who have supported them through all they have given this Nation. And most of all to my brothers and sisters who gave the ultimate sacrifice to our country, you are the true heroes and you will forever be in our thoughts and prayers.

I Salute you!


New member
A big "Hand-Salute" to all !!!

Last week, I attended an investor's dinner meeting and right off, the host asked all veteran to stand and be recognized. That was a pleasant surprise. There were about 75 folks there and three of us stood. Turns out that we were all at the same table. One Navy, one Army and one Airman. Sure wish we could have had a Coastie and Devil-Dog. !!! ...... :)

Be Safe !!!


New member
And those who kept the home fires burning.

I think of my mother, a Rosie Riveter building B17 & B29s, Seen her husband and two brothers off to the SP during WWII, saw her husband off to Korea, three sons to Vietnam, two grandsons and a daughter in-law to Iraq.

It's not just those in uniform who served.


New member
They also serve, those who sit and wait.

Bravery is a word that gets bandied about quite a bit in our society, the military included. However, when I think of bravery I think of my Mother and a former girlfriend.

Mom watched Pops go off to five separate wars (starting with Vietnam), and this was after having her father trump all around the Pacific and then get recalled for Korea. And after all that, she had to stand their and watch me go off.

And I think bravery is being a 19 year old sorority girl watching your boyfriend march off into a C-17 while the band plays Dixie.

It was a pleasure to serve my country, to wear the uniform, and to lead the finest men the state of Georgia had to offer into battle.

I carried an M-9 clipped to the front of my trauma plate, Pops wore a 1911 in a homemade leather shoulder holster, and Grandpa Eli carried a Victory Model in a cavalry holster with a swivel attached to his cartridge belt. Different handguns, but the same.

Hunter Customs

New member
I just got home from a veterans ceremony at a middle school that two of my granddaughters attend.
It was a nice ceremony and I appreciate the fact that the school took the time to honored the vets.

So from a veteran to all veterans I say thank you, and I also want to thank those that take the time to thank and honor us.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter

P5 Guy

New member
To all those who served, THANK YOU for protecting our liberty and freedom.
To my Grand Father who served in France in 1918 and My Father who served in Africa and in Italy in 1943/45 a special thanks.


New member
99 year old vet, gets unexpected send off.

World War II vet Harold Jellicoe "Coe" Percival passed away peacefully in his sleep last month at the age of 99. According to his obituary, Harold had "no close family who can attend his funeral."

Enter the Internets, and a call went out on Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit.

"If you're in the area, give him the sendoff he deserves," wrote Sgt. Rick Clement, an Afghanistan War vet who was wounded in the line of duty. "This guy needs and deserves your help."

Sgt. Clement's plea was heeded, and hundreds ignored the rain to attend Harold's funeral at the Lytham Park Crematorium. Hundreds more unable to get inside the packed crematorium stood in the rain to honor him, mourners young and old.

People said they were honored to attend.

Heart warming stuff.


Giving thanks for all of my brothers and sisters in arms today, past and present. A special shout out to those in harms way this holiday season - I know first hand the difficulties of being deployed. Great respect to those who gave the ultimate sacrifices for freedom or those that were wounded. Remember, freedom is not free. Also, happy birthday Marines!


New member
The culture is changing for the good !!!

When I came home from the Navy, after the Vietnam conflict, there were few thank-you's or expression of appreciation. Understand that I was not expecting any, just glad to be home. In the past five years I have seen many expressions of appreciation for my service. On more than one occasion, in restaurants, I have paid for meals for anyone I see, in uniform. Understand that I was never in-country but lost many buddies and still losing some to residual effects of Agent-Orange. I understand what some of our young folks have gone through. Still, when called, we are there. ..... ;)

Hand-Salute and;
Be Safe !!!
wogpotter said:
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
This poem is generally associated with Memorial Day, not Veterans' Day.

Seems every year at Memorial Day I have to lecture people who want to thank me for being a veteran. I always tell them I'm not dead yet, and when I die it'll probably not be in the service of my country. There's a day to thank me for my service, and it's November 11, not Memorial day.

Not that those who gave all should be ignored but, technically, those who died in combat never got to be "veterans." Memorial Day is for honoring them, not those of us who survived and made it home.

I sure wish they'd teach this stuff in schools today. They did when I was a sprout.


New member
In addition to all the tributes to our veterans how about more than just a thank you and make a donation to the USO to support our current troops? (Or any other veterans support group.)

Let's also support our veterans by making sure we vote for and support candidates for elected offices that also support our veterans.


New member
Last week, I attended an investor's dinner meeting and right off, the host asked all veteran to stand and be recognized.

I like this. It's a nice way to honor those who have served. I also liked a 4th of July celebration I was at one time where a military band played and they had the veterans remain relaxed and seated and had everyone else stand to attention to honor those who had served. Might not be totally 'proper' but I think everyone there enjoyed the turnabout.