Texas CHL woes


New member
I've lived in Texas now for a couple of years, but just got my residency last year. I just didn't want to be a Texan. After doing so, I took the class and did all of the required paperwork which was a serious pain. I finally sent in my application at the beginning of January.

After waiting two months and noting that the online status hadn't changed, I e-mailed them only to get the reply "wait longer". I waited longer (not much) and politely pointed out that under Texas laws, they have 60 days after receiving the application to make a determination. If one is not made within another 30 days, the application is considered denied and I'd have to start the monkey business all over again. Since I was right at the 90 day mark, I asked to get an answer.

A few days later I got a package in the mail. It seems that my military ID and address of my employer weren't enough. They needed a copy of my current orders (though as far as I can tell not listed anywhere) to prove that I am in the military. I would have thought that the required background check would show that, but what do I know? I sent that back in to the DPS and am waiting again.

I guess they open up another 60-90 day period because of the missing information? Once again the online status continues to show the same thing, missing information-detailed letter sent out. Has anyone else had issues like this with Texas DPS while getting their CHL? It's been almost 6 months now and it seems like I have a couple more to wait. My Virginia CCW took far less time than this and was considerably easier. I had hoped to have it by my vacation next month. I really hadn't anticipated this taking so very long.


New member
I didn't have to send in any orders or anything. Where are you? Hood? My CHL instructor was on a first name basis with the paperwork people. Maybe your guy has connections that could help?


New member
DPS is running behind. Apparently apps are up about 40% this year and they could barely keep up with normal demand before. Sorry, no help with the orders thing.



New member
Sounds like you have a specific problem, but there was a thread here a few weeks ago about a major jamup at CHL HQ; tons of people applying and the same number of people processing the requests led to 30-60 day delays. Maybe you're caught up in that ...


New member
Before I got my CHL, I was pointed to another forum specific to Texas CHL holders. Oddly enough, it is called www.texaschlforum.com . They have lots of threads like yours, you may find some help there.


New member
At least now I know I'm not alone. I'm still irritated about the orders thing. I'm a TX resident now and sent them a photocopy of my military ID front and back. Oh well ... guess I'll be waiting impatiently for a while longer. Thanks for the replies!


New member
The DPS sent a letter to a buddy of mine that gives CHL classes stating that CHL's are taking up to 6 months right now, they've been swamped with applications lately.


New member
Pretty sure you have to be BORN there to claim that status.

Umhm ;)

CHLs are swamped, I think they're trying to hire additional workers to get the apps through but still taking a very long time. If you've just made residency, there's no reason you need to provide military orders. I don't recall if hubby needed his orders or not as part of his app package back in '01-'02 but I'll ask him tonight. Stay on them though.

Nice thing about AD renewals is a copy of shooters requals is sufficient with renewal app.


New member
3 Months

Here is a data point for all you Texans waiting on CHLs or thinking of getting CHLS. I mailed in my paperwork on March 12th and recieved my license on June 14th. So it took a little over 3 months.

Now I just need to get a holster....:)


New member
My suspicion is that since you gave them an ultimatum and were within your rights and they didnt want to give the $$$ back they found a reason to extend the period. You must have patience sometimes grasshopper.


New member
A right delayed is a right denied. It distresses me that the Texas Constitution no longer has any force or effect when it comes to Article 1 Section 23.

Rich Miranda

New member
I did not find the Texas application to be a pain. It was pretty straightforward. The CHL instructors walked us through everything, and then notarized our documents and took our pictures. Of course, if they hadn't done all that, it could very well have been a pain.

I just sent in my Texas CHL application packet on June 17th. I am not in any big rush to get my CHL, other than the normal anticipation that comes with it (like when you order a new gun and can't wait!). I hope to receive it within 60-90 days but I'm not the type to complain. The way I figure it, no matter the date, it will eventually arrive. And the less you think about it, the sooner it feels.

I used to manage a sizable company. When we wanted to buy something over a few hundred dollars, we had to budget for it. We would budget for it in February, but couldn't buy it until after September (assuming higher-ups didn't cut it out of budget). This process taught me patience because there are only two possible outcomes: 1) Time will pass, and you'll get what you've been waiting for, OR 2) you'll die first, in which case, it won't matter ;)


New member
Well, it's updated to processing status now ... Only 6 months after the initial application. Granted, I'd probably have it by now if I would have managed to include everything the first time. Oh well.


New member
I hope they're giving priority to the renewals. That might make the 1st time applications take longer, but that's just paying your dues. The CHL instructor (I did my 2nd renewal a month ago) said everybody's trying to get a license all of a sudden. They say it's because of political developments lately (Obama, etc.), but I don't know what good getting their CHLs now would do. I think the rise of the Dems is just creating a sense of urgency, just like 9/11 did. It's not rational. But I'm glad they're getting their CHLs.


New member
Texas CHL delay....

My application was received on March 6th and still shows "Processing". I emailed and was told new CHL applicants are taking 120 days. What a load of BS considering we were told 60 days!!! I am still awaiting my license but am fairly frustrated with the whole process. ARG~~~