Tazer over Firearms?

Would you consider a TAZER over a gun?

  • Sure, the cops use them enuff to prove them viable.

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • NO WAY, Too many variables and negatives to make it worth my risks.

    Votes: 56 81.2%
  • I do not know enuff about them yet to decide.

    Votes: 7 10.1%

  • Total voters


New member
Where does using a tazer fall in legal spectrum, for example:

If I pepper spray someone just for being a jerk I'd be in trouble.

If I shoot someone with a bean bag just for being a jerk I'd be in far, far, greater trouble. Maybe the same as if I'd used a real bullet.

Where is a tazer in all that?


New member
Tasers have a truly awesome track record in the LE world as being a great deal more reliable than the average less-lethal option.
But LEO's don't use tasers for self defense! They use them to induce compliance. If a LEO truly feels his life or others' is in danger, is he going to pull out the taser or the firearm? The firearm, of course.


New member
^not very good? Could you please explain?

Sure, here is a video and an article. The first is a complete tazer fail where the officer is taken down after tazing the suspect. The second is an article where the police used the tazer and it failed to stop the aggression and they had to shoot the attacker anyway.



I have also personally witnessed several different civilian model tazers fail to drop the person while simply being used for demonstration purposes. I understand these are anecdotes but the OP question was would you take a tazer over a firearm so based on my experience and research into tazers I said no I would rather have a firearm.

Here are some other articles about a police forces with tazer failures on a large scale.



Here is a great quote from the second article.

"That Taser was working. It just had no effect," explains Precinct 1 Lieutenant Troy Billings. "Even the company that makes them will tell you they only have an 85 percent take-down rate. The other 10 percent-plus, they just have little to no effect."
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New member
We keep a Taser International mod. M18L loaded with 15' cartridge under our counter and frankly, we're longing for the day we get to try it out on some belligerent drunk. But for a real confrontation we're launching lead. FAST, HARD & REPEATEDLY!


New member
My son used to love going to gun shows when the salesman was showing a customer how good their Stun gun was, ask to see one then use it on himself for about 4 seconds then give it back saying that was pretty good and walk off. I still don't know how he did it, but he took the full jolt.

Taser without cause would result in an assault charge and all taser cartridges emit micro tracking dots that will lead right back to you.
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New member
armsmaster ~

I've taken a "full jolt" from a stun gun many many times. It does not even begin to sort of compare to what the Taser does.



New member
I've taken a "full jolt" from a stun gun many many times. It does not even begin to sort of compare to what the Taser does.

That's for sure and certain. Take the cartridge out of a Taser and the pop & cracking it makes when triggered is 5 times louder than the biggest "stun guns" sound. Stun guns are a joke.


New member
The research I have done on tazers shows the LE model blast is 30 seconds, and if you pull it twice, it will continue for a total of 90 seconds of taze.
The civilian one I researched was 15 seconds, pull it three times and you get 45 seconds.

My study may be outdated though. What I am sure of is that the LE model is far better than the civilian.


New member
For the first five seconds, the C2 (civilian model) and the LE Taser models both give exactly the same jolt to the subject. After five seconds, the LE model shuts off, while the C2 keeps going (with a different pattern designed to stretch battery life) for a total of thirty seconds. In that sense, the C2 is better than the LE models -- especially since it is designed to cope with the necessary tactics a civilian would be using.

Thats right. The C2 is designed so you can run away. IIRC, they will replace yours if you use it and send them the police report. I am looking for verification.

As for "not very good," that's in the eye of the beholder. I have one and carry it. While the technology is not yet there to truly replace the firearm in defensive use, it's still a Darn Good Tool.

You are correct. I have seen that it has its place on a full batbelt, but does it really have a place in the hands of the average CC holder?

RE: spacemanspiff. I think your data is a little off. As pax stated, the LE model gives a 5 sec blast, the civvie gives a 30-sec blast so that the vistim has a chance to flee attack. This is specifically for the Taser branded units and may be different for others. With that in mind, the C2 certainly takes the cake. Actually, I am going to go play with the C2 tomorrow. I will report back what I find.
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