Taking Guns To Canada


New member
FWIW here is my experience with canada and firearms while I traveled to Alaska.

I did NOT have any firearms in my vehicles when I went through canada but I was moving so I did pack a few holsters. Unfortunately I noticed the holsters at the last minute so they did not get packed, they were tossed in my truck on top of everything else.

So I get to the boarder crossing and the lady looks into my truck and asks if I have any firearms in the vehicle - I say no.

She has me pull off to the side and asks why I have holsters but no guns? - I state I will be bringing them up at a later date, after I get settled in AK. And I will ship them to my new address.

She says she can tell I'm lying and demands I get out of the vehicle and unlock my trailer. For the next 3 hours they emptied everything out of my truck and trailer, pick through all of it, just tossing it onto the side of the road ( a BIG mess) and then told me they didnt find anything and I could go. I asked for them to put my stuff back and she laughed and walked away. It took me the rest of the afternoon to put everything back.

I will never drive through canada again, period!!!

Everything you hope to experience in canada is nothing compared to the beauty of AK, take one of the ferries from Bellingham and spend your time and money in AK, it will be worth it

Carne Frio

New member
Grizz12 is exactly right. Traveling through Kanuckistan
by auto sucks. Their government sucks. The people are
nice, though. The best way to drive in Alaska as a visitor
is to fly up, with your guns and ammo, Then rent a car
or SUV and enjoy. You can bring an AR or AK, shotgun
and covert carry handgun. Hand you can carry open or
concealed. Unless you are moving up here and towing a
huge load, the drive on the Alcan is just a long trip.

You don't need a passport to fly, also.
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New member
Don't know what happened to Canada.
Not that long ago, crossing the border was just a formality.
The Canadian border folks acted more like a welcoming committee than guards.
No one asked if we had guns, no one cared much.
Family and friends used to cross the borders all the time.
Lots of good fishing, wreck diving and for those so inclined, seriously fancy casinos.
But then things changed and most of the folks I used to go up there with flat quit going.
One too many bad experiences just getting into the country.
Too bad, the attitude changes had to cost their people just tons of tourist and vacationer business.


New member
Guys...thanks for some great advice and sharing your experiences. I may now rethink my route and explore the ferry option a bit more. Never ceases to amaze me the generosity and experiences shared here.

Thanks again!


New member
DHS is a fairly recent thing.
The references I made are from much earlier.
No doubt everything that happened and the reasons DHS was created didn't help, that alone wasn't the cause for the change in attitude.