taurus poll

What do you think of Taurus revolvers?

  • They are quality, dependable revolvers

    Votes: 174 75.7%
  • They are junk, get something else

    Votes: 56 24.3%

  • Total voters


New member
By stans

"Taurus makes decent revolvers. Their autoloaders I'm not to sure of!!!"

Sounds like Smith & Wesson!!!!

It may just be. Both my M605 and M85 are decent guns. However, the PT-145 I bought is junk!! My PT92AFS is very good. With their autoloaders, they seem to be hit or miss. :rolleyes:


New member
Kentucky Rifle...

I got the stainless steel model. The weight is no big deal to me. I would rather have a little weight so it's easier to fire. I looked at the UL .38 and just wasn't comfortable w/ something that light. Just a personal opinion, you know. Anyway.... I am taking my CC class at Ray's on 1/3/02. Logistar is "giving" me the class for a birthday present (we are one romantic couple, huh?). I'm figuring he'll get me a really good holster for Valentine's Day :) . And I apologize for asking about the holsters on this board. I didn't realize there was one dedicated strictly to accessories. Thanks for your help!


Moderator Emeritus
With their autoloaders, they seem to be hit or miss.


With the exception of the sorry "Millenium" line of plastic pocket guns, Taurus autoloaders are of a consistantly higher quality than their wheelguns. I'd just as soon have a PT-92 as a Maryland-built Beretta 92.

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
I have never owned a revolver that was not reliable. In regards to Taurus, I own eight of their revolvers in calibers ranging from .22 to .45 Colt. All are good shooters. I wish they would come from the factory with narrower, smoother triggers for optimum DA work, but that is a personal grip and one I can easily take care of myself. In complete agreement with Tamara in regards to their line of auto-loaders.

The Plainsman

New member
I can't address any of the ancillary issues that have been raised in this thread; however, I have a Taurus 605 .357 that I bought used. It's a nice gun and shoots nice. I didn't buy it to plink with, so it doesn't get a lot of rounds through it. It's like any other .357 snubbie - it's a lot to hang on to when you're putting .357's through it, and more fun when using .38 spec. I'd recommend it to anyone in a minute, for the purpose for which it was intended. :p

Kentucky Rifle

New member

Hey, nothing wrong with stainless steel! Especially if you're shooting a .357. You NEED the extra weight, you can shoot longer. (And it's better looking. "IMHO") I shoot at Ray's a lot. As far as I know, Ray's is the only indoor range in Louisville. Wear good ear protection. Those concrete walls make the report of the firearms pretty loud.
(Sometimes I wear silicone earplugs in addition to my "Pro-Ears" if I'm shooting, or if someone else is shooting a large caliber pistol.) A light jacket is in order too. As far as I know the range area is still unheated. Ray and his wife Julie teach a good course. I'm sure you'll do fine. The absolute worst part of the test is watching those video tapes from Frankfort. They're so boring, your eyes will cross. I recommend a cup of coffee before you start.
Good luck and let us know how you did. You'll be fine!

Kentucky Rile


New member
taurus revolvers

I have a model 608 in .357, love it, very accurate, smooth and comfortable, tighter than the ruger it replaced and far tighter than any S&W i've had.....Just my $.02

Kentucky Rifle

New member
With almost a 71% approval rating...

..I'm sorely tempted to give Taurus another chance. I'm sure even the "best" (whoever THAT is) firearm manufacturer lets a lemon get out once in a while. My biggest problem was with their customer service people. I haven't given up all hope as of yet. Some "high-powered" people have contacted the "Big Boss" at Taurus USA on my behalf. I'm in a wait and see mode. I'll post the results. (If there are any...good OR bad.)



New member
Well, I picked up my Tracker (.357 SS), yesterday and immediately went out and gave it a try. Still trying to get my sight adjusted the way I want, but otherwise, very happy. I ttried several different bullet weights and mfgs, found the 125 gr loads to be pretty accurate, the 110 gr loads made very impressive flashes!
That is I guess, due to the porting? Anyway, the grips worked great at softening the felt recoil and when I relaxed and didn't flinch, the gun grouped very nicely. I need lots more practice to fully realize the gun's potential, but so far, it is a winner.


New member
I looked for a middle of the road reply to the poll. Not exactly cream of the crop, but not OJ looking for dinner dates either. I'd say you can pick and choose w/in the product line for good and not so good items from Taurus
There how's that for non-commital? :p

Eric Larsen

New member
I have to agree with Tamara..regarding Taurus Autos. I have never shot a more reliable or accurate gun. I had a PT940 for
a while. Stainless/Alloy ..great carry gun. Light and smaller for a full sized gun. I sold it to buy my CZ Compact. Short on funds and didnt want to let the cz slip away...I am almost sorry I did it.
I wanted the CZ alot more but the Taurus is turning out to be a better gun. Taurus/Rossi (same thing now) wheel guns are great
guns. I like alot of makes and models..SP 101 another I regret getting rid of. Taurus is one of the better gun makers in the world. The glory is, snob shooters wont touch them, so I have more to choose from. (By the way, semi's seem to have more snob shooters than wheel guns...Seems that way...)
Shoot well


New member
Eric, I was in the same boat as you and sold my PT940....almost!

At the last minute, I couldn't let it go. Sad thing is, I don't really have a role for it. My main carry is a Kimber Ultra CDP in .45ACP, being smaller, easier to conceal & weighing less it goes with me a lot. The PT940 does have a higher capacity though.

But the PT940 is so accurate & reliable I just couldn't sell it. I am considering acquiring a good OWB concealed carry holster to fit it & using it for carry under a jacket or coat. It is a favorite!


New member
CC Class

Kentucky Rifle:

Well... I passed -- both the written & shooting tests. I know Logistar & you both warned me about those videos. And you all were very correct! Logistar went beyond the call of duty and went to the class with me. He has now sat through those videos TWICE! If that ain't love... NOTHING is:) !

Anyway... my Taurus performed beautifully! And I do think you should give them another try. I have let a couple of people shoot mine and everyone seems to really like it. Even Ray said it's a good gun. He seems very impressed by the locks on them too. I just think you should try them again and see what happens.

Kentucky Rifle

New member
Hey! Lace! Congratulations!!!

Yes, that IS true love if Logistar sat through those videos with you! My eyes simply crossed with boredom during those things. In a few days you'll get a paper. Then (I know it's cold. I parked in the Galleria lot and walked down to the sheriff's office.), you just have to go down there and sit in front of the "blue background" or stand in front of a space between safety windows in the office while the nice lady takes your picture. You get the license immediately upon paying the fee. (It'll still be hot!) When you walk out with your new license, it feels great! Go home and put on that new Taurus!!....Wait a minute. That is what happened when I "renewed" my CCW license. It's been so long ago that I got my first license.... I'm beginning to remember another step for first timers. Did you get a paper from Ray saying you passed? I think that you have to send your little "diploma" to Frankfort and have the state police check you out. (Yeah, that's it.) Then THEY send you another "diploma" within about three weeks. Then you take THAT down to the Sheriff's office and get your picture taken.
I believe that's the way it worked the first time. What did Ray say? Sheesh, it's been so long that I don't remember all the steps. I must be getting "old". I do remember that it was more of a hassle than I thought it would be. They don't make it easy, unless something has changed.
As far as giving Taurus another chance, well...I'm still waiting to hear from "The Boss" of Taurus USA.



New member
Taurus QC has increased in the past 7 years or so. I have no problem with them now, but I remain skeptical of the little plastic framed sub-compact autos.


New member
You are right.

I have to wait for my little piece of paper to come in the mail (about 2 or 3 weeks, I believe) and then take it the Sherrif's office w/ the $60. They send it to the State Police. They have 90 days to send it back accepting or rejecting me and I have to go BACK to the Sheriff's office again. Logistar just went through all this about a month and a half ago. I think it took him a total of 3 months to get his license. :(

It'll be nice to wear that "bad boy" (I call him Clyde). It's a wonderful piece of machinery. I would be more than happy to let you try mine if you want. Logistar & I go the range about twice a month (maybe more). You could just e-mail him and let him know when. If I can't make it... he can bring Clyde with him. He likes his Taurus pretty much too.:)

Kentucky Rifle

New member

I just ran an errand. While I was out, I began to remember things about the process. In Jefferson County, it IS a lot of trouble to get everything done, and I do now remember the TWO trips to the Sheriff's Office. However, I also remember calling the Sheriff's office after about three weeks had passed. The lady that answered the phone in the CCW department told me that she was just getting ready to call ME! It took about three weeks, not 90 days. 90 days is the MAXIMUM time the State Police has to accept or reject you. Perhaps when they checked up on me they just weren't very busy. They might be a little MORE busy at this time because of the jump in gun sales. People have to have CCW's to carry those weapons! In any case, I don't think it'll take as long as Logistar's license to process. (I have NO idea why his took so long.) Nancy (my wife) got her's more quickly than I did. Just "luck of the draw" I guess.

Good Luck,


New member
Regarding the original post, again I really like the Taurus 650 (.357 magnum). Lace's 650 only has about 150 rounds through it so far so I really can't comment on it's long term reliability.

One thing though... if you were POSITIVE that you'd NEVER use .357 ammo in it, the model 85 MIGHT be a better choice simply because you don't get all the buildup at the end of the cylinder from shooting the shorter .38s. That might make cleaning a little easier. I kinda like the .357 option in case I feel I might need the extra power sometime (hiking with bears around maybe), but shooting .357s is NOT comfortable in this gun. .38s are NO problem though.

Kentucky Rifle, the reason it took so long for me to get my certificate was that when the packet was sent to Frankfort to get my certificate, apparently one of the papers was inserted upside down. I got a letter from Ray which included a copy of the rejection sheet from Frankfort. Other reasons to reject the applications:

Staple not in upper left hand corner...
All papers not oriented the same...

From there it got ridiculous!

Then... the second time they sent the papers in they were rejected because there was no CHECK. - BUT Ray say they KEPT the original check so he didn't bother to put another one in.

On his third attempt he was VERY CAREFUL when he put the paperwork in and included a NEW check. That time it worked. This took about 2 months. After that I took it to Sheriff's office and it took exactly 30 days to get the license.
