Tempted by an old 1911



Compare post photo of original $2500 Colt with this, the Colt 01918 reproduced for less than half the cost (at least when they were marketed--don't know if they still produce them).

Black oxide finish.


New member
Thank you Pythagorean, that's a good way to show what I meant

The 1918 WWI repro pictured has a certain shape on the recoil spring housing contour, on the slide

In my opinion, this reproduction also has a slightly different contour than original 1918 production but it is close to the type of contour I would expect to see on a 1918 produced Model of 1911

Compare to this photo of my 1918 produced pistol, with what I am sure is a 1918 slide


But again, I am only saying that in the photo of Win73's friend's pistol, the contour looks questionable to me due to the angle the photo was taken from


New member
I do not, incidentally, want to appear to be bashing your friend's pistol. I am only commenting on what I thnk I see at that photo's angle, and I am only an informed amateur

No offense taken. After all, its his gun, potentically his problem (or solution ;)) and it was his money. He is sold that its original so I won't bother telling him that you feel it may not to be. Sometimes its best to let a sleeping dog lie. I personally had my suspicions, due to the high condition AND the story.

My friend got it from a guy he knew who went to a gun auction. The auction, like all others had some sell high, some low, and some just right. The colt pictured sold low, so he turned it to my friend who always wanted one. I can say that my friend doesn't get into to them to the point where he looks for different slides and what not. Since it was purchased at an auction, it could easily be what you say it is, Chris_B. We all know about what kind of guns historically end up at auctions.
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New member
That is wise of you Win!

I agree, best to let it alone

It is a beautiful pistol and no matter the circumstances, it is a valuable part of history :)


New member
From the photo (the $2500 one) my feelings (based on my eyes) are it's the 01918 Colt made recently.

Well I didn't say my friend was a fool either. I'm sure he looked up the SN and other tell tale signs (old gun vs recently produced) which differ it from the 01918 model.

Keep in mind that the photo he gave me isn't of good quality. It looks like new in relation to finish, but any 01918 should actually look better than the pic I provided.