Terror threat change anything for you?

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New member
Has anyone thought about changing carry weapons with the terrorist threat creeping up in the news?

I've considered switching from my usual single stack carry gun to a double stack for more capacity. Also thinking more about a 2nd mag. Anymore I hate lugging extra stuff. I've always felt comfortable with my 239 or 3904.
Am I getting paranoid in my old age? :eek:


New member
No, we have not changed our weapons down here in the deep South. It is still the good old deer rifles and shotguns. I have noticed some have put sandbags up around the outhouses just in case of a terrorist attack,


New member
I've not made a change because my terror level has not changed. Paris isn't the USA, and bad things have always happened other places. Did the attack in Mali take anyone else up a notch? Me neither, other places are where the bad things usually happen so no changes.

...I already carry a full size (P30) and a spare magazine so my only upgrade is to carry a rifle, or add rifle plates to my EDC. The attention that would draw is more dangerous than terrorism.


New member
I've always carried a full sized beretta.... Today, oddly enough, I slipped an extra magazine in my pocket as we headed out to the market.


I was wondering the same thing after the special about ISIS on PBS but Yakima aint Spokane or Seattle nor Tacoma so I do not see it making much of a difference to us hicks but if I was in a more populated area I would be packing six mags for my Star instead of two and maybe a backup.


New member
No. There aren't really any reasonable changes I could make that would make any significant difference in a situation like Paris. If something like that happened close to where I live I would probably get called up by my National Guard unit anyways, in which case I would have much more suitable equipment.


New member
I consider Seattle and Portland to be "safe" cities, with the usual caveats, but Seattle has had two muslim killings in recent years, one directed against a group of gays, the other an active shooter at a Jewish community center. Today I learned 4,000 Somalis were settled in Seattle in last decade, with a growing gang problem from children now reaching their twenties, and our governor and Seattle mayor are publicly inviting Syrian refugees without a full vetting process. So it appears the ingredients for a future terror event are present or coming on line, it only takes a small cell to create chaos.


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Only visited Seattle once but I'm in portland a few times each week. Portland is pretty tame compared to the megalopolis' of the south and eastern half of the US. The spandex mafia bicyclers scare me lol


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I look around at my surroundings a lot more frequently and thoroughly than before. I ponder whether any loud "POP" that I may hear sounds more like a gunshot or a backfire.


New member
Well, backfires are practically non-existant anymore! So loud Pops most likely will be a gunshot.

A Glock 19 4th Gen on my belt, spare 17 round G17 magazine, Surefire flashlight, always, is as ready for any situation I have been in already!
Folding Benchmade knife? Everyone carries a knife, do they not?

Paris has no go areas, full of Muslims! We do not have any of those here?
If we do, none I know of in and around Orlando, that I am aware of.

Does that mean we can not be fostering that kind of group, right this minute, no it does not. I try to always back the Jeep into parking spots, always see my Wife into her seat, in restaurants, and in the Jeep, lock her door as I close it.

Paranoid? Yes, it never has been a problem anywhere in the world I have traveled to or lived. England/Australia/Canada now the US of A.

Must say a Carry Permit was not so obtainable anywhere but here.

God Bless The USA!


New member
I've increased my situational awareness a degree or two. My mailbox is 500 yards from my castle down a dirt driveway. I've plotted out distances within that 500 yard radius and shot steel targets at various distances and "choke" points to verify accuracy. I'm looking at defense in depth starting at 500 yards with LR fire, then switching to medium range calibers, then AR's and finally shotguns and hadguns at the castle walls. I'm also thinking of getting my wife a few pot belly pigs and building some form of catapalt to launch buckets of swine poop onto the Muslim hordes, sans Monty Python style. :D

Tony Z

New member
Yep, for me it did: In our government's irrational approach to things, my fear is there will be threats to our right to firearms, to "prevent" an over-reaction to a perceived threat!

Because of that, I have purchased several guns sooner, rather than later, in my plan of acquiring them!


New member
A terrorist attack is like a lightening strike.
Try not to be there.
Those horrors happen in very crowded places.
Run for cover instead of trying to defeat it.
Unless, of course, you have no choice but to react.
Then, I imagine, whatever you're carrying will do - win or lose.


New member
g.willikers hit it. It will be in large groups and bombs. They want large body counts. One on one they can not do enough damage( in there eyes). All you can do is hope your not there when it happens. You can't stop what you cant see coming.


New member
Folks, if you're carrying a semi auto you should also be carrying a spare mag. About half of semi auto malfunctions are magazine related.

ISIS has made threats surrounding Black Friday. If you plan to be out on BF I'd carry.


New member
If I spent my time worried about what others were doing I wouldn't have a life. So no change in what I doing.
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