Ten day waiting period.


New member
Just bought a S&W 617 at a pawn shop today. Unfortunately in Washington there's a 10 day waiting period when you buy from a pawn shop.

I've been stopping by the usual suspects, looking for something in the K-22 family, for the last year. The prices I was seeing topped off at $999.99 for a brand new 617 to $600 for a nice old K-22.
Friday I saw the 617 for $580 and today filled out the paper work.

I'm itching to get this thing to the range. Patience was never a virtue of mine.


New member
I wonder if anyone ever got so ticked off for having to wait 10 days that they went out and shot up the town? Reverse effect:D


New member
You got that right, Tex!

Glad I do not live in a lib state. Vote those wackos out and get some real CHANGE! I put the money on the counter, fill out the form, show my CWP and I am shooting in 30 minutes. Nice to live in SC.


New member
Nothing you can do about it.

Just make sure you check that gun when you pick it up and make sure no one's been shooting it for nine days.


New member
Unfortunately in Washington there's a 10 day waiting period when you buy from a pawn shop.
Huh? I lived in Washington state from 05 to 09 and both pawn and gun shops were 5 business day wait (or no wait if you had a CCP). Is this specific to your town/county?

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New member
I live in California also so I know how it is. Cant buy more than one pistol a month. It is also 10 days plus one cause the date of purchase doesn't count.


Don't remind me. Started back in December and got my wife a revolver (S&W MP 360) and then 30 days later I got a revolver (Ruger SP 101) and am still in the middle of the final 30 day period waiting to get my "New" Vaquero. Three months for three guns. Did I mention that Kalifornia blows when it comes to firearms and quite a few other things.


New member
Ten working days is what the guy told me. It is much longer than I've had to wait before, but then again I haven't bought a gun since the 1980's.

I rented a 617 a couple years ago and liked the heck out of it. Thar's what started my search and led to repeated cases of ticker shock.

Spending money on a ccp just so I don't have to delay gratification, since I no longer carry a concealed weapon, just doesn't add up.


New member
Welcome to my freaking world here in dumb a$$ Kalifornia. Got the same stupid law here and then some.

I have a Model 1950 Target in People's Republik pistol jail.

30 effen days!:mad: I bought it the day it went in the case. It takes ten days for a background check for me but 30 days for the gun....:barf:


New member
It's why,,,

I left California and have never looked back.

It's sad in a way,,,
I loved my place up in the mountains,,,
I also left some very good friends and associates behind.

I just would not continue to live in a state that constantly told me (by their actions) that I was an anachronistic throwback and needed to be "controlled" by the government.

Last month I decided to buy a Model 15 from my local pawn shop,,,
I was in and out the door in 35 minutes with my purchase,,,
That was after the 10 minute mandatory price haggle,,,
And a cup of his extremely bad coffee.


New member
Hello Tom2,,,

Yep,,, I took a lot of teasing about that when I came home,,,

I am originally from Oklahoma you see,,,
My last duty station was in Sacramento California,,,
When I got out of the service I liked Northern California so much,,,
I moved a hundred miles farther north to Paradise up in Butte County.

In the late 70's and early 80's California wasn't so bad,,,
But then Diane Feinstein (sp?) hit the scene with her liberal army,,,
I'm not saying she was the cause of all of their problems but she was timely.

Things just stated going downhill after that.

In 1996 I finally had it,,,
I called the county sheriff because someone was robbing my tack shed.

I got my .45 and went to investigate and try to save a saddle or two,,,
When the sheriff finally arrived I had scared the robbers off,,,
But that bastard tried to confiscate my pistol,,,

I spoke with a realtor that week,,,
Arranged for employment in my home state,,,
And was gone from that place in less than four months.

Oklahoma is a "Castle Doctrine" state,,,
They are also a "Shall Issue" state.

In California you are required by law to flee if at all possible,,,
I simply could not abide by that restriction any longer.

~stepping down off my soap-box now~


New member
I too left Ca. 8 years ago and haven't looked back. Sooooooooooo nice to just walk in and purchase a gun and leave ten minutes later with the gun. You have my sympathy for living in non gun friendly territory.


New member
Yeah, I live in CA too, and the gun laws here suck. Its to the point where I'd rather let the invading bad guy beat the crap out of me rather than risk prosecution later on for defending myself and family with a gun. I asked my dealer once when its ok to ever use a gun here in CA, and he smiled and said "when you drop it and run" :)

The ten day waiting period sucks, as well the the 30 day wait between gun purchases, but I can sort of live with that I guess.