Terror threat change anything for you?

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New member
We should avoid using the N word, Andy.

I brought a rifle and a shotgun to keep at the office. Because I wanted to. And yes, we have a safe.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Check out the Westgate Mall attack in Kenya if you think security having a lot of ammo is a joke.

While being in a terrorist attack is a rare event, using your gun at all is a rare event. So why do you carry one? Just give the guy your wallet. Odds are he will just go away then.

A semi and an extra mag is not hard to do.


New member
My work uniform changed to a flimsy stretchy polo knock off.
I go through extra discomfort now to ensure I can still carry... If I can do it anyone can.
I needed a gun once, and wasn't carrying. It was a long difficult struggle until the police showed up. Seemed like ages. I'm big and strong, at several points I attempted to make a call with one hand... iPhone screens do not work with blood on them.... Fortunately for me someone heard the disturbance and called the police....
I was lucky, I haven't left my house without a gun since.
That's why I don't go to gun free zones either.


New member
You know, I looked back, since I came to Orlando, 2003. I have carried a G19, spare 17rd mag. Surefire flash light, a couple of blades.

Changed from Gen 2 to Gen 3, then Gen4. Otherwise no change.

Coined a phase in the mid 80s, "MORE IS BETTER, ALWAYS" Have not changed my plan, will not, always believed accuracy trumped caliber, hence since 1984 9mm.

Never been shy about damaging people, they only have to leave me (and mine alone) then they will be fine.


New member
I became a little lax with carrying at times. I've since committed to making sure I carry every time I leave the house no matter where I'm going or for how long.


New member
Just a couple days before the Paris terror attack I received my CCL in the mail. So I guess you could say it changed me, I now carry. ;)


New member
I have noticed some have put sandbags up around the outhouses just in case of a terrorist attack.

Nothing has changed, I see. It has changed a little for my wife, but I still view things the same way. She seems to notice that there is a murder about every two weeks here now in the "ghetto" portions of the city and she drives through them to work.


New member
If you just want an answer, then it would be fair to just say, No.

The one thing I do differently, fill up the Jeep before the tank is half empty.
No idea why.


New member
Yes! I finally woke up to the fact that I am essentially defenseless with the little pocket knife I carry. So I bought an HK P30S 9mm and have been practicing at the range. I plan to take a CC course in the near future. I consider what I am doing as a new hobby...with benefits. :)


New member
I'm not aware of any terror threats here in Wyoming, so nothing has changed much.

There was a terrorist attack 180 miles south of me in Colorado Springs on Friday, though. That has prompted me to be consciously more aware of my surroundings, particularly while in otherwise familiar surroundings and performing mundane day to day tasks.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Since the thread seems not to be able to continue without meaningless comments. I'm going to close it.

For those who want to realistically consider what is a good carry and training paradigm, that has been discussed before. For those, who don't care - well, that has been said also.
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