Taurus actually worth a D...???


New member
I've only owned one Taurus and that was only for about 2 weeks. It was a PT1911. There was nothing wrong with the gun, it was just wrong for me. I've never been a fan of 1911s but the Taurus intrigued me so I bought it. It just verified what I already knew, I don't like 1911s. I put around 300 rounds through it while I had it and had 0 issues that were caused by the gun (only problem I had was flipping the safety up since I wasn't used to resting my thumb on top of a 1911 safety).

That being said, I think a lot of the Taurus bashing comes from a few things. They're made in Brazil (or parts are). They use MIM parts. They're cheap-er (cost, not necessarily quality). Lastly, I think their reliability has come a long way and a lot of people still remember the unreliable ones.

Personally, I won't buy another one. At least not for a while. I was also a Taurus hater due to everything I had heard. I half expected my 1911 to jam constantly. That didn't happen. I've also got 2 friends that love their MilPros. I think my biggest issue comes from the cost. I think they're great deals but there's stuff that I find to be nicer. I'd rather pay a little more for something that feels like it's higher quality, has a nicer trigger, better sights (I hated the Heinies on my 1911), etc. A lot of that is simply perception. It's the same reason I don't like the S&W M&P pistols. They just feel cheap to me.

So I guess it just boils down to what you like. If you like the feel of a particular Taurus, go ahead and buy it. It's pretty likely that it's going to be a great gun and will provide a lot of trouble free shooting. Just remember to pay attention to what people say. It's going to be a lot better to listen to the people that have owned one than those that have never shot one or those that have a Taurus tattoo.


New member
I own 2 Taurus handguns; a model 85 revolver and a PT22. I haven't had a bit of trouble with either one.

I would definately buy another Taurus.

I couldn't say about the warranty because I have never had to use it.

I think that Taurus makes very good guns.


New member
I was also a Taurus hater due to everything I had heard.

Me too, that's why I started this thread and asked for nothing but real experiences. It seems like more and more people are happy with their taurus, so maybe it's time for me to be a little bit more open minded. Taurus used to be known as "that thing which we speak not of" around my crowd but I've heard of many being happy with them I'm starting to change my mind.

As for nice guns, I'm with you. I would rather save my money and have something quality now that I sort of know a little bit about what's going on. I did by the Baby Eagle just for individuality but it is a solid and reliable gun, it just has design quirks that you have to get used to. Either way, I choose it then for being a compact, non-striker DA/SA, manual safetied pistol. I didn't like the feel of the beretta and wanted something lighter weight than the S&Ws. I bought it for the platform, which is the same reason I'm thinking of the mil pro or 24/7. It's more for the SA/DA striker with manual safety. I would like to try it out but want some opinions of OWNERS, and everyone has been pretty mature so far. Thanks again everyone.


New member
Hmm... i always thought people hated Taurus because of their Jekyll and Hyde warranty service. You never know if you're going to get the good one or the bad one. When it's good... it's really good. When it's bad... you wonder why you even bothered buying it in the first place.


I own two .38 Special Model 85s, two Model 94s, a Model 941, a Model 82, a Model 66, a PT22, a PT58S, a PT92AF, and a PT101. As you can tell by the Model numbers, all but the PT101 are pre-decocker semi-autos, and the revolvers are just as old. They are often used in training new shooters. I carried, and shot, one Model 85 loose with a steady diet of +P and +P+. Taurus rebuilt it, and it was back in my hands in six weeks, free.

I've had more problems, and equal waits with Sig, HK, and S&W. All were much more expensive than the Taurus, and failed much more quickly.

I don't buy a weapon without checking it thoroughly prior to leaving the shop. The failures were not readily obvious things. A cracked slide, a bad barrel (even though it looked fine, and a pawl that broke on the first shot.

Many of the complaints that I read about involving Taurus weapons appear to be things that would have been glaringly obvious. Mis-aligned revolver sights, sprung cranes, terrible triggers, poor finish, etc. should never leave the shop, yet these people BUY a problem, and then whine about it.

Every manufacturer has problems, and different people have their own conception of what is and isn't acceptable. :)


New member
I have a Taurus 24/7 pro 9mm.

+ Affordable.
+ Hi capacity (17+1).
+ Extremely reliable - exactly zero feed, jam, or eject issues to date. So far it's as good as my Sig for reliability (high praise indeed).
+ If a shell fails-to-fire the trigger resets to double-action, and the shell can be re-fired immediately. This works, I had several boxes of PMC's which had bad primers on about every 10th round, was able to get some of them to fire with repeated strikes.
+ Excellent ergonomics. I've never held a pistol that felt better in my hand.

- Inaccurate. Very. Large groups. You won't ever win a target shooting match with this gun. You would get laughed off the range.
- The trigger feels awful, takes a few practice sessions to get used to it. About an inch of dead travel. Even when you do get used to it, it's still strange.
- The Heine sights are lame. Big, blocky, and unadjustable.

When I got mine it shot so low I simply couldn't believe it. More than an inch low per yard, so at 25 yards you had to shoot more than 2 feet high to even get in the neighborhood of the center of the paper. The sights are not adjustable.
The gun was sent to Florida for repairs, and came back about 2 months later. They never did say what they did to it, and I cannot identify any new parts, but it was improved... somewhat. It still shot low, but it was close enough that I just filed the front sight down til it shot level.
So was I satisfied? Enough. It's not great, but it's more than a lot of other manufacturers will do for free.

I would trust this gun with my life, but only at distances out to 12-15 yards. I keep mine next to the bedstand, I think for indoor and close-range defense it's a very good choice.


New member
I've had a MilPro PT140 for a couple of years now and once the trigger broke in, it has been a good little pistol. So much so, that last weekend I was at one of the stores I buy from and they had a MilPro Pt145. (I love .45) that I picked up. I haven't had a chance to fire it yet, but probably will this weekend. I have a couple of Colts, that I like quite a bit too, and a few other pistols. So, that's my .02 cents.


New member
As with anything in life buying a Taurus is a crap shoot. Here's a video clip showing an all too common problem with the 24/7 pistols.

Here's a review of the gun and a boat load of responses, many of which are people having the same problem as that captured in the video file I posted above.


Here's another thread from another site where lots of people are having this same problem.


Here's a video of a PT945 jamming...

As I said, you may get one that works or you may get one that's a lemon... if you get a lemon you get to deal with Taurus customer service (not fun). To me they seem to have an awfully high failure rate... YMMV


Again, I don't understand this. If that was mine I wouldn't be wasting my time making a youtube video diary.

It has a LIFETIME warranty.

I send it back. They fix it. I shoot it. Problem solved.


I'm npt quite sure what that is supposed to show. The posters there have pretty much universally traced the problems to a batch of bad magazines, with the mag body varying up to 1/16" at the feed-lip.

It would appear that cleaning this off of the mag fixes the "problem" with the 24/7. It would also appear that the shooters almost all think that the pistol is more than impressive.

Seems that I remember the same problem in Colt 1911s, bad magazines. I don't see anyone saying that the 1911 platform is unreliable, just that good magazinews are necessary. :)


New member
Seems that I remember the same problem in Colt 1911s, bad magazines. I don't see anyone saying that the 1911 platform is unreliable, just that good magazinews are necessary.
You're just not looking in the right place, there's lots of people that claim the 1911 is unreliable, outdated or otherwise useless. :D


New member
Here's a video clip showing an all too common problem with the 24/7 pistols.
What I saw shows what happens when you ride the slide on a lot of guns, unless I missed something


New member
What I saw shows what happens when you ride the slide on a lot of guns, unless I missed something
You missed something... about 20 posts from people saying their 24/7's failed to feed. The video showed, without firing, what is taking place.

It's also interesting to note the gun has difficulty ejecting a live round. It's as if the port is a hair too small.


New member
Sturm, hasn't that improved with the new Mil Pros? I was under the impression that the prior flaws (such as you posted) were addressed when the new ones were released. I admit that I've not looked into them that much since I've tended to shy away from most Taurus pistols but I'm curious if you know.


New member
I've never encountered any problems with the Tauri products I've owned in the past nor with the ones that are currently in my collection. If I had to pick out one negative thing - and this is reaching for me - would be the initial heavy/gritty DA pull on the M94 .22 revolvers. That is to say, at least until you've put a few hundred rounds though and it begins to smooth out. :D

They've always worked for me so I'll continue to purchase Taurus products.
The 809-B and OSS 24/7 are on the list of future buys when they're released. :)


New member
The video showed, without firing, what is taking place.
I didn't read the comment because they are usually boring and simplistic
But what I see in the video is a guy riding the slide causing a failure to feed, and a failure to eject, but it seems to me that he is trying to point out the FTF.

After reading very few of the comments it is obvious that the problem is magazine related

But as I have often said I have no experience with their autos and probably never will
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New member
Unfortunately, my only Taurus is a 6" model 66 .357 revolver. I bought that sucker twenty years ago as my first big bore pistol, because it was all I could afford. That durned gun still shoots as good as the day I bought it, which is very good. So I always looked ascanse at people who bad mouthed a Taurus. My first questiion was always. "Have you ever owned one?" The answer was always no, so then I would ask them how would they know if one was good or not. It was always "I heard somebody else say they were trash". I would just roll my eyes, and then procede to put about 48 straight rounds through the ten ring and say, "I like mine!":)


New member
I owned a Pt745. It was totally reliable, but as stated in other posts, i was not a fan of the trigger. I got rid of it and bought a GLOCK 27.


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#1. Do you like your taurus? Yes Would you buy the gun again? Yes How often has it failed? Never

#2. Has anyone had to send one in for warrenty? How fast? How much runaround? No, never


I only own one Taurus revolver...but I am very interested in PT1911 and new PT917.