TFL members; Do we all need a sense of humor or massive dosage of chill pills??


New member
Wow, up yonder in handguns a lively dicourse was blooming.... only to be crushed by our moderators friends here at TFL... ah, to be duty bound....

It occurs to me that alot of people take themselfs waaaaay to seriously around here. Information is shared, [and if not misleading to the point of being dangerous], should be taken in that venue using one's own common sense and judgement to separate the good from bad. One would hope that were all amoung friends here and "Can't we all just get along"?

Yea right.......

Guns and thier discussion of them is supposed to be fun. So lighten up out there!!!!

Jessica Wellman

New member
I just watched this morning as TFL rolled over 5,000 members. I’ve heard many people say that TFL is too “politically correct.” The moderators are "too strict." I tend to disagree with that. TFL is a learning institute with a very proud background. With that said, it is obvious why the membership is so high and why it has remained the best forum on the internet.

Just my opinion.

Shooter's Enrichment Forum


During some of the recent outages I visited some of the other sites, most notably and weaponforums. All I can say is; thank God TFL and it's moderators are strict. Some of the members atthe other forums do not do the RKBA any favors.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
I haven't been to AR15 in a long time, but if you were at the MSMagazine boards recently you could actually guess where people came from by the tone of their posts. Not good.

But if anybody wants to loan me a sense of humor, I could use it.


New member
Gunslinger, Ditto to your post!

Geoff Ross

One reason to vote in the next Presidential election.

It's the Supreme Court, Stupid!


New member
Tempers do flare but some of the post are very "light". Sensop's aversion to the green smiley's.
The thread about limp wristing in H&PC where Jessica is even talking dirty.
Oops, sorry Sensop. And at times the suggestions, question & commnets forum is not even safe for a serious post. Twenty responses to someone just saying "test" couldn't get any lighter.
All and all for having 5000 members it is a very nice commmunity to live. And not a shot fired......well in anger at least.

teresa shideler

David Roberson

New member
While I've been involved in a couple of threads that became heated -- some of you Republicans are never going to learn! -- I'd have to say that this is overall the most civil forum of its kind on the 'net. I've backed out of others because they were too loosely moderated (anarchy) and have seen a few that were moderated with an iron fist (fascism). TFL strikes me as the perfect combination of freedom and responsibility -- you know, like libertarianism.

Zipping up the Nomex...


New member
Just my 2 cents,This is a great forum,a lot
of info.a nice group of people who love the
sport of shooting. Sometimes we can disagree
but that is ok. If I had a big wish it would
be to have more gun owners see this site and
become more involved.In my younger days I
many times did not see the value of politics,& being more active in the retaining of what you have and love. Ok, enough ramblings of a senior citizen.


Bud Helms

Senior Member
Errrrrrrrr ... I see one o' dem little green critters. It's okay. I'm on my best medication tonight.

I think the dose of humor idea is the answer. You only do this once (go through life) and serious all the time ain't gonna get it. You got to choose your battles. Everything in between is fun.

Uh, LadydeeJ, wanna tell me the cow story? Hoohoo ...!


New member
This is more like family, we agree to disagree in a civil manner. We educate each other in many ways. Without moderation, this forum would have been gone for over a year.
It keeps the discussion forthcoming and to the point as well as can be expected in this media. I appreciate the work of the moderators myself. I can get up on my soapbox in a nanosecond and beat my chest but I try to remember how well this forum works with the help of the moderators. Sh**t, Th%y even
scr%w the pooch one in a whi*le!


Jessica, no. You will never live that one down, not as long as I'm a member. LOL

Sensop, we were having a serious gun related discussion when she (LadyDeeJ, affectionately known as Jessica) began talking about barn lot debauchery the likes of this ol' country boy had never heard before. (Since you're on your meds tonight I have to stick some of these in here now.) :D :D :D

11B....err....I mean SVT, no they shouldn't. That last blond over on the other forum caused me to skip dinner tonight. Didn't I ask you post warnings with those? Errgggggggg.......... :D


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
"... and I'm not gonna let it bother me tonight!" (Atlanta Rhythm Section) ... cause I put my medication in the fridge and I TOOK MY CHILLLL PILLLLL! HAAAA!

Is this the same Jessica from over in SEP BB?

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited March 31, 2000).]

Jessica Wellman

New member
Rich please let me utter profanities!

Just let the cow thing die ok folks? :D

Yes Sensop, it is she. Rich lets me hang out on occasion...when I'm behaving that is.

[This message has been edited by LadydeeJ (edited April 01, 2000).]




We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.