Test your legal knowledge - High cap mag bans...


New member
I would be very surprised if anybody has ever even received an official nasty letter because of foreign state laws such as this.

I can see businesses being over cautious because they don't want to take a chance with the amount of sales they do in the "states of paranoia".

I would think that the amount of money it would cost to prosecute a private citizen out of state for the sale of a magazine or three would not be easily justified.


New member
sending a magazine across a state line is engaging in interstate commerce

the transaction could envolve the Feds if the complaining State desired

Andrew Wyatt

New member
Isn't this pretty much an unenforceable law? Drive to Nevada, buy a stack of magazines. Its not like they have serial numbers on them. You don't need an I.D. in another state to buy magazines. Then if somebody asks, you just happened to have them in your garage before the ban. How could you be prosecuted for this? It is unprovable.

assuming you're caught, they can prove that you were in store XYZ and you did buy a stack of high capacity magazines.

even if you took them out of california and then brought them back, they'll nab you anyway, since you can't prove you bought them before the ban.

El Rojo

New member
What do they expect you to do if you go to a match in Arizona? I drove to a match out of state with my hicaps and I drove back in with them. When did I buy them? 1985!!!

It does amuse me how easily broken this law can be. I of course would never break this law. I mean the odds of the check point guys searching you on the way back from Nevada is just too great. Just don't take the risk. All you need is single shot magazines anyway.


All you need is single shot magazines anyway.
Are you trying to start a flame war?
It does amuse me how easily broken this law can be.
First, what law? It's unconstitutional. Second, even if it was a law, it's fails a number of rational tests, primarily that it is impossible to effectively enforce even if every potential "hi-cap mag smuggler" was caught crossing the border with the virtually unprovable newly acquired hi-cap mags.

And even if it didn't fail rationally, nobody's breaking the law. Don't you know everyone once lived in CA with 50 "hi-cap" mags for every type of gun they will ever own? "Everyone's innocent in here, don't you know that?" - Red and Andy Dufresne

Does anyone other than commercial establishments and the Law care about the ban? Probably not. Is it illegal? Yes. Life is too short to get ulcers worrying about such crap.

(blah blah not a lawyer blah blah not legal advice blah blah not recommended blah)


New member
Wouldn't it be nice to catch all the "interstate" dealers violating a stupid law while half a million illegals sneak into the country undisturbed? What, if some of the illegals have hi-cap mags? Oh, Oh, they don't have to bring them in, they use the gunshow loophole!


New member
tyme, I know El Rojo, I'm about 99.9999999999% sure he is joking about needing single shot magazines. But then again I hear he is a pretty decent shot... :)

Seriously, this law ticks me off. I was born and raised in California. My great grand parents moved to the San Joaquin valley from the Azore islands. They built a home, they built a farm. My grandpa helped build the old church in El Nido by hand. My family lived there for 4 generations. I love California, it is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

But finally my branch of the family gave up and moved away. We got sick of all of the endless crap. (and we were farmers, it actually had nothing to do with guns, we were getting really tired of having our crops die so the voters in Orange county could have green lawns and full swimming pools). Freaking socialists running everything. To you guys who are sticking it out and putting up with this crap more power to you. Good luck. I say that in all honesty.

Man, I hate liberals. They are destroying my home state.


New member
High capacity mag laws in Hawaii

The hi-cap mag law in hawaii states that the only type of magazine of high capacity you cant have is one that can be interchanged or converted into a pistol mag. Magazines for Mini 14's for instance have no law saying that you cant have a 30 rnd mag. Im not sure what mags have the abilty to be converted or interchanged, but i know for most mags it ok. Just thought you'd like to know from someone that has to deal with them. There is also no importation laws on those mags either,again as long as the cant be converted. Aloha!