Taurus Judge... for free... for me?


New member
I have done alot of research on the forums over the Judge and I know its capabilities. If your dad won it for you in a raffle and it was free to you. Would you enjoy a free, possibly fun gun, maybe keep it in your truck just because... Or would you still hate it and get rid of it. It would not be my CCW or home defense guns. Those are set for me. What would you do?

lee n. field

New member
A free gun is a free gun. I'd take it, play with it.

I might change my mind about it (my current impression is that they're a noisemaker, not likely to do fill either the handgun or shotgun role well).

It might end up as trade fodder. But, that's true of any firearm I own, outside legacy guns with personal meaning.


New member
Trading material.
I agree, but it came from your dad. That would be hard to do.

Before my dad died, his guns were given to my sister and her first husband. Well.... again I say.... first husband. They were gone like a freight train.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Someone one would have to give me a truck to keep it as a truck gun. :D

However, I would probably trade it. I don't think it is that useful in normal times. But I would keep it today as I do see 45 LC and 410 around. As a backup for ammo shortages.


New member
I would definitely take the gun. I would definitely trade the gun as I personally think that it is not my kind of gun...but could be swapped for something that is.

Spats McGee

I'd take the gun, but tell my dad beforehand that I was likely to trade it. That way, he could make an educated decision as to whether to give it to me.


New member
Nobody gave me mine. I paid for it, and am glad I did. But do as you like. It isn't necessarily an heirloom being won in a raffle, and not passed down for generations. If you want a fun shooter that also works good as snake protection, and close in SD, keep the Judge. If your dad doesn't mine you making a trade, and you have bought into the anti Judge/Taurus line, trade it for something else.


New member
So what is it that you perceive to be wrong with the judge? I can think of many good uses for one and I have shot one a few time. The only problem I could see with it is it's too heavy for a carry weapon in my opinion.

Spats McGee

First, my caveat: I have never fired a Judge. I'm not even sure if I've ever held one. If I have, it obviously didn't make much of an impression. With that said, I don't have anything against them. There are just lots of other guns I'd rather have.


New member
I'd take the gun, but tell my dad beforehand that I was likely to trade it. That way, he could make an educated decision as to whether to give it to me.


That gun might be good trade bait.


New member
If it was free I'd absolutely take it, and I probably would keep it around - if nothing else, for novelty's sake.
It seems like it could be a fun gun, and a good conversation starter, I just never want one as much as something else I could get for the money. But, conversely, I imagine I could get more fun out of it than I could sell one for used.


New member
I would absolutely take it. Load it up with some No.4s and keep it in the truck and maybe carry it when hunting for a snake gun. Of course snakes may not be a problem where you are depending on the weather but down here it can still be pretty warm during hunting season.


New member
Thank you for your opinions. I did not have a choice to take it, it was given to me. I believe I will keep it though I would have never bought one myself... probably. If I already had all the guns I wanted, I may have considered it. I dont think I could tell him , I want to trade it, because he is going to purchase a new gun for himself in a couple of weeks and did not even consider trading it in for himself. He was happy to win it for me, it was not that he did not want it or could have used it for himself. He is selling his only firearm to my uncle tomorrow so my uncle could protect his own family and he wanted to upgrade. I guess it is sentimental to me as it was a selfless act on his part to do something for me. It has no particular "use" to me as I said I have others to fill my needs. It will be fun and maybe someday I can teach my kids to use it(when I ever have them). There is always a use for a fun gun and plus, you can never have too many. Again thank you for replying and your opinions are valued. More suggestions are as always welcome.


New member
BTY, just as a point of interest, what model Judge is it? Mine is the Public Defender Poly. The polymer framed, smaller , snubbie version. If you can call any Judge a snubbie.::D I found it to be surprizingly accurte at common SD range with both 45 Colt, and 000Buck 410 rounds. Plus fully capble eliminating any threat from snakes at 10-15 feet with 7 1/2 sizwd shot.


New member
Cheapshooter, I am not 100% sure, still waiting to pick it up because of the waiting period. I did see it though and filled out the forms for it at the banquet. We volunteer for NWTF. I know it is stainless, and a 3" barrel. My dad showed it to me, the dealer then put it in the box and I started filling out paperwork. I dont know if it chambers 2.5" or 3" shells. I have heard such mixed things about accuracy for them and what .410's to use and not to use. Your advice would be appreciated. I really havent ran into too many snakes in southeastern Wisconsin. I do go camping often and have lived in Denver. I saw a couple rattlers there around red rocks but here all there is are gardner snakes. I usually pick them up and place them somewhere safer.

P.S. I thought it funny that you posted on here, my initial thought that crossed my mind when I considered trading it was your #1 rule.


New member
I load up my PD Poly, which has the 2 1/2 " chamber with Federal Premium Personal Defence Handgun 000 Buck 410, and Winchester Bonded PDX1 225 gr. 45 Colt. Usually, first two up are the 410. Followed hy 3 of the 45 Colt. The sole SD purpose for me is as a truck/car anti-carjacking protector. With a potential threat being only feet away, the 4 000 plated, hard lead balls stay in a tight group. If an additional threat arises from further away, the 45 Colt rounds are quite accurate. Holding a +- 3" group, off hand at ten yards or more.
I found a cheap Crosman Airsoft holster at Wally World that fits the PD like it was made for it. It has Velcro straps to fit around a belt, but they work to hold the holstered gun to the side of the driver's seat in my vehcles. It also carries well in the woods.
For snake protection, and just great fun blowing up pop cans, spent shotsheels, sticks, and various other debris ten feet of so away on the ground, #7 1/2 shot works well.
Good luck, and have fun with your new Judge.


New member
Keep it until you have shot it a good amount. Skip slugs.

If you like it and have fun, then keep shooting it. If not, it will be easy to sell or trade.

Poisonous snakes and yard vermin are easily handled with #6/#4 shot, and I bet you find that .45 Colt shoots acceptably well. The buckshot loads developed especially for the Judge work pretty good too.

You may have noticed that a lot of the negative opinions come from those without any first hand knowledge, or Taurus haters in general.


New member
Over the years, I have been given many gifts that I would not have personally bought for myself and was pleasantly surprised with them. If someone was to give me a new Judge, even tho I have no desire to own one, I'd find a place for it regardless....at least for a while, just outta respect.

I guess it is sentimental to me as it was a selfless act on his part to do something for me.

That is all the reason you need. Make sure you take your dad with you when you test it out.


New member
If I got this gun UNFIRED and in the factory box as if it were brand new, I would not fire it because when I sell it, I'd much rather market it as new and unfired, which makes it a more attractive purchase. Since I have no tangible use for one, I would definitely forward it on toward something I'd enjoy.

If I received it in nearly-new but fired condition, I'd most likely send a few rounds down range before I sold or traded it off, if there was a range day on my calendar.

I believe it is important to be completely truthful and honest when selling guns, sort of a "karma" thing, and I have in the past gotten an unfired gun and kept it that way until I sold it. I do somewhat regret that particular one...because it was a very, very cool handgun and I never did get to shoot it. :eek: