Taurus actually worth a D...???


New member
Let me open by saying I am biased and conditioned by what I've heard/read about taurus products from others. I don't, nor have I ever, own one. I'm not telling anyone out there that they are junk because I frankly don't know. I have heard from others that at times they are less than desirable, both on the internet in recent years and mostly off before then. That being said I have stayed away from taurus.

But it appears that now things are starting to change. I will say I haven't heard of many bad things about the taurus 92s. I think the general concenus is that most are happy with em'. I've also heard that the PT1911s are good to go (Lurper has one, and though I don't always agree with his point of view, he can outshoot the vast majority of us so I take his word for something). I have also heard of many satisfied customers of the millinium pro. I also picked up the latest G & A, mostly for sheer entertainment, and saw a test of the 24/7. It was the articles' authors' independant test, so I don't stake a huge amount of credit to it. BUT I'm starting to think there might actually be something to taurus, especially the Mil Pro and 24/7 series.
I love the fact that there is a manual safety on the mil pros, I refuse to own alot of guns because of the absence of a manual safety. It's one thing to have one and not use it, but it's another to not have it at all. Anywho, back to the point I have a few questions for taurus owners.

#1. Do you like your taurus? Would you buy the gun again? How often has it failed?

#2. Has anyone had to send one in for warrenty? How fast? How much runaround?


I looked at a mil pro not long ago but decided to go with Baby Eagle. I'm glad I got the baby eagle, it's a real shooter and I've had no FTFs except when I tried to do a torture test of my own (thank you sturm). BTW the gun failed when dry (no lube/grease on rails) but passed nicely when lubed/greased adequately. I have, however, thought of that mil pro I passed up ever since. Now that I've read this article I'm really wondering. Give me the taurus good/bad/ugly.

I've had guns that weren't really the greatest shooters in the world but I tried to make them that in my mind. The baby eagle isn't the best thing since sliced bread and I know that know. It's not a bad little gun but it has it's quirks. What I'm trying to get at is PLEASE BE HONEST!!! If you like it but it has had FTFs then please tell me.


New member
I have a PT 24/7 Pro in 45 ACP. I've probably got about 1500-2000 round through it.
With factory ammo it has been very reliable. I recently had a round or two nosedive in one of the magazines. It may be a weak spring but we'll see.
It feeds everything I have put in it and accuracy has been great.
The ergonomics are excellent, the trigger pull is great and the Heinie sights are outstanding.
I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this pistol to anyone. I do carry mine off duty and trust it implicitly.


New member
I have several tauri- pt 1911- 24/7pro 9mm- 24/7 pro .45 - m85 ultralight in .38 special. Never had any problems with them and carry the 85 several times a week as my primary defence gun. I will buy more taurus in the future along with more springfield and s&w's.


New member
This will end up like so many other Taurus threads

Some will like them and most of them will be Tauri loyalists owning many of them and other will hate them most of them have developed this hatered by word of mouth having never owned one

Customer service seems tobe the sticking point
I can't comment on that because of the many Taurus revolvers Ihave owned none have given me cause to deal with CS


New member
Two Taurus, Two Smiths, and one Ruger. The Taurus 605 and 9mm Milpro get all the carry time. Both good, reliable carry weapons. As soon as I get my new holster, the MilPro will get a lot more carry time. About 1000rnds, no malfunctions or failures of any kind. I'm sure it doesn't compare to a sig etc, but I wouldn't know because I can't afford one of those. It's a good, inexpensive carry weapon.


New member
I know what you mean joab, but I hope everyone is mature enough to understand that the questions were meant to be answered buy actual owners with experience. I'm trying to beat out those pre-concieved "taurus is evil" in myself. I wouldn't buy one a little while ago because of the "taurus is evil" hype.

Thing is though, the mil pros and now the 24/7s are bloody nice guns. AND they have a combination of features that are virtually impossible to find in any other weapon. I may just have one and find out how good they are myself here soon...


New member
I can't comment on any of their autos , I have never even shot one or even held one.
My only comment would be a distinct dislike of the billboards on the sides of their guns
But all of my revolvers have been flawless within reasonable limits

After about ten years or so of owning a used 85, I have a broken firing pin spring.
Gun still functions but you have to load it with the barrel tilted slightly up to keep the pin from falling and the crane is ever so slightly sprung but the gun is still accurate

One day soon I plan to send it in to test the customer service and post the result from start to finish, good or ugly, here

Officer's Match

New member
I've had two Taurus pistols, both 92's, one stainless with ambi-safety+decock, the other, blued and safety only. Most of my other handguns are Colt 1911's in various calibers, and I have absolutely no reservations whatsoever regarding the quality, dependability or accuracy of the Taurus PT92. Those are the only models with which I have significant experience, and as such I shall refrain from speculation on other models.


I've got a Taurus 651 .357 that I can and do stake my life on.
I'm also trading in my Beretta 92f on a Taurus pt92. I've been considering it a long time, and I find that the Taurus is just as nice of a gun as the Beretta is but I much prefer the Taurus controls, safety/decocker and cocked and locked ability.
As far as Taurus service, I only have had one problem, where the cylinder release came loose on my revolver after about 300rds or so. I lost the screw but found the release. I called Taurus, they sent me a new release and 2 new screws and I had them in a few days. Put it on w loktite and its been fine since then. Fast and friendly, but I've never sent a gun in for repair.
They do have a few models with a shakey reliability record but most of their line is solid. Plus with a lifetime warranty, it's hard to go wrong. A lot of people complain about their Taurus but then you ask if they tried sending in to them and they give a goofy excuse as to why they haven't, but it's usually just because they want to have something to complain about.


New member
I can't comment on the semi auto's either.

I have a Model 85 38sp revolver that is very nice, not quite the build quality of a Ruger or S&W or Colt, but not the price tag either. But YES, I would stake my life on that gun. Its reliable and I know how to use it , never failed me.

I also bought my wife a model 94 .22 revolver for plinking fun. Its reliable, fun, and built well. But still not the same parts quality of the others mentioned above. But worth the $$ and a keeper. Taurus is worth the $$, but if you have the extra $$ to buy some of the other "upper quality" names, do it.

I'm not calling Taurus low quality, just not on par with the other big companies as far as revolvers go. Just my humble opinion.:)


New member
I have a PT-92 AF that I bought NIB back in December.

#1. Do you like your taurus? Would you buy the gun again? How often has it failed?
Yes, I like it. Yes, I'd buy another. It has failed exactly twice, on the same range outing, with the same lightly loaded LRN reloads that I had loaded up for another gun. The nature of the failure was that the loads were too light to push the slide back far enough to engage the end-of-mag slide catch. But, those same loads still cycled fine. Other than that, it has been perfect. I can't fault the gun for an ammo problem. With "conventional" factory loaded ammo it has been nothing but stellar, and has been outstanding with my "conventional" reloads too.

#2. Has anyone had to send one in for warrenty? How fast? How much runaround?
N/A. I haven't had any need to do it.

Yes -- at least I'd stake my life on my PT-92. It isn't a convenient size for CCW, but as a full size "duty" sidearm it is just fine.

Ralph Allen

New member
I had never owned a Taurus up until about 90 days ago. I went to my local gunshop and ordered a Millenium Pro PT 745. This is a 6+1 sub compact in 45acp. I only have aproxamately 200 rounds through the gun so far. Personally I do not like the SA/DA trigger. There is toooooo much free travel/take up before firing. This makes for a slow/sloppy follow up shot. Have had no failure to feeds, BUT, have had the trigger lock up with no function what so ever. It will not pull through on DA, it's just dead. The only way to clear this malfunction is to rack the slide, there by ejecting a round, and letting the slide ram a new round in. Have had this happen 3 times since owning the weapon. Would I carry this weapon? NO!! I will continue to shoot this gun as a fun gun, plinker, trainer for malfunctions that have NEVER happened with my Glock's, Smith's, or XD's. If the gun will go 500 rounds without a malfunction, then I'll put another 1000 rounds through it. If still no malfunctions, then I will consider carrying it as a back up, but never a prime carry. As I said, this is the only Taurus I own, so I can only speak of this model. As for customer service, I called Taurus on a takedown problem, the gal who answered the phone could not answer my question so she put me through to a supervisors phone voice mail. I explaind my dilema and left all the pertinent contact info. I'm still waiting for that call. Been about 60 days now. By the way, I solved the problem on my own.


I have a ruger blackhawk and a taurus gaucho. So far Ive had less problems with the gaucho then I have had with the ruger.it also shoots better then the ruger and feels better in my hand. I personaly would buy another taurus before I would new model rugers.My dad has a older single six never had a problem with that either just dont really like the feel of it compared to my gaucho.


New member
I have had 4 Taurus pistols since 1991, both semi-auto and revolver and they have all been good guns. Never a problem, not even a FTF or light hammer strike. I have and would again stake my life on them.
For the money, they are good guns and obviously some models are probably better than others, like the PT92 and the Model 85 SS revolver. My newest Taurus is the PT140MilPro and it has lived up to my expectations so far.
Haven't ever had to use CS so couldn't tell you.


New member
I skipped over question three

I carried that Taurus 85 daily for about seven years in areas where depending on it was a real possibility
I gave my father an 85 for daily carry when he refused to move out of the neighborhood that he couldn't see turning bad

My mother also is being given an 85, 3". for her daily dependable
and my wife has depended on my father's 85 since he died last year when I'm away at night

I have better guns and guns that I thought would have been better for their needs but these are the guns that they chose and among the ones that I have shot the most and had the most confidence in

Now days, since every body has taken my 85s away from me I occasionally carry a Taurus 445 but mostly it is a Star Model BM and a 1911 in the glovebox
But honestly have not tested the 445 enough to call it durable on the scale of the 85s and I like the Star better for what I do now


New member

I dumbed it in the creek. First time I did it bone dry with no lube at all. Fired about 2 rounds. Cleaned and lubed it up and second time put a dab of grease on the rails. Went through the whole mag. Needless to say I use a small bit of grease on the rails of all carry guns now...