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New member
I've felt like getting a tattoo more times than I could count on both hands and feet. I'm now in my mid 30s and I STILL haven't gotten one. I've been through college and 8 yrs. in the Corps, overseas 5 of those years. While my buddies were getting guns and weird art tattooed on them I just watched and thought .... "He's gonna hate THAT it 20 yrs."

Sorry, but I just haven't had anything that hit me with such conviction that I want to be stuck with it for the rest of my life.

foghorn leghorn

New member
Patriotic tattoo

I got this tat after 9-11, the pup likes it. Red bleeds out, and blue is supposed to fade faster. Never get white ink, the stars in my tat are my natural flesh tone.
I had to go back to the artist twice and get re-inked on the red stripes. The red just seemed to run out of my skin. After the third time, over a 4 week period it stabilized. I don't know if it is a normal thing, but it looked crappy after the first application. If I didn't go back and bug the guy, I would be kicking myself today.
Remember, don't get drunk before you get a tattoo, it makes the ink react differently in the skin, I was told.

If I had to do it over, I would never get a tattoo. Don't do it.
It's a personal decision, I would persuade you not to get married and have kids also.


New member
My advise, think long and hard about what you want and if it will affect your future. I have 1 and only 1, your truely are branded for life. Im content with mine but if I had to do it all over again I'd have to think threw pretty hard, granted i gave it alot of the thought prior to getting it.

Dont do things just because you think they are cool,over time your idea of cool will change.
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