TFL members; Do we all need a sense of humor or massive dosage of chill pills??

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Omigod ... I found it! Milkin' it? HAR! HAR!

LDJ that is too, TOO funny! Gunslinger was afraid to ask what it mean!? HAAAAA!

You guys are a RIOT! Oh, I'm dyin' ovah heah! Jeez! Mooooooooo! Cluck, Cluck!

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited April 01, 2000).]
Well, that tears it, 12-34hom.

On this date we have decreed the formation of an Elite Squad of Moderators, code named The Fun Police. They will be secretly circulating among you and there will be no more fun on TFL. Got it??? Grumble, grumble.

By the way, what is today's date? :) ;) :)


New member
:)If your havin a bad day I got the cure. Run several hundred rounds through your best toy and come on-line to tell us about it. Works every time. :)


New member
Jeffer: that is a wonderful idea, Bunch of Iowa TFLers were having a get together and sending mass quanities of lead down range...

But of course I have to work... whaaaa... and could not attend, either day... bummer...

This is no April fools joke either... :( Whining mode off....

Mal H

12-34hom - sounds like you failed to take advantage of the sichiation. You should have told your boss that you got wind of a bunch of gun nuts having a get-together and that you should check it out, under cover of course, to be sure they're not a nuisance to the public. Then report back that there was no problem, no formal report required. :D

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
"Enhancing My Calm..."

Your right. Folks need to Chill.
Me being first in line for a frosty.

Hey! Frosty... hadnt had one in years...

running off to Wendy's...