TFL members, what is your profession by day?

Marko Kloos

New member
I'm a mild-mannered email administrator by day.

In the past, I've been a soldier, a bookseller, a forklift driver, a flower delivery boy (excellent tips!), a gas station attendant, and a night shift loading dock worker. Then I got into computers, and since 1996 I am making a living staring at a 21-inch glass square all day. :)


New member
Former LEO and now a senior agent for AAA in the upper midwest. In other words I have been retired since I was 18; 40 years ago. What an impressive dispay of bright people over the last 11 pages. I have concluded that the dumb a** bubbas are really the anti's as this group certainly is upper crust on the cerebrum level. Maybe that is why anti's are sooo stooopid when it comes to the Constitution, BoR and especially the very simply put, succint 2A; they are really the the unwashed dopes of the world.


New member
Currently an electrical/modification engineer for a large Japanese semiconductor equipment company that is about to follow his job that just relocated to Austin, TX.
A great job, so it's worth relocating. And Austin is pretty cool...

In former lives I have been an -

Equipment engineer (jack of all trades, master of...) and a
Senior electronic technician for various semiconductor manufacturers
(The above positions allowed me to inhale, ingest, absorb, or otherwise be exposed to so many toxic substances that I will probably expire in a particularly nasty fashion at an early age, most likely wearing a "bunny" suit.)

Installer of computer systems/software/networks designed for title houses

Computer Repair Technician (read Radio Shack)

Computer Salesman (read Radio Shack)

TV broadcast engineer for a Portland, OR TV station (another cool job)

Electronic stuff salesman (read Radio Shack) to put myself through skool

Culinary microwave technician (reheated food prepared by chefs for paying customers)

Marine - MOS 2531 ground field radio, but still got to play with the cool stuff that make loud noises.

Busboy in a restaurant


New member
I'm honored to be associated with such a fine group of professionals on TFL!

In case any of you missed my absence, ;) I finally found a job after 4 months of unemployment since being laid off at the end of October. I've relocated and am working as a full-time web developer in ASP and SQL Server. Had to take a major pay cut, but hopefully the better quality of life (no travel required for work, closer to GF, more opportunities to go shooting) will help balance that out. So far so good - it even looks like I've sold my house only being a week on the market! Even got full asking price plus an incredibly solid offer that is 99.99999% guaranteed to close. :D


New member
swestby: welcome to Austin (whenever you actually get here). There's no place quite like the glorious "Moscow on the Colorado", but I've noticed a fair number of TFL members resident in the area, so it can't be too bad......


New member

I should be arriving about April 20, driving a Ryder truck, and pulling my beat-up 1988 Dodge Caravan storm chase / rocket launch support vehicle behind me. :cool:
This move was delayed about two weeks due to some business and personal issues.
I was in Austin again earlier this week. You folks have a nice town, politics aside.
When the family follows we will likely settle south or southwest of town, hopefully outside the area of bad influences.
