Taurus Millenium Pro .45?

Terry A

New member
My best friend in our department bought one about a year ago. He has lots of guns but he uses the TMP .45 as his main off duty gun. I never shot it but he says it's exactly what he was looking for in an off duty carry around all the time pistol.

We chat about our .45's often, and I know he's had zero malfunctions with it thus far.

Slightly off subject but my son has a TMP in .40 and his has fired reliably 100% also.

I think the over all quality of Taurus, which was never as bad as Llama, for example, has really gotten a lot better over the years.


New member
But quality consistency is still an issue with Taurus and the probability of ending up with a lemon is still there except for in case of their PT92/99s and PT1911s.

Terry A

New member
Today, 03:02 AM #22

Join Date: November 14, 2010
Posts: 21 But quality consistency is still an issue with Taurus and the probability of ending up with a lemon is still there except for in case of their PT92/99s and PT1911s.
Site Admin: TGF - The Gun Forum

BUT...on the "glass half full" side of things, they have a great customer service reputation. :D


New member
I have shot about 1000 rounds through my PT140 MPro.
It's a fine little pistol, in my opinion.
Not one problem.
I used it to qualify for my carry license.
Shot 248/250.


New member
it seems most people that own a tarus like em and most people that don't own em don't like em. i own 3 taurus revolvers and 5 taurus semi autos including th pt-145 (one of my favorites) and i have never had a single problem with any of them. they are all reliable and accurate and i have never even had so much as a misfire with any of them.


New member
I have heard bad reviews about 1st and 2nd generation ones. But I own a 3rd gen one and I love it. Great carry gun imo.


New member
I think that Taurus is a good brand and have owned several different models from them. Some will tell u they are junk. But good luck with whatever you decide on.


New member
My PT145 is my truck gun and with a 24/7 twelve rd mag it shoots anything I feed it. Its NEVER malfunctioned and shoots ball as well as Hydro-Shoks with no problems. I'd buy another and recommend it.


New member
Taurus Pro .45

Bought in Aug. 2011. stainless slide, fired 5, then nosedived, then fired other 5, that was my introduction to the 2 mags. Went through process trying to adjust mags, NG, finally figured shoot til it dies, it did, sent to Miami, came back, smooth, short trigger, great feed, 100% functional, Accuracy is great, love the fit and size. My Colt is now on standby.



New member
I love and hate my Mil pro gen 3 PT145.

Ended up with it after 11 rounds about 1.5 years back. At first it had no problems feeding FMJ's of any type but never did eat HP's of any type.

I tried taking one of my 10 rounders and modifying it but it just got worse and worse. It's in a drawer somewhere around here now marked (MOD).

Finally I tried a friends of mines 24/7 12 rounder and it seemed to work so I bought one and it seemed to function fine with FMJ's and I really liked the feel of the pistol with the extension. However.com the last time I went to the range it wouldn't feed more than 3 rounds without jamming. (Always jams the tip of the bullet right into the front of the magazine.) So I brought it home and put it in the safe.

It's going down the road in a few months for a 45 I can depend on not making me mad when I shoot it. It feels good, I like the external safety, and I can shoot it good.


New member
I had a Millennium 9mm a few years ago. Loved it at the store, fit my hand perfect. Went to shoot it, not good accuracy and a long trigger. Tried it a second time and it turned into a brick. Sold it after that. Not bashing Taurus, as I have PT-1911 that I love! As other have said, I thinks its about 50/50 with Taurus semi's. The revolvers are pretty rock solid. Good luck whichever way you go. Would like to know what route you end up going and how it performs if you get it. Too many times folks ask advice and never let us know how it turns out. Would like to know if we are full of BS or not in our advice :D


New member
i have a milpro 145, believe its a 3rd gen and never had any problem at all without, goes bang every time--heck of a gun considering its size and weight and 11 rounds of 45 on tap. Flip side, i had a taurus judge that continually had ftf, fte, got rid of it, so i guess its just luck of the draw with taurus.


New member
I own one...just a tad bigger than my G26 and I think the 2nd generation DAO is very comfortable to shoot and carry.

Ya...it was ammo picky...found it liked 160 Grain DPX and I shot it so much that the front sight fell off. Replaced the front sight and it just continues to fire.



Accurate? Not so much...but hey, it is a defensive weapon. At 10 - 15 feet, I can unload the whole clip into a torso...I think I could stop the fight.



New member

I have had the PT145 for about 3 yrs now. It is a great single shot pistol. After that you can use it for a club, but not much else.


New member
We sold them at a store I worked for, we sent a bunch back for warranty repair. I wouldn't buy one. I almost bought the one that has the 10 round mag. It fit my hand and would have been great if it had Ruger wrote on the slide. As far as the long trigger all you have to do is practice and you'll learn to use it.


New member
My experience may be different then some but my experience with both the PT-145 and PT-745 were terrible. Only .45 I have ever had that was worse was a Llama Mini Max.


New member
My experience was a good one, with the exception of the sights, which I didn't particularly like. It functioned very well for me and was fairly accurate. No complaints here.


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