Ten day waiting period.


New member
I am also one of those guys that lived in CA and escaped, my final straw was a ticket I received from DFG for bringing my Idaho Mulie buck with his head attatched to the carcass.$650.00 fine 2 years probation and a beautiful 4X4 30" rack confiscated.(deer was legally taken and tagged)That big ole page in the regs about Chronic Wasting Disease, is the longranger page.I took the state to task on their policy.I had not hunted in CA for 2 years prior to them slipping a 1 paragraph law into the regs. I was unaware of such a "junk science" law.
Wyoming today passed a law that it is now legal to a carry concealed without a permit.How about them gun laws ! I buy gun here one call to the feds I am out the door.I have applied for my C.C.W.P, as I want to carry across state lines and not be bothered by the wait on a phone call.


New member
I double checked and the legal waiting period is indeed 5 days.
It is the stores policy to give 10 days because...well just because.

I didn't intend for this to become a thread about bashing various states.


New member
Consider yourself fortunate, Buzzcook. I ordered a new S&W 617 and have to wait 12 weeks for it to come in. :mad:



New member
Gotta love Indiana. You see what you want and get it before you walk out...unless they have to order it...or in my case, put it on lay away.


New member
Yeah, don't bash our state! :D If you have a CPL you can walk out with the handgun same day.

Buzzcook, do you have your CPL? Please get one. The more of us that have them the bigger a political force we will be!


New member
Didn't Kaliforia just recently pass a law limiting the quantity of ammo one can purchase? also banning mail order ammo sales?


New member
3 days for a hand gun in Florida and no wait for a long gun. Just pass the back ground check.
Its about the only good thing about Florida.


Depending on who you ask - and I've read the bill - the new law in California limits ammunition (handgun?) purchases to "face to face" and bans mail order sales. Also, depending on who you ask it bans mail order sales of primers, bullets, shells, and powder - I'm not sure about that as I read the bill and it was not clear to me on that point - a court may have to decide what constitutes the "mail order purchae of ammo." Also, BTW, it also bans private party transfers for free or otherwise of more than 50 rounds of ammunition so if you and a friend go shooting .22s and you bring the brick you are in trouble for that as well. All in all another stupid law from our dumb a$$ democratic idiot controled legislature and it also hurts to have the "Dumbanator" as our Governor - he seems to approve about every other stupid gun law that comes out.


New member
Yup, that turkey of a Republican Govenor signed it into law.

I remember here in California buying my first revolver via the mails, a Ruger Single Six, for $125. Yup times change. No matter where one lives I figure one best keep abreast of the laws. Why whine about waiting ten days for the gun purchased, or only purchasing one per month ? Some localities do not allow a person to buy any.
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New member
AH Texas, i can fill out form and place my purchase in 5 minutes, out the door and i've bought quite a few in a short period of time, i just got the firearm bug and wanted to fulfill my needs, and i did. i'm one away from completing my CURRENT firearms list of "needs". i figure down the road i'll want one here and there, but after i find my 9mm handgun of choice, i'll be set.


New member
It once was a 15 day wait in Kali....If it still was, I'd be waiting till next Tuesday to pick up my LCR. Instead, I am picking it up after work today!

I have learned to live with the wait, but I agree that the laws here are getting downright idiotic. Having a RINO for a governor definitely doesn't help. But then, this state is largely a product of one basic equation. Simply stated, LIBERALS + MONEY = KALIFORNIA.

The hollywood crowd definitely likes to use their star power to get their leftist agendas moved forward. No intelligence or open-mindedness involved, just idiots with too much time, fame, and money.


New member
CA handgun ammo law...

Regarding the CA ammo law, there's an interesting legal challenge being staged by some CA 2A activists. It's based on a federal common-carrier preemption law that prohibits a state from enacting regulations that restrict the ability of a common carrier (such as UPS, FedEx, a railroad, etc.) to deliver certain items in that state. There's rock-solid legal precedent behind this- a SCOTUS case overturned a very similar law in ME aimed at restricting the distribution of cigarettes.

More info here:



New member
I live in upstate NY, Every county has their own rules. In our county if every 5yrs you have a new background check done & the date is stamped on your pemit you can buy a handgun & register & pick it up on the same day. If not 10days waiting. If you want to buy or trade with another person you better off going together to the clerks office, just easier. one takes gun off, one puts it on for a small fee. Just my 2 cents, but if the Feds check you out & this is the USA why don't we all have the same handgun laws???? One National Handgun Permit, so when I travel accross state lines I can carry. Believe it or not, I got me Carry permit in 1969 at a cost of $5.00 & took me 3 weeks to the day. WoW!!!!!!!!!!!! times have sure changed.


roy reali

New member
The Silver State

I moved to Nevada from California three years ago. My only regret is that I didn't move sooner.

On most Saturday morning I stop in at our local doughnut shop. There are about a dozen "regulars" that also frequent this establishment. It is not unusual to have several handguns on the tables. It is show-and-tell time.

One time my wife and I were having breakkfast in a small twon south of here. We had just ordered our meal when I heard gun shots going off just outside. I went to investigate. Some dude had set up a clay thrower. Several other guys were unloading their shotguns and ammo from their cars. An impromptu trap match was going on. I just happen to have my shotgun and joined the fun. This was being done at the edege of the restaraunt's parking lot.

The gun culture is alive and well here.