Talaban "Hit" Photo sequence!


New member
The BTR series has more potential than the LAV series. There is a BTR-90 being fielded now. The BTR has an armor layout that aides deflection and it's steel alloy doesn't produce lethal fumes like aluminum does when hit.
BTR has better cross-country performance and is wider than it is tall.

Russian gear mostly crap? Ask the Germans about that.

This footage of the APC going up isn't funny. Those men died. They were just grunts and likely had no choice as to where and why they were sent there. They were Russian Ministry of Interior troops not taliban. I've seen a very clear full speed version of this footage and it makes me very unhappy.
If any of you are knowingly laughing at these men dying you really suck.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
The first time I saw it, I thought it was a Taliban BTR... It was said to be a bomb from an F-14. Looking at it now, I have to agree that it looks like a mine. The second "hit" looks like a 40mm grenade mercy shot.

BTRs... They just look cool:


New member
Dater- December 10, 2001.

I seriously doubt the pictures would have been declassified that soon.

Good Shooting


New member
Russian gear mostly crap? Ask the Germans about that. <<<<

Well considering that WWII was fifty years ago, I suggest you re-evaluate. I'll take the Bundesheer over the Russian Army in a conventional war today, right now, thank you very much. The Russians can't even pay and feed and train their troops, and they consider going to KFOR to be a vacation(of course, their alternative was to likely wind up like these poor schmucks on the BTR). The Russians come up with lots of nifty toys, but they can not afford to field them, very much like the Germans in WWII.

As for aluminum, the M113 series is aluminum, and it's the most common AFV in the western world. So you get toxic fumes when it melts, you're either out of the vehicle already or you're a chunky paste coating the interior of the vehicle from the initial hit. There were a few LAV's that got hit by Mavericks in Saudi(thanks to the USAF:rolleyes: and there were a couple survivors. A T-72/T-80 series gets hit, and it vaporizes the crew when the ammo cooks off. S/F...Ken M

George Hill

Staff Alumnus

Could a Blackhawk deal with it? Not alone.
Look at this thing. We need to scrap the whole LAV thing and buy up some of these BTRs.

Some would say the LAV III is better... Prove it.

Don't even get me started on the BMP vs Bradley!

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
As for aluminum, the M113 series is aluminum, and it's the most common AFV in the western world. So you get toxic fumes when it melts, you're either out of the vehicle already or you're a chunky paste coating the interior of the vehicle from the initial hit.
Sounds like a shining endorsment for an LAV. Fighting vehicles need to be built from real steel. Aluminum is for tent pegs, pop cans and M-16's lowers.


New member
What do training levels and diet have to do with vehicle design?

Wrong!! The entire Soviet production process caters to these two factors(among others).

Training levels: Why do you think the AK series is built like it is? It's designed by a genius for use by idiots. Yes, it's reliable under neglect, yes, it's easy to manufacture, it's also inaccurate, prone to rust, heavy, and not user friendly. The same with the T-series and JS series tanks: They were set up for use by Russian conscripts, who were mostly peasants/workers(improving up to the present day). It was rough and ready gear. The interesting thing is that the Russians also produced some brilliant people, guys like Kalishnikov, Sakharov etc. Their elite did OK, at the expense of the other classes(again, improving as time went on from WWII era)

Diet: The Soviet diet(combined with genetics) produced smaller individuals. This allowed them to get away with cramped designs like the JS series, and even the modern T64/72/80 series tanks. Of course, the US tends to favor smaller crewmen, which is why my 6'2" frame is infantry, but Western tanks are more forgiving in this regard.

George, with light AFV's, the winner is generally going to be the guy who shoots first. Either the 25mm bushmaster or the 30mm gun on the BTR/BMP-2 can easily kill the other vehicle. But this is where the superior sensors/FCS of the western vehicle come in. What is with this Russian gear fetish? It didn't work for the Arabs(vs either us or the Israelis) It didn't work for the Viets, who got butchered everytime they tried to stand and fight. It didn't work for the NK's, whose T34/85's got slaughtered by US M26's and M46's.

Blackhawks vs BTR's? Cargo birds? So they haul a couple Javelin teams and a couple rifle squads into the area to go tank hunting. Or you drop my team off with a Barret and I kill it from the flank without it even knowing I'm about. Or I just get on the radio and call for all kinds of suffering to come down on it. The BTR is one way of doing business, I really doubt it's any better than the LAV in any way. BTW look at the thickness of the steel of the drivers visor, you really think that do any more than keep out the rain and maybe 5.56? Semper Fidelis...Ken M

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
What about survivability. Granted he who hits first wins, but if my ride get hit - I would like to at least have a CHANCE to escape alive. Sodapop Can Hulled LAVs, M113s, or M-2, M-3s wont give you that chance.


New member
Oh my.

Someone's yelling at their monitor because others aren't in agreement with their heavy handed anti-Russian generalities.


New member
Not at all. Some Russian stuff is OK, but the US over-inflated a lot of the Russian threat in order to justify more money for toys. The bad guys are always ten feet tall, as it were. Do you disagree? S/F...Ken M


New member

Fred Hansen

New member
There used to be a certain leader of a death cult that worshiped at the alter of ruskie gear. He used to say things like "We were able to beat the Soviets, the most powerful nation on Earth. The Americans will be easy to defeat!" I say all the more power to 'em. Gear up with that ruskie crap. Grab yourselves an AK, hell make it a Krinkov if you like. Have at 'er Champion. We'll bury you under a couple million tons of rock too.

Riddle me this Batman, if the ruskie crap is so great, how is it that they aren't top dog? For that matter, why is it that they aren't even in the running? The ChiComs are the only ones with even a remote chance of making the loser Ruskie deal work, but that is merely a matter of overwhelming numbers. The only thing that is holding them up is a distinct lack of a blue-water navy, meaning they can't currently get here from there. On the other hand, if they could get here, let's say in rowboats, they could saw the oars in half and beat us all to death with them without ever having to fire a shot.

If the battle plan is to send brain-dead socialist automatons to their certain doom (the automatons will be happy to go, death has to be a better fate than having to call everyone "comrade") Ruskie crap works great. If the battle plan says "Hey we value our guys!" Then you hand folks like Echo5Mike a Barret and say "Whack 'em and maybe later, if we feel like it, we'll all go out and stack 'em."

:barf: On the filthy commies and their gear.:mad: :mad: :barf:


New member
Does anyone know exactly what this is fotage of? When it was shown to me at USMC combat engineer school I was told that it was US troops hitting a mine in a road that had supposedly been marked clean.


Moderator Emeritus
How far away was that all-steel BTR when it got brewed up by a .50-cal SLAP round from a Barrett? 1.5 klicks?

Memory check...

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
As is known, the APC armament comprises, as a rule, a 12.7 or 14.5mm large caliber machine gun and a coaxial 7.62mm machine gun. Of late, 25 or 30mm small caliber guns are installed instead of large caliber machine guns. The fighting compartment of the BTR-90 mounts four types of weapons. These include the 30mm 2A42 automatic gun, the 7.62mm PKT machine gun, the 30mm AG-17 grenade launcher and the Konkurs antitank guided missile (ATGM) system.
Yeah, I think they got it right.

Rakekniven: Those guys could possibly be US. If by chance the US is driving BTRs instead of LAVs.
Shin: jmbg29 hasn't spent years studying armored warfare like you have... go easy. "Do you work for Jane's?" ROTFLMAO!