Texas CHL woes


New member
Geez, no wonder it takes so long - your statute has 15 disqualifying factors, only a few of which have anything at all to do with carrying a handgun. Unpaid parking tickets are apparently enough to disqualify you and strip you of your Article 1 Section 23 right to armed self-defense!! Unbelievable!

How does a defaulted student loan, an unpaid parking ticket, or unpaid child support have anything to do "with a view to prevent crime?!?"

Whoever drafted this law royally screwed gun owners and the Texas Constitution - 411.177(b) is essentially rendered utterly meaningless by its subparagraph (3). What's the point, except for show, of imposing a deadline on bureaucrats if there's no mandate associated with the deadline?

Here in New Hampshire, they have to either issue the license by the 14th day, or deny it for cause. Period. If it takes them longer than 14 days to make a determination, tough luck - they must, by law, issue it on the 14th day regardless, and then revoke it if a disqualifying piece of information turns up.

Not only that, Texas views a CHL as a "benefit" - "anything reasonably regarded as economic gain or advantage" - not a right, in spite of Article 1 Section 23.

You guys should consider filing 39.03 "official oppression" complaints against these deadline-violators: "intentionally denies or impedes another in the
exercise or enjoyment of any right, privilege, power, or immunity,
knowing his conduct is unlawful;"


New member
License arrived yesterday, but expiration date is 13 May instead of late June. It isn't that a month matters very much and I'm happy now that I finally have it in my hands ... but if it was issued 6 weeks ago, why did I just get it now? Texas is really having some problems getting this taken care of in an efficient manner.


New member
Yeah, they're a little mixed up at the moment...when I did my renewal I got an extra month. :)

BTW: congrats on your CHL...now for the "wally walk" :D


New member
The current TSRA Sportsman magazine states that the DPS is processed 1200 requests last week, but received 1800. This is with 40 employees.

As far as the expiration date, the original CHL is valid for five years, but expires on your birthday (IIRC). So depending on your birth date, it may be less than five years. Each subsequent renewal will be good for an actual five years.


New member
Ah yes, I had forgotten that little tidbit since I took the class way back in December. Need to spend time going over the rules again. As far as the "wally walk" goes ... TX and VA have a reciprocity agreement, so I was already covered down here. I just wanted to be "extra-extra legal".