Taking Your Gun Apart Blindfolded


New member
As noted the hard part is finding the pieces

I don't remember when I first heard - the secret to putting it back together is to have a routine for where each part goes on the mat - been at least 35 years - but I'll never detail strip a revolver in the dark.

Peter M. Eick

New member
Glad you guys down use H&K P7PSP's.

I would like to see anyone break one of those down COMPLETELY and then put it back together in a minute. Let alone blindfolded.


I used to do it back in the day. I got reasonably good at the slidestop through the barrel link by using a two hand index by feel with the pistol upright. Takes some getting used to to do that, you have to practice for it by doing it in the light and pay real close attention.

And now I realize...why? That's what second guns are for. :D
When I was in Marine Corps Boot Camp (a long time ago) they had us practice disassembly and reassembly of our M16-A1's blindfolded. It was good practice for war time when we would actually have to do it in low light situations.


New member
My first thought is WHY

Up until a few minutes ago, I'd never disassmbled one in the dark, but I've had to put one back together in the dark. I had a power outtage at an armed post I used to work, when I was on my lunch break. I'd gone to the range before work, and hadn't had the opportunity to clean it before my shift.

The power goes out right as I'm picking it up to put it together. Normally, I wouldn't have worried, but at the time we had about $2,000,000 worth of jet engines on the back lot. I couldn't tell you how long it took, but I got that sucker back together right quick.

After that I remembered to take my Mag-light with me on break.

For the record. Right now....

17 seconds to unload (snap-caps) and strip.
22 seconds to reassemble and reload.

Of course, I've got a Baby Eagle. It's a cake walk to strip.


New member
well i just did it for the second time, and this time you will all be happy to know that it was UNLOADED!...

ok so first attempt:

takedown: 1min 26 sec
reasembly: 3min 1 sec

2nd attempt

takedown: 25 sec
reasembly: 47 sec.

practice makes perfect!